
Terms for subject Aviation containing pitching | all forms | exact matches only
addition of pitch添加沥青
adjustable pitch device可调螺距装置
aircraft pitch飞机的俯仰
aircraft pitch attitude飞机的俯仰姿态
aircraft pitch control task飞机的俯仰控制任务
angle of pitch俯仰角 (θ)
angular velocity in pitch俯仰角速度
auto-pitch control system俯仰自动控制系统
auto-pitch control system indicator自动俯仰控制系统指示器
auto pitch rocking自动俯仰摇摆
autocoarse pitch自动调距
automatic pitch-coarsening螺旋桨自动变大距
automatic pitch control自动俯仰控制
automatic pitch warning自动俯仰告警
automatic reverse pitch自动反架
autopilot pitch control servo自动驾驶仪俯仰控制伺服系统
axial pitch轴向俯仰
blade cyclic pitch桨叶周期变距
blade pitch叶片距
blade section pitch桨叶剖面安装角
coarse pitch大距
coarse pitch大螺距
coarse pitch高距
collective pitch油门变距
collective pitch总距
collective pitch angle总距角
collective pitch stick总距-油门杆
collective pitch stick总距操纵杆
constant pitch等间距
controllable pitch可控桨距
controllable pitch变距
cyclic pitch周期螺距
cyclic-pitch stick驾驶杆
cyclic-pitch stick周期变距操纵杆
derivative of pitching damping moment coefficient俯仰阻尼力矩系数导数
diametric pitch齿轮径节
effective pitch有效桨矩
effective pitch ratio螺旋奖的有效相对桨距 (即桨距与直径之比)
electronic control assembly pitch俯仰电子控制组件
electronic control assembly pitch and yaw俯仰和偏航电子控制组件
experimental mean pitch实际平均螺距
experimental mean pitch平均实验桨距 (在无力情况下旋转一周前进的距离)
fine pitch低距
fine pitch小距
fine pitch stop螺旋桨小螺距限动钉
fine pitch stop螺旋梁小距限动钉
fine pitch stop低距止动点 (螺旋桨的)
fixed pitch propeller定距螺旋桨
fixed pitch propeller定距螺桨
forward pitch amplifier前俯仰放大器
geared variable pitch fan齿轮传动变距风扇
geared variable-pitch fan齿轮传动变距风扇
geometric pitch螺旋桨的几何桨距
ground fine pitch地面小距 (无反推装置的螺旋桨工作状态,以增大阻力)
ground fine pitch地面小距 (螺旋桨变距)
ground fine pitch stop地面小距限动锁 (桨毂上的锁定机构,起落架压缩或受其他信号控制时可解脱锁钩)
gyrocontrolled vernier rocket pitch stabilization subsystem陀螺微调火箭俯仰稳定子系统
high pitch高距
high pitch大距
higher harmonic pitch control高次谐波桨距控制
horizon and pitch scale地平与俯仰刻度
low pitch低距
manual pitch recovery人工俯仰恢复
mean geometric pitch平均几何螺距
nominal pitch标准螺距
out of pitch桨叶错距 (螺旋桨或旋翼在同一半径处,一个桨叶的桨距与其他桨叶的桨距不同)
pitch acceleration俯仰加速度
pitch active control system俯仰主动控制系统
pitch and roll attitude俯仰与侧滚姿态
pitch-and-roll stabilized system俯仰倾侧稳定系统
pitch attitude俯仰角
pitch attitude俯仰高度
pitch attitude hold俯仰姿态控制
pitch attitude sensor俯仰姿态传感器
pitch attitude trim俯仰姿态配平
pitch autopilot module俯仰自动驾驶模块
pitch autopilot module自动驾驶俯仰组件
pitch axis俯仰轴线、飞机横轴
pitch bucking俯仰颠簸
pitch cones分圆锥
pitch cones分度锥
pitch cones节锥
pitch control俯仰操纵
pitch control俯仰控制机构
pitch control augmentation system俯仰控制增稳系统
pitch control task分度曲线
pitch control task啮合曲线
pitch control unit俯仰控制装置
pitch control wheel驾驶盘俯仰控制
pitch control wheel steering驾驶盘俯仰操纵
pitch curve节锥曲线
pitch curves节锥曲线
pitch deformation angle纵摇变形角
pitch diameter节圆直径节径
pitch diameter电缆的半均直径
pitch diameter螺纹的中径
pitch erection cut off俯仰修正切断
pitch-flap coupling coefficient挥舞变距耦合系数
pitch follow up operation俯仰随动操作
pitch follow up system俯仰随动系统
pitch gimbal纵摇悬架
pitch gyroscope俯仰陀螺仪
pitch heave轴向铰
pitch heave变距铰
pitch hinge轴向铰
pitch hinge旋翼的变距铰
pitch lever油门变距杆
pitch lever自动驾驶仪的俯仰通路手柄
pitch lever直升机的总距油门杆
pitch limit indication俯仰极限指示
pitch limit indicator俯仰极限指示器
pitch line基线
pitch line俯仰线
pitch line中心线
pitch line齿轮或齿条的节线
pitch moment变桨力矩
pitch motion俯仰操纵机构
pitch motion cue纵摇
pitch-pause point飞机为创高度记录上仰急跃升
pitch-pause point飞机在失速转弯时从最高点作俯仰转动
pitch-pause point火箭的程序俯仰转动
pitch plane节平面
pitch pointing俯仰定向
pitch range间距范围
pitch rate俯仰率
pitch rate俯仰角速率
pitch rate俯仰速度
pitch rate control俯仰速度控制
pitch ratio螺旋桨相对螺距
pitch ratio螺距直径比
pitch ratio controller俯仰率控制器
pitch reaction control system俯仰反应控制系统
pitch reference俯仰基准
pitch response俯仰反应
pitch/roll attitude俯仰/横滚姿态
pitch/roll attitude warning system俯仰/滚转姿态警告系统
pitch, roll attitude warning system俯仰,滚转姿态告警系统
pitch, roll, azimuth reference system俯仰、横滚与方位参考系统
pitch/roll control assembly俯仰/滚转操纵组件
pitch, roll rate changer assembly俯仰,滚转率变换装置
pitch/roll servo system monitor俯仰/横滚伺服系统监控器
pitch rotation轮流调换摊位
pitch setting桨距调整
pitch setting螺旋桨或旋翼的桨距调定
pitch size桨叶在某一时刻的实际桨距
pitch speed桨距速度
pitch speed节距速度
pitch stability俯仰安定性
pitch stability augmentation俯仰增稳
pitch stability augmentation system俯仰增稳系统
pitch stability control augmentation system俯仰稳定控制增强系统
pitch stabilization subsystem俯仰稳定子系统
pitch stabilization system俯仰稳定系统
pitch stabilization unit俯仰稳定装置
pitch steering order俯仰控制指令
pitch stick sensor俯仰驾驶传感器
pitch thrust vector control俯仰推力矢量控制
pitch tracking基音周期提取
pitch tracking基音跟踪
pitch trim俯仰配平
pitch trim compensator仰俯配平补偿器
pitch trim compensator俯仰配平补偿器
pitch up illusion上仰错觉
pitch upset失去俯仰安定性
pitching-moment coefficient俯仰力矩系数
pitching up illusion上仰错觉
pitching velocity俯仰变化速度
positive pitch正桨距
propeller pitch螺旋桨螺距
propeller pitch推进器倾斜
propeller pitch indicator桨距表
rotor pitch indicator桨距指示器
screw pitch gauge螺纹规
screw pitch gauge螺矩规
seat pitch座椅排距
seat trajectory and pitch attitude control座椅轨迹和俯仰姿态控制
selective pitch选距
standard pitch标准桨距 (螺旋桨的桨在螺旋桨三分之二半径处测得的几何桨距,用百分数的形式来表示,又称 nominal pitch (标称节距))
trajectory optimization and linearized pitch轨道最佳化与线性化间距
trim pitch俯仰配平
vane pitch叶栅栅距
vane pitch叶片节距
variable angle, variable pitch可变螺距
variable angle, variable pitch可变角
variable pitch可变桨距
variable pitch propeller可变桨距螺旋桨
variable pitch propeller可变螺距螺旋桨
variable pitch propeller变距螺〔旋〕桨
variable pitch propeller可变节距推进器
variable pitch propeller变距螺旋桨
yaw and pitch sensing偏航与俯仰传感
zero thrust pitch零推力桨距
zero-thrust pitch零推力螺距