
Terms for subject Environment containing permissible limit | all forms | in specified order only
permissible exposure limit An exposure limit that is set for exposure to an hazardous substance or harmful agent and enforced by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) as a legal standard. It is based on time-weighted average concentrations for a normal 8-hour work day and 40 hour work week允许暴露极限 (这是由职业健康安全局(管理职业安全和健康行为)对曝光限制和有害物质所制定的法定标准。它是基于工作时间强度,如40小时/周,8个小时/天的工作时间。)
regulation on maximum permissible limits A body of rules or orders prescribed by a government or an international organization or treaty establishing levels of hazardous materials in the environment or in ingestible substances beyond which human exposure is deemed health-threatening规管最大允许限度 (由政府或国际组织或条约建立的一种规则或规定,规范在环境中或在可摄取的物质中有害物质的标准,如果超过这一标准人们会受到健康威胁。)