
Terms for subject Commerce containing place | all forms | exact matches only
apparent place真实位置
calculated to three decimal places计算至小数第三位
If you can assure regular supplies, we're ready to place substantial orders with you如果你方保证经常供货,我方将乐于向你方大量订购
If your price is moderate, we'll place a substantial order with you如果你方价格适当,我方将向你方订购一大笔货物
in the place of代替
It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present目前在我处销售这些货物相当困难
place an advertisement in a newspaper在报上登广告
Place an embargo on ships and commerce禁止通商通航
place designated for delivery指定交货地点
place emphasis on uniform quality强调质量统一
place goods in bond把货物扣于海关仓库以待完税
place goods on trial sale试销产品
place money on deposit存款
place of contract performance合约履行地点
place of destination目的港
place of drawing汇票出票地点
place of inspection检验地点
place of production生产地点
place of shipment装船地点
place of transhipment转船地点
place of usual residence常住地点
place on the market销售
place the goods in storage把货物贮藏起来
place the goods in the custody of the consolidator把货物交由拼装商监管
place the goods on exhibition展岀商品
place the proper interpretation on the text对原文加以适当解释
prepare to place large orders准备大量订货
starting place of shipping起运地点
stow in cool place置于凉处
The seller is liable for the carriage on and from the quay to the ultimate place of destination of the cargoes卖方负担从码头至最终目的地货物的运费
There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us买主无意向我方递交新的订单
This is to take the place of the previous invoice这份发票是替代以前开岀的那份发票
time, place and occasion时间,地点与场合
true place真实位置
We hope to place further orders with you in this line我们希望今后继续向你方订购这类商品