
Terms for subject Economy containing places | all forms | exact matches only
a named place of delivery指定交货地点
A notice with the provision of non-discrimination was posted in conspicuous places一张具有一视同仁条款的通知张贴在明显的场所
a place of arrival到达地点
a place of business营业所
a place of business营业地点
a place of delivery交货地点
A successful businessman has to familiarize himself with the local conditions at the place where he is going to do business一个成功的商人必须熟悉他要去做生意的那个地方的当地情况
agreed place of shipment约定的装运地点
cash against documents at place and time of shipment装船时凭单付款
choice of occupation and the place of office职业与就业场所的选择
eating place公共饮食业
estimated original oil in place估计的原油储量
franco place of destination到达目的地交货价
gain admittance to a place准许进入某地
If we repeat this quality they will place regular orders with us如果此后质量也很好,他们将向我们定期订货
If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
If your prices are fair we can place a large order with you but we request you to give us a substantial discount如果你方的价格公道,我方可向你方大量订购,但我方要求给我们较大的折扣
In no place can we sell to better advantage than in this direction我们能卖得价格最高的地方莫过于此地
in place适当的 (not in place, 不适当的)
in place of代替
in the first second, third place首先 (其次,第三)
in your place在你处
incorporated place法人代表
It follows that the one against whom you should place your claim is the shipowner故你方要求赔偿的对象应是船主
keep in a dry place勿受潮湿
keep in a dry place在冷 〔干〕处保存
keep in a dry place保持干燥
keep in dark place放于暗处
keep in dry place保持干燥
keep in dry place勿受潮湿
known economic reserves in places已探明储量
no place无地点
number of purchases and sales taking place买和卖的次数
payment of tax in place of the handing of profit以税代利
place a reserve确定准备金
place an embargo on对…予以禁止 (限制)
place an embargo on对…实行禁运
place an order for订购某货 (sth.)
place an order with向某人订购某货 (sb.)
place goods on trial sale试销
place hunter求职者
place of abode居住地点
place of capital in economic progress资本在经济发展中的地位
place of discharge卸货地点
place of dispatch起运地
place of drawing汇票开票地点
place of first sale第一销售地
place of first sale第一销售点
place of return集装箱还箱地点
place of value地位价值
place of worship宗教活动场所
place the sum to his account把这笔款项记入他的账内
place-to-~ comparison逐地比较
place utility地方效用 (产品送达需求场所后产生的效用)
place utility必要的场所
places of worship宗教活动场所
Please particularize the time and place of the negotiation in the written notice请在书面通知里,详细说明谈判时间及地点
Please understand that it's necessary for us to place stress on this point请理解我们强调这一点是必要的
Product, Price, Place, Promotion企业经营4要素产品、价格、渠道、促销
product, price, place, promotion, power, public relation大市场营销6要素产品、价格、渠道、促销、活动能力、公共关系
remedies as regards the place of delivery对交货地点的法律救济
take place发生
take the place of代替
The amended L/C took the place of the one established previously这份修改过的信用证代替以前所开的那一份
The committee specified the date and place for a meeting in the notice委员会在通知中说明会议的日期和地点
The disputes arising from the contract should be submitted for arbitration in the place where the defendant domiciles合同中发生的纠纷应提交给被诉人住地的仲裁机构仲裁
The domicile and principal place of business of this corporation is located at Garden Street, Cambridge这家公司的所在地及主要营业地点在坎布里奇市花园街
The finish is not good and the enamel has cracked in some places光洁度不佳,多处珐琅破裂
The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time本地洪水持续了好几天,因此我们不能按时发货
The market at this place is lively at present本地市场目前活跃
The partner will get suitable accomodation in our place合伙人将在我处得到恰当的食宿安排
The payment is to take place immediately upon signing of this contract本合同一经签字,应立即支付款项
The plant is located at the place designated by managing director工厂位于总经理指定的地区
The quality similar to your pattern can be bought at much lower price than yours from other places可从别处以比你低得多的价格购到与你方式样相仿的优质产品
The shop sent the items to a wrong place by mistake由于差错,商店把货物发错了地方
The time and place of delivery are stipulated in the next subdivision of this paragraph本段的下一小节中规定了交货时间、地点
There are unconfirmed reports that buyers in that place are trying to stock up有未经确认的报导说,该地的买主正在积极囤货
This basin is not good and the enamel has cracked in some places这只盆子不好,搪瓷多处破裂
value of new construction put in place新建筑完成量价值
value-putin-place estimate根据定价估计价值
We are unable to place an order for from want of samples由于缺乏样品,義们无法定货
We can guarantee a consistent supply of commodities to you if you place an order for goods regularly如你方不断订货,我方保证经常供应你方所需商品
We cannot place more orders with you on this item due to import limits由于进口限制,我们不能就此项再向你方发更多的订单
We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务
We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post我方将把根据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点
work in place原地作业