
Terms containing pier | all forms | exact matches only
tech.aisle pier侧房扶壁
tech.aisle pier走廊支柱
tech.alongside a pier靠码头
tech.anchor pier锚固桥墩
tech.anchoring pier桥梁的锚墩
tech.angle pier角垛
tech.anti-collision pier抗撞墩
tech.arcade pier拱支墩
tech.arcade pier连拱墩
tech.arcade pier连拱支墩
tech.arch and pier system拱墩系统
tech.ashlar pier琢石桥墩
tech.ashlar pier琢石墩
tech.ashlar pier琢石柱
tech.baffle pier消能墩
tech.baffle pier挡墩
tech.baffle pier砥礅
gen.baffle pier砥〔消力,分水〕墩
tech.bank of pier桥台
tech.bank pier桥墩
tech.bank pier岸边桥墩
tech.barrel pier筒形支墩
tech.batter pier斜面墩
tech.batter pier斜面桥墩
tech.batter pier斜面式墩
tech.bent pier架式桥墩
tech.berthing pier靠船墩
shipb.berthing pier系泊码头
tech.blind pier部分筑在墙内的墩子
tech.blind pier capital附墙柱头
tech.blind pier capital筑在墙内的部分墩顶
tech.bracing to piers支撑在墩上
tech.breakwater pier防波堤码头
tech.breakwater pier head防波堤堤头
tech.breakwater pier head防波堤岸码头
tech.breakwater pier head防波堤头部
tech.brick pier砖柱
tech.brick pier砖墩
tech.brickwork pier砖墩
tech.bridge pier墙垛
tech.bridge pier body of ashlar stone face filled with rubble masonry条石砌面中填毛石圬工桥墩身
tech.bridge pier body of cellular reinforced concrete空腹空格钢筋混凝土桥墩身
tech.bridge pier body of rubble masonry毛石圬工桥墩身
tech.bridge pier light桥柱灯
tech.bundle of piers桩群
tech.bundle of piers桩组
tech.bundle pier群墩
tech.bundle pier群柱形墙墩
tech.buried pier靠岸桥墩
tech.buried pier埋人式桥台
tech.buried pier墩式桥台
tech.buried pier岸墩
tech.buried pier埋入式桥墩
tech.butment pier岸墩
tech.butment pier靠岸桥墩
tech.buttressed pier扶柱
tech.buttressing pier拱座
tech.buttressing pier支墩
tech.buttressing pier or wall扶垛或扶垛墙
tech.cable anchorage pier电缆夹钢丝绳锚固支柱
tech.cable anchorage pier钢丝绳锚固支墩
tech.cable anchorage pier电缆夹钢丝绳锚固台
tech.cable anchorage pier电缆夹钢丝绳锚固支墩
tech.cable anchorage pier钢丝绳锚固台
tech.cable anchorage pier缆索锚固墩
tech.cantoned pier隅角墩
tech.cantoned pier哥特式复式柱
tech.cantoned pier隅角墩柱
tech.cap of pier桥墩台顶帽
tech.cattle pier牲畜码头
tech.cellular pier格型墩
tech.cellular pier空心桥墩
tech.cellular steel sheet pile pier格形钢板桩码头
tech.central pier中心墩
tech.centre pier中心墩
tech.centre pier中墩
tech.centre pier中心桥墩
tech.clustered pier合成柱
tech.clustered pier束形柱
tech.clustered piers簇墩
tech.clustered piers集墩
tech.clustered piers集束桥墩
tech.clustered piers群柱
tech.coaling pier加煤码头
tech.column bent pier柱墩
tech.column pier式桥
tech.column supported pier桥墩式码头
tech.column supported pier墩座栈桥
tech.column-like pier柱形桥墩
tech.composite pier装配式桥墩
tech.composite pier组合式桥墩
tech.compound pier束形柱
tech.compound pier哥待式建筑的集束柱
tech.compound pier合成柱
tech.corner pier角柱石
tech.coupled column pier双柱式桥墩
tech.crib pier叠木支座
tech.crib pier木笼
tech.cross pier十字形墩
tech.cross pier十字形柱
tech.crossing pier角柱
tech.cross-shape pier十字形支墩
tech.cross-shape pier十字形支柱
tech.cruciform pier十字形柱墩
tech.cupola pier圆拱墩
port.facil.cylinder pier圆柱墩
tech.cylinder pier圆筒形码头
tech.cylinder pier圆柱形
tech.cylinder pier圆筒墩
port.facil.cylinder pier圆形码头
tech.cylindric pier圆柱
tech.cylindric pier筒形桥墩
tech.cylindric pier圆柱形桥墩
tech.detached pier独立
tech.detached pier岛埠头
tech.detached pier岛式码头
tech.diagonal abutment pier斜岸墩
tech.diagonal buttressing pier斜扶柱
tech.diagonal buttressing pier斜支墩
tech.distyle pier双柱式桥墩
tech.diversion pier分水墩
tech.division pier分水墩
shipb.dock-gate pier坞门墩
tech.double column pier双柱式桥墩
tech.double finger pier双突堤式码头
tech.dumbbell pier哑铃形桥墩
tech.fender pier护堤
tech.fender pier码头防冲桩
tech.ferry landing pier渡口
tech.ferry landing pier轮渡码头
tech.fill-in pier实体突堤
tech.floating landing pier浮式栈桥
shipb.floating pier浮桥码头
tech.footing pier基础结构底座
tech.foundation pier基墩
tech.foundation pier基座
tech.four-sided pier矩形墩
tech.four-sided pier矩形支柱
tech.gate pier门墩 (柱)
tech.gate pier大门墩柱
tech.Gothic buttressing pier哥特式扶壁墩
tech.gravity pier重力式墩台
tech.gravity pier and abutment重力式墩台
tech.hammerhead oil pierT 形石油码头
tech.hammerhead pier塔式起重机支柱
tech.hammerhead pierT 形码头
tech.high piled pier高桩码头
tech.hinged pier铰接桥墩
tech.hinged pier摇座桥墩
tech.hinged pier摆座
tech.hinged pier铰接支墩
tech.house to pier门到码头
tech.house to pier门至港
tech.ice apron of pier桥墩破冰体
tech.ice breaker of bridge pier nose桥墩破冰结构
tech.intermediate pier中间
tech.intermediate pier斗板石
tech.jetty pier突堤码头
tech.jetty pier突堤
tech.jetty pier栈桥式码头
tech.kiln pier转窑
tech.kiln pier基座 (转窑)
nautic., tech.ladder-type pier阶梯式码头
tech.land pier桥台
tech.land pier河岸防波堤
tech.land pier陆地码头
tech.landing pier登岸码头
tech.large-diameter pier大直径支柱
tech.large-diameter pier大直径支墩
tech.light type pier轻型桥墩
tech.lighterage pier车船间货物驳运码头
tech.location of bridge pier桥墩定位
tech.location of pier and abutment桥梁墩台定位
tech.logged crib pier木笼式桥台
tech.main pier主支柱
tech.main pier主桥墩
tech.main pier主墩
tech.marine pier突堤码头
tech.masonry bridge pier圬工桥墩
tech.masonry pier用混凝土块砌成的块砌墩
tech.masonry pier砖石墩
tech.masonry work pier砖石工程码头
tech.masonry work pier砖石工程桥墩
tech.mass concrete pier大块混凝土墩
tech.mass concrete pier大体积混凝土墩
tech.massive concrete pier巨型混凝土墩
tech.massive pier巨大的码头
tech.middle vessel pier教堂的中堂的支柱
tech.miter pier斜面墩
tech.mooring pier系船码头
tech.multiple bell pier复钟式桥墩
tech.nave aisle pier教堂中部的通道墙墩
tech.nave aisle pier建筑物中央大厅的通道墙墩
tech.nose of pier桥墩棱体
tech.notch pier缺口墩
nautic., tech.oil pier油料码头
tech.open pier露天码头
tech.open pier高桩码头
tech.open pier开口防波堤斗支墩
tech.open pier透空式突堤码头
tech.open pier突堤码头
tech.open pier桩基码头
tech.open pier construction空架突堤结构
tech.open pier on pile高桩码头
tech.open pier type空架突堤式
tech.open sea pier外海突堤码头
tech.open-spandrel pier空腹拱墩
tech.open-type pier on piles高桩码头
tech.outfitting pier舣装码头
tech.outfitting pier待装码头
tech.outfitting pier舾装码头
tech.overturning stability piers and abutments墩台倾覆稳定
tech.pair of piers两个墩子
tech.pair of piers两个码头
tech.panel pier节间桥墩
tech.panel pier节格式桥墩
tech.penstock pier压力管道支墩
tech.petroleum pier石油码头
tech.pier abutment墩式桥台
tech.pier and arch system墩拱系统
tech.pier and panel system柱墩划板组
tech.pier and panel wall system壁式框架结构系统
tech.pier and panel wall system柱墩幕墙系统
tech.pier apron码头前沿
tech.pier arcade码头拱廊
tech.pier arcading码头上的连拱饰
tech.pier arch墩顶拱
tech.pier arch墩拱
tech.pier-arch system墩拱系统
shipb.pier barge浮码头
tech.pier base桥墩基座
tech.pier base墩座
tech.pier base桥墩基础
tech.pier base桥梁墩座
tech.pier base plate码头底板
tech.pier basilica码头上长方形交易所
tech.pier bath单间浴室
tech.pier bent墩式排架
tech.pier between two windows窗间墩
tech.pier between two windows窗间砖石墩
refrig.pier between two windows窗间墙
tech.pier block实心块材
tech.pier block砌墩块材
tech.pier body墩体
tech.pier body桥墩体
tech.pier bond码头砌筑
tech.pier bond墩子砌筑
tech.pier bonding墩台砌合法
tech.pier brace retaining wall支墩式挡土墙
tech.pier break-water桥墩分水尖
tech.pier bridge码头栈桥
tech.pier bridge途栈桥
tech.pier buttress支承扶壁的墩
tech.pier capping beam墩盖梁
tech.pier cavity墩空腔
tech.pier cavity墩空穴
tech.pier column桩柱
tech.pier column柱墩
tech.pier column支柱
tech.pier concrete桥墩混凝土
tech.pier contraction coefficient闸墩收缩系数
tech.pier coping桥墩帽石
tech.pier core柱墩心
tech.pier crane码头起重机
tech.pier crew码头带缆工人
tech.pier crew陆上班
tech.pier dam丁坝
tech.pier drainage桥墩排水
tech.pier drainage桥墩排水设施
tech.pier drilling栈桥钻探
tech.pier drilling水上钻井
tech.pier drilling浅海边钻井
tech.pier fender码头防撞设备
tech.pier fender码头防撞设施
tech.pier finger码头突堤
tech.pier-finger type廊道指形式 (客机坪)
tech.pier footing桥墩底座
tech.pier footing桥墩基础
tech.pier footing form桥墩基础模箱
tech.pier for steel aqueduct钢管支墩
ecol.pier for steel aqueduct架钢管桥墩
tech.pier form墩台模板 (work)
tech.pier foundation墩式基础 (structure)
tech.pier foundation桥墩基础
tech.pier foundation by box caisson沉箱墩台基础
tech.pier glass窗间墙镜
tech.pier glass穿衣镜
tech.pier glass窗间镜
tech.pier guard码头防护 (桩)
tech.pier head码头
tech.pier head桥墩墩头
tech.pier head闸墩头 (部)
tech.pier head墩帽
tech.pier head防波堤头部
tech.pier head防波堤堤头
tech.pier head突堤前端
tech.pier head突码头前端
tech.pier head墩顶
tech.pier head突堤堤头
tech.pier head明墩墩头
tech.pier head堤头
gen.pier head line港口建筑线
tech.pier height墩高
tech.pier hole墩孔
tech.pier hose墩头
tech.pier impost码头拱墩
tech.pier load墩负载
tech.pier loss桥墩损失
tech.pier mark墩标
tech.pier master码头长
tech.pier moment墩上力矩
tech.pier nose桥墩鼻尖
tech.pier nose桥墩墩尖
tech.pier nose闸墩前端
tech.pier nose闸墩首部墩尖
tech.pier nose cutwater分水尖 (桥墩)
tech.pier nosing form墩尖模板
tech.pier of rigid frame construction框架墩
tech.pier orientation桥墩方位
tech.pier pocket墩穴
tech.pier-satellite type廊道卫星式 (客机坪)
tech.pier section墩截面
ecol.pier sedimentation码头淤积
tech.pier-shaft jump form work桥墩跳升滑模 (板)
tech.pier shape磁悬浮导轨架形状
tech.pier shed前方仓库
tech.pier shed前方货场
tech.pier side码头前沿
shipb.pier-side crane码头前沿起重机
tech.pier spacing桥墩间距
tech.pier structure of high level platform supported on pile高桩码头结构
tech.pier strut墩柱
tech.pier stub墩柱
tech.pier stub桩柱
tech.pier stub柱墩
tech.pier stud墩柱
tech.pier system突堤式码头系统
tech.pier table桥墩顶台
tech.pier to pier service码头到码头运输业务
tech.pier to pier service港际集装箱运输业务
tech.pier tray桥墩台托盘
tech.pier type桥墩形式
tech.pier-type footing墩式基础
tech.pier-type foundation墩式基础
tech.pier-type hydroelectric station支墩式水电站
tech.pier-type hydroelectrical station支墩式水电站
tech.pier with approach bridge引桥式码头
tech.pier with approach trestle引桥式码头
tech.pier with concave side前沿下凹的码头
tech.piers and slips墩式修船台
tech.piled pier桩式桥墩
tech.piled pier桩基突堤码头
tech.piled pier桩基码头
tech.piled pier桩基栈桥
tech.pneumatic caisson pier气压沉箱桥墩
tech.pneumatic pier气压沉箱桥墩
tech.polygonal pier多角墩
tech.polygonal pier多角支柱
nautic., tech.pontoon pier趸船式码头
tech.portal frame pier门式墩
tech.portal pier门式桥墩
tech.prismatic foundation pier棱柱状基础墩
tech.quay and pier construction码头结构
tech.quay pier防波堤
tech.quay pier突堤码头
tech.quay pier岸壁式突码头
tech.quay pier单边码头
tech.quay pier码头墩柱
tech.quay pier凸堤码头
nautic., tech.ramp-type pier斜坡式码头
tech.rectangular foundation pier矩形基础墩
tech.rectangular pier矩形桥墩
tech.rein forced concrete double-shaft bridge pier body钢筋混凝土双程式桥墩身
shipb.repair pier修船码头
shipb.repair-ship pier修船码头
tech.rest pier支架墩
tech.right-angle pier突堤码头
tech.rigid frame pier刚架墩
tech.rigid frame type flexible pier刚架式柔性墩
tech.rigid framed pier刚构桥墩
tech.rigid-frame pier刚架桥墩
tech.riverbed pier河底桥墩
tech.riverbed pier河床桥墩
tech.riverbed pier河墩
tech.rocker pier铰接桥墩
tech.rocker pier摇座桥墩
tech.rocking pier摇座桥墩
tech.rocking pier摆座
tech.rocking pier摇式桥墩
tech.rocking pier摇座
tech.round pier圆柱码头
tech.round pier圆柱桥墩
tech.seismometer pier拾振器墩子
tech.sharpened pier破冰墩
tech.sharp-nosed pier尖鼻墩
tech.shield unit of the high leveled platform pier for berthing高桩码头靠船构件
shipb.shipping pier装运码头
tech.ship-repair pier修船码头
tech.side aisle pier边上侧廊支柱
tech.side pier束水堤
tech.single direction thrust pier单向推力墩
tech.single pier单墩
tech.single-pier draft tube单墩尾水管
tech.single-pier draught tube单墩尾水管
tech.single-column pile pier单柱桩墩
tech.single-point mooring pier单点系泊码头
tech.skeleton pier构架式码头
nautic., tech.sling bridge pier吊桥式码头
tech.solid deck pier连片式码头
tech.solid pier实体突堤
tech.solid pier实体式码头
tech.solid pier实体码头
tech.solid pier实体
tech.solid pier foundation实体支墩基础
tech.spiral pier螺旋形桥墩
tech.spiral pier螺旋形支柱
tech.splitter pier分水墩
tech.standing pier独立桥墩
tech.standing pier直立桥墩
tech.steel bridge pier钢桥墩
tech.steel cylinder pier钢管桥墩
tech.stem of bridge pier桥墩墩身
tech.stone pier石墙墩
tech.stone pier
tech.stone pier石防波堤
tech.stream pier河流防波堤
tech.stream pier河流码头
tech.stream pier河流桥台
tech.stream pier河流突栈桥
tech.submerged pier潜水墩
tech.submerged pier暗墩
tech.submerged pier暗板
tech.submerged pier淹没式丁坝
tech.super-flexible sub-rigid pier上柔下弯墩
tech.support pier支墩
tech.symmetrical cruciform pier对称形十字码头
tech.symmetrical cruciform pier对称形十字墩子
tech.system with alternating columns and piers柱墩交替系统
tech.tall pier高桥墩
tech.tapered pier锥形斜面墩
tech.tapered pier锥形墩
tech.temporary pier临时墩
tech.T-head pier丁字码头
tech.T-head pier丁形首部码头
tech.T-head pier丁字形码头
tech.T-head pierT形码头
tech.T-head pier引桥式码头
tech.T-head pier or L-shape pierT 形码头或 L 形突码头
tech.theodolite pier经纬仪墩座
tech.timber bridge pier木桥墩
tech.timber bridge pier木桥桩
tech.timber composite pier浮栈桥
tech.timber composite pier混合结构突堤码头
tech.timber pier木码头
tech.timber pier木墩
tech.timber pier木栈桥码头
tech.timber pier木突堤
tech.tower pier塔架桥墩
tech.tower pier塔形桥墩
tech.tower pier塔架
tech.transom pier门式墩
tech.trestle and pier栈桥式码头
tech.tri-column pier三柱式桥墩
tech.T-shaped pierT 形码头
tech.tubular steel pier管状钢墙墩
tech.tubular steel pier管状钢墩柱
tech.tubular steel pier钢管墩
tech.tubular steel pier管状钢桥墩
tech.tubular steel pier管状钢闸墩
tech.twin pier双桥墩
tech.twin pier成对窗间墙
tech.twin pier双线码头
tech.twin-shaft pier双柱墩
tech.twin-shaft pier双柱式墩
tech.twin-shaft pier双柱式桥墩
tech.two-pier elbow draft tube双墩肘形尾水管
tech.two-columned pier双柱式
tech.two-shaft pier双柱式
tech.underpinned pier托换座墩
tech.under-reamed pier扩底墩
tech.unsymmetrical cruciform pier不对称的十字形墩台
tech.upstream pier nose墩的上游端
tech.upstream pier nosing桥墩上游端
tech.upstream pier nosing桥墩上水尖
tech.viaduct pier旱桥
tech.viaduct pier高架桥墩
tech.wall bonded to piers砌入柱墩的墙
tech.wall pier窗间墙
tech.wall pier capital墙墩柱头
tech.wall-type pier壁式桥墩
tech.water pier河流突堤
tech.water pier码头
tech.water ring of bridge pier桥墩翼墙
tech.window pier窗墩
tech.wingwall of bridge pier桥墩翼墙
tech.wooden pier柁墩
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