
Terms for subject Economy containing planned | all forms | exact matches only
a borrower plan贷款计划
a borrowing plan贷款计划
a capacity plan海轮舱容图
a gainful sharing plan收益分配计划
a game plan行动计划
a graph of fulfillment of plan计划完成情况图
a guidance plan指导性计划
a guiding plan指导性计划
a measured day rate plan定期评奖工资制
a measured day rate plan测定的日给计划
a non-compensatory stock option plan非补偿性认股选择权方案
a non-contributory pension plan不分担的退休金的办法
a non-minimum balance plan无最少余额计划
a non-notification plan不通知转账法
a non-qualified pension plan无资格享受纳税优惠的年金计划
a party plan酒会策略
a passenger transport plan旅客运输计划
a publishing plan出版计划
a recording plan记账设计
a retrospective bonus plan红利分配追溯法
abiding the law of planned and proportionate development遵循有计划、按比例发展的规律
account number plan账户编号法 (表)
accumulation plan积累计划
accumulation plan积累购储方案
adjustable seigniorage plan移动铸造税法 (计划)
administrative set-up of the state plan国家计划管理机构
allocate a plan配载计划
alternate term plan更替项目计划
American Plan美式收费制
American plan美国旅馆的膳宿等费合并计算制
amortization plan of payment分期摊还法
an allocation plan配载计划
an electrification plan电气化计划
an engineering design plan工程设计方案
an overhaul plan大修理计划
an unfunded pension plan无基金退休金计划
Angell Plan安吉尔计划一项改革国际货币制度的计划
annual production plan年度生产计划
Any change in the terms of the agreement during its execution would upset our plan协议执行中对其条款作任何变动,都会打乱我们的计划
appropriation plan调拨计划
area contingency plan地区互联计划
assembly and operations plan装配和操作计划
audit plan审计计划
Because of the strike the productive plan will be subject to unavoidable delays由于这次罢工,生产计划不可避免地会推迟完成
Bernstein plan伯恩斯坦计划
Bernstein plan伯恩斯坦计划国际货币计划
Beveridge plan贝弗里奇计划英国社会保险计划
bonds plan分红制
bonds plan奖金制
bonus plan红利分配法
borrowing plan贷款计划
budget plan分期付款计划
business plan经营计划
capital construction plan基本建设计划
capital spending plan投资计划
capitalist planned economy资本主义计划经济
career plan职业规划
cargo plan船舶积载图
cargo plan船货配载图
carpenter plan喀盆塔分保计划
Carpenter Plan卡彭特分保计划
centrally planned economics中央计划经济
centrally planned economies中央计划经济
centrally planned economies中央计划经济
centrally planned economy国家计划经济
centrally planned economy countries中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
centrally planned economy countries中央计划经济国家
centrally planned economy country中央计划经济国家简写为CPE国家
city specifically designated in the state plan计划单列市
cleared as planned按计划出港
Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia科伦坡南亚及东南业经济合作发展计划
commodity distribution plan商品流转计划
commodity fund plan management商品资金计划管理
community unit plan地方本位制
complex stock option plan复杂认股权选择方案
consumption plan消费计划
container load plan装箱单
contractual plan分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计划
contractual plan合约计划
contractual plan契约的计划
contribution plan分担办法
contributory pension plan共同出资的年金计划 (scheme)
contributory pension plan分担退休基金办法 (scheme)
conversion plan转换贷款
conversion plan转换计划
cost plan工程概算
cost plan投资计划
country action plan国家行动计划
country marketing plan美国的国家市场分析报告
country marketing plan国家市场销售计划
Country Office Work Plan国家办事处工作计划
Country Work Plan国别工作计划
daily plan efficiency report工厂设备效率日报
daily transport plan日运输计划
damage protection plan破损保险
day rate plan日给制
defined-benefit plan明确受益方案
defined-contribution plan有明确规定的养老金缴纳方案
development cost plan开发费用计划
dividends profit-sharing plan延期利润分成方案
down payment plan押金制度
draw up a plan制订计划
dual plan双重计划
dual plan双行登记法
economy above the plan超计划节约
employee profit sharing plan职工利润分享计划
employee stock ownership plan员工持股计划
employees stock plan向公司职员出售股票的计划
employment plan劳动力就业计划
equalization-fee plan平准费法
estimate and test plan估计和试验计划
European plan供宿不供膳制
European plan欧洲式开账法
exclusive marketing plan排他性销售计划
expenditure plan开支计划
extensive plan of agricultural development宏伟的农业发展计划
family assistance plan家庭补助计划
family plan家庭计划
farm budget plan农业预算计划
farm plan农场计划
Federal Implementation Plan联邦执行计划
final stowage plan实载图
final stowage plan最后积载图
financing plan财务计划
financing plan财政计划
finn planned order确定的计划订货
firm plan定案计划
firm's takeover plan公司的接管计划
fixed horizon plan固定范围的计划
fixed-benefit plan固定受益计划
food-first plan食品优先计划
formulate a plan拟订计划
front-end load plan分期定额付款的契约性信托投资计划
front-end loan plan合约计划
front-end loan plan分期定额付款的契约性投资信托计划
fulfillment of a plan完成计划
fulfillment of transportation cost plan运输成本计划的完成
fulfilment of a plan完成计划
fulfilment of transportation cost plan运输成本计划的完成
full funded plan筹集
gain sharing plan收益分配计划
Gantt premium plan甘特奖励计划
general level of planned prices计划价格总水平
general-plan of working经营总计划
government-planned prices国家计划价格
gradual retirement plan逐渐退职计划
ground plan最初方案
group annuity plan集体年金方案
group payment plan集体付款制 (system)
group payment plan团体给付制 (system)
group sequential sampling plan分组连续取样法
health insurance plan健康保险计划
hourly wage plan计时工资计划
I will send a fax of the design plan我将把此项设计方案电传过去
increasing premium plan保险费累加法
incrementally optimal plan增值最佳方案
indicative world plan预估世界计划
installment plan分期付款销售计划
insured pension plan保险的养老金计划
insured pension plan投保的养老金计划
integrated maintenance management plan综合维修管理计划
intensive marketing plan密集式销售计划
investment outside the plan计划外投资
job plan作业计划
joint installation plan联合安装计划
joint technical development plan联合技术开发计划
large scale floor plan大规模地面计划
lay or form a plan制订计划
lay away plan逐月付款积累购买法
layaway plan暂不取货
layaway plan逐步付款的累积购买法
level-funding plan平均筹集基金方案
Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Cooperation关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言与行动计划1975 年 3 月联合国工业发展组织第二次大会在秘鲁首都利马通过的宣言,简称利马宣言
Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Cooperation利马宣言、 关于工业发展与合作的利马宣言与行动计划1975 年 3 月联合国工业发展组织第二次大会在秘鲁首都利马通过的宣言,简称"利马宣言"
loading plan装船计划
lock box plan锁箱法
lock box plan邮箱计划
long-range plan长远规划
long-term plan长期规划
low income centrally planned economy低收入中央计划经济 (国家)
low-income centrally planned economy低收入中央计划经济国家
macroeconomic plan总体经济计划
main targets of the plan计划的主要指标
maintenance reference plan维护参考计划
management of economic plan经济计划管理
Market-Oriented Cooperation Plan美国、日本的市场导向合作计划
Marshall plan马歇尔计划
medium-term outline plan中期计划纲要
medium-term plan中期规划
meet the state plan's requirements on date, quantity and quality按期、按质、 按量完成国家计划
model stock plan标准库存量制
modernization management plan现代化管理计划
monthly investment plan月份投资办法计划
multiple time rate plan多样的时间工资计划
multi-year operational plan多年作业计划
national economic plan国民经济计划
negative-tax plan免税计划
negative-tax plan贴补计划
network plan网状计划
non-contributory pension plan不分担的退休金办法
notification plan通知转账法
open skies plan开放天空计划
operating plan运行【操作】计划
organization plan企业等的组织结构图
output and finance plan企业的生产财务计划
overall plan全面计划
overall plan总计划
overall plan整体计划
package plan综合计划
package plan揽子计划
partial plan部分计划
partially funded plan部分筹集基金的方案
passenger transport plan旅客运输计划
pattern farm plan模式农场计划
pay on the installment plan分期付款计划
pay-as-you-go plan按程收费计划
pay-as-you-go plan分期付款计划
pension plan抚恤金办法
perfect one's plan改进计划
piece rate wage plan计件工资制
plan a schedule of shipment安排出运时间
plan-and-equipment expenditure program生产性资产投资计划
plan-and-equipment expenditure programme生产性资产投资计划
plan, Do, check, Action工作循环-计划、实施、检查、处置
plan for development and operation开发和经营计划
plan for development and operation挪威油气田开发与经营计划
plan for maintenance维修计划
plan investment计划投资
plan of accounts账户计划
plan of expenditure开支计划
plan-oriented economy market计划经济市场
plan-oriented market economy system适应市场经济的计划体系
plan target计划任务
plan year计划年度
planned agriculture计划性农业
planned cost计划费用
planned cost计划开支
planned development有计划发展
planned economics计划经济
planned economy as the key link计划经济为主
planned economy playing the leading role and market regulate on supplementary role市场调节为辅
planned economy playing the leading role and market regulate on supplementary role计划经济为主
planned maintenance during overhaul大修期内计划保养
planned maintenance system计划维修系统
planned parity一个家庭中计划子女数
planned performance预期成效
planned performance计划预定完成指数
planned preventive maintenance有计划的预防性维修
planned purchase and marketing by the state统购统销
planned purchase and supply统购统销
planned value计划价值
preauthorized check plan在银行预交保险金的人寿保险计划
pre-stowage plan配载草图
preventive maintenance management plan预防性维管理计划
product quality evaluation plan产品质量鉴定计划
profit improvement plan利润改善计划
profit improvement plan and performance evaluation利润改善计划与执行情况评价
project master plan项目总规划
project operation plan项目实施计划
proposals to plan计划建议
provisional plan近期计划
publishing plan出版计划
quantitative and qualitative indicators of plan计划的数量和质量指标
railway wagon using plan铁路车皮使用计划
realize a plan实现计划
recommended team plan推荐的项目组计划
relative quantities of fulfilment of plan计划完成相对数
retirement plan退休法 (计划)
risk management plan风险管理计划
rolling plan逐年扩展计划
Roosa plan鲁莎国际金融计划
rough plan简图
safety operating plan安全操作计划
salary reduction plan薪金扣除计划
sampling plan抽样检査计划
saving and investment plan节巧与投资计划
savings and investment plan节巧与投资计划
Scanlon plan激励经营方案
Schumann plan舒曼计划
scientific and technical exploitation plan科技开发计划【方案】
shelve a plan将计划搁置下来
short-term plan短期计划
single levy plan一次课税方案
stamp plan食品券计划
standard plan of amortization分期摊还标准法
state planned system国家计划制度
stock-purchase plan认购股票计划
stowage plan船上货物堆积图
stowage plan船舶配载图
Strategic Petroleum Reserve Plan美国战略石油储备计划
technical development plan技术发展计划
the Halsey premium plan赫尔西奖励工资制
the highlights of the plan计划要点
The manager didn't realize his plan for sales because directors had voted against it经理没有实现他的推销计划因为董事们投票反对此项计划
The marketing plan seems very desirable, but what will it be in practice n.?营销计划似乎非常理想,但实施起来又会怎样呢?
the non-planned transport计划外运输
the plan concerning manpower and pay scales劳动工资计划
The plan shall be published by a unanimous consent of all directors全体董事一致同意公布该计划
The planned economy is a system where the government plans all business activity计划经济是政府对一切商业活动实行计划管理的体系
the prestowage plan配载草图
the semi-planned market regulation半计划调节
They have not been cooperative over the productivity plan他们在生产计划方面一直没有合作
This sales plan might prove abortive but it is worth trying out这个销售计划也许不能成功,但仍值得一试
This transnational corporation planned to invest in this project这家跨国公司计划对这一项工程投资
time-premium plan定时奖励计划
training plan培训计划
Triffin Plan特里芬计划
two-tier wage plan双重工资计划
unified plan统一规则
unified plan综合规则
unit test plan单元【装置】试验计划
variable or flexible plan可变偿还法
veto a plan否决计划
voluntary deferral plan自愿推迟收入计划
wage-incentive plan奖励工资制
We are glad to prepare a master plan as specified in the technical specifications我方乐意按照技术规格说明书的规定,备好一份主要计划
We find your plan feasible我们觉得你方的计划行得通
We shall not be obligated to reveal our profit-sharing plan不得强制我方透露利润分配方案
well-laid plan周详的计划
withdrawal plan退股方案
world plan of action世界行动计划
Your plan is not workable你的计划是行不通的