
Terms containing permanent mould | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.aluminium permanent mould alloy硬模铝合金
tech.aluminium permanent mould casting alloy硬模铸造铝合金
met.permanent metallic cylindrical mould圆筒形永久金属铸型 【模】 (For casting pipes and similar shapes, a permanent metallic cylindrical mould, without any cores, is spun at high speed and liquid metal poured into it, so that centrifugal, force flings the metal to the face of the mould, thus producing a cast hollow cylinder of uniform wall thickness. 为了浇铸管子和类似形状的产品,可以将金属液浇人到一个高速旋转、没有型芯的圆筒形永久金属铸型中。由此产生的离心力将金属液甩到铸型内壁上,从而生产出壁厚均匀的圆筒形铸件。)
tech.permanent mould永久性铸模
met.permanent mould casting永久型铸造
met.permanent mould casting金属型铸造
auto.permanent-mould casting永久型铸模
tech.permanent-mould casting硬模铸造
tech.semi-permanent mould半金属型
tech.semi-permanent mould半永久型
tech.semi-permanent mould半永久性模