
Terms for subject China containing places | all forms | exact matches only
agreed stopping place约定的经停地点
arrest or place on criminal trial逮捕或者刑事审判
at place other than frontier ports非口岸地点
blockade the endangered place封锁危险场所
cheque used in a place other than the place of issue异地使用的支票
commit crime from one place to another流窜作案
customs at the place of departure出境地海关
customs office at the place where the goods enter the territory进境地海关
designated place指定的区域
detain or arrest a person in another place异地执行拘留、逮捕
disturb the public order at public places扰乱公共场所秩序
elections conducted in their place of domicile居住地的选举
eye-catching place显著位置
first place is given to conservation把节约放在首位
impose administrative penalty in place of criminal penalty以行政处罚代替刑罚
in place of another expense代替费用
in place of criminal penalty代替刑事处罚
include in the list of the key places for security列为国家重点警戒目标
keep in separate place分开存放
law of the place of one's conduct行为地法律
law of the place of domicile住所地法律
law of the place of domicile of the decedent被继承人住所地法律
law of the place of issue出票地法律
law of the place of payment付款地法律
law of the place where the marriage was licensed婚姻缔结地法律
laws of the place where the crime is committed犯罪地的法律
move to another place for bee-keeping转地放蜂
occupation of public places占领公共场所
place a high value on高度重视,狠抓
place a high value on高度重视
place emphasis on assisting实施重点帮助
place for out-of-school activities校外活动场所
place for practice实习场所
place for public activities社会公众活动的场所
place for security警戒目标
place for the execution执行场所
place great importance on formulating and passing a law on高度重视……的立法工作 (smth)
place in the order of顺位
place in the order of mortgage interest抵押权的顺位
place obstacles放置障碍物
place of delivery运往地
place of demarcation for property rights产权分界处
place of departure启运地
place of departure出发地点
place of destination目的地点
place of execution法场
place of issue出票地
place of performance履行地点
place of permanent residence永久居住地
place of registration注册地
place of repatriation遣返场所
place of one's residence住所地
place of residence居留地点
place of ship registry船籍港所在地
place of stop经停地
place of the defendant's被告所在地
place of the defendant's domicile被告住所地
place of the infringement侵权行为实施地
place of the port of re-transportation转运港所在地
place on file立卷归档
place the bills or proposals on the agenda of a session the Congress列入会议议程
place on the agenda of a session列入会议议程
place on the market for sale上市销售
place other than the place of the registered residence非户籍所在地
place out the child for adoption送养
place the ship under insurance coverage对该船舶进行保险
place where an act of tort occurred侵权行为地
place where an infringing act is committed侵权行为地
place where any suspected irregularity has happened发生场所
place where pollution occurred污染发生地
place where one's residence is registered户籍所在地
place where tax is paid纳税地点
place where the case originated案件发生地
place where the contract is performed合同履行地
place where the labor contract is performed劳动合同履行地
place where the main administrative office is located主要办事机构所在地
place where the object of the guaranteed compensation is located保赔标的物所在地
place where the participant assemble集合地
place where the participant disperse解散地
place where the property subjected to execution被执行的财产所在地
place where the real estate is located不动产所在地
place where the receiving unit is located用工单位所在地
place where the relevant event occurred事实发生地
place where the salvage took place救助地
place where the ship is arrested船舶扣押地
place where the transferee has the domicile受让人住所地
place where the withholding obligor is located扣缴义务人所在地
place which has actual connection with the dispute与纠纷有实际联系的地点
places of historical and cultural interest名胜古迹
places of labor through reeducation劳教场所
places of reform through labor劳教场所
places where livestock and poultry are collected and distributed畜禽集散地
principal place where the crime was committed主要犯罪地
principle of returning to the place where they came from从哪里来、回哪里去的原则
public gathering place公众聚集场所
resolve conflicts at the local level in the place where they arise把矛盾化解在基层、解决在当地
send back to the place of residence遣回原地
send someone back by force to one's place of residence强行遣回原地
show place演播场所
subject to questioning at an appointed time and place双规
summon to a designated place传唤到指定地点
under investigation at appointed duration and place双规