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Action Plan行动计划 (指2010年11月在韩国举行的20国集团领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会通过的宣言中提出的行动计划)
Action plan for Growth and Jobs《增长和就业行动计划》
additional payment plan of undertaking expense追加事业费用款计划
annual borrowing plan年度贷款计划
automatic investment plan自动投资计划
automatic reinvestment plan自动再投资计划
bail-out plan纾困计划
bank charge plan银行赊账计划
bonus plan红利分配计划
borrowing plan借款计划
budgetary control plan预算控制计划
capital raising plan资金筹集计划
carry out the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries on a large scale大范围实施重点产业调整振兴规划
cash balance pension plan现金余额养老金计划
cash balance plan现金余额计划
centrally planned system中央计划体制
comprehensive and integrated plan全面、完整的计划
contributory plan参与供款计划
credit-debit plan借贷法
debit-credit plan借贷记帐法
decreasing premium plan保险费递减保险法
deficit-reduction plan赤字削减计划
defined benefit pension plan养老金固定收益计划
defined contribution plan养老金固定缴款计划
defined contribution plan界定供款计划
disaster recovery plan灾后重建计划
dividend reinvestment plan股息再投资计划
dual plan for standard costs为标准成本制订的双重计划
earnings protection plan收益保障计划
economic responsibility plan经济责任制
employee benefit plan员工福利计划
employee contribution plan员工供款计划
employee stock purchase plan员工购股计划
employee stock repurchase plan员工股票回购计划
EU rescue plan for Greece欧盟为希腊提供的救援计划
European plan欧洲式开帐法膳费另开美国
executive stock option plan管理层股票先购权计划
executive stock option plan经营者股票先购权计划
executive stock option plan经理股票先购权计划
expansion plan扩张计划
final average pay plan最后平均支付方案
final pay plan最终支付方案
financial plan财务计划
financing plan融资计划
fiscal stimulus plan财政刺激计划
flexible payment plan机动偿付计划
fund-raising plan筹资计划
global bail-out plan全球纾困计划
growth plan经济增长计划
implement the package plan for dealing with the global financial crisis实施应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划
increase-decrease plan增减表
individual policy plan个人保险单方案
installment distribution plan with partner’s loans有合伙人贷款之分批付款计划
instalment plan分期付款销货法 (system)
instalment plan分期付款之计划 (system)
instalment plan分期付款计划
insured pension plan养老金投保计划
insured plan承保方案
international rescue plan国际纾困计划
investment-linked savings plan投资挂钩储蓄计划
junior common stock plan次级普通股计划
liquidation plan清算方案
lock box plan锁箱法用于加速收款而减少现金浮动的一种方法
massive stimulus plan大规模经济刺激计划
modify the austerity plan修改紧缩计划
Multi-Year Action Plan跨年度行动计划. (首尔20国集团峰会通过)
multiyear deficit reduction plan长期的赤字削减计划
overall financial plan综合全面财务计划
package mortgage plan一揽子抵押贷款计划
partial plan部分登记法
partial plan of standard accounting标准成本会计部分计算
pattern pension plan养老金方案
payment plan偿付方案
pension plan年金制度
pension plan养老金办法
percentage on original cost plan原始成本百分率法
personal equity plan个人持股计划
plan for Europe-wide bonds欧洲联合主权债券
Plan for Restructuring and Invigorating Ten Key Industries《十大重点产业调整振兴规划》
plan for the appropriation of the surplus盈余分配方案
plan of account会计科目组织
plan of account记帐程序图
plan of redemption偿还计划
plan to internationalise the Chinese currency人民币国际化计划
planned amortization class计划摊还证券
planned budget事先安排的预算
planned cost of work completed完成工作之计划预算
planned costs预期计划成本
planned coverage拟议保险范围
planned expenditure计划中的支出
planned income计划中的收入
planned payment计划付款
planned revenue system计划进款制度
planned times of turnover of current capital流动资金计划周转次数
planned times of turnover of current funds流动资金计划周转次数
planned unite price计划单价
preparation of a distribution plan分配现金计划之编制
preparation of an installment distribution plan分期付款计划表之编制
preparation of cash distribution plan资金分配计划的编制
production financial plan生产财务计划
productive-financial plan生产财务计划
profit and loss plan损益计划
profit plan利润计划
profit-sharing plan利润共享计划
ratio withdrawal plan比率支取计划
recording plan记帐设计
refinancing plan再融资计划
regular withdrawal plan定期提款计划
rescue plan纾困计划
rescue plan for the eurozone欧元区救助计划
reserve for retirement plan a/c退职金专款帐户
restructuring plan重组计划
retirement plan退休条例
retrospective bonus plan红利分配追溯法
retrospective rating plan追溯过去记录的费率法
revolving credit plan循环信贷计划
savings plan储蓄计划
savings vacation plan储蓄度假计划
self-administered pension plan自我管理的养老金方案
self-insured pension plan自我承保养老金方案
share repurchase plan股份回购计划
short-range profit plan短期利润计划
short-term auditing plan短期审计计划
short-term plan of auditing projects审计项目短期计划
single plan单一登记法
single plan of standard cost accounting标准成本会计的单一计划
single-entry plan单式记账法
standard plan of amortization分期摊还标准法
state economic development plan国家国民经济发展计划
state planned economy国家计划经济
stock acquisition plan股票收购计划
stock option incentive plan股票期权激励计划
stock option plan股票期权计划
the emerson plan伊姆生制工资制
the Gantt Plan甘德制工资制
trust plan信托计划
Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period第十二个五年计划时期
unified credit plan audit统一信贷计划审计
uninsured pension plan无承包责任的养老金方案
variance from planned cost of material材料计划成本差异
wage advance plan预付工资制
well planned audit经过周密计划的审计
withdrawal plan提款计划