
Terms for subject Agriculture containing period | all forms | exact matches only
a period of two weeks两星期
absolute refractory period绝对修复期
active nutritive period有效营养期
active tillering period有效分蘖期
aestivation period夏眠期
after-ripening period后熟期
alluvial period冲积期
alternation of dry and rainy period旱期与雨期交替
annual assimilation period年同化期
assimilation period同化期
autumn rainy period秋季雨期
best fishing period盛渔期
best fishing period旺汛
blooming period花期
breaking of dormant period打破休眠期
breaking of resting period打破休眠期
brief period短期
buckwheat growth period养麦生长期
bygone period以往时期
bygone period过去时期
cave period穴居时代栽培历史时期
celation period循回期
chitting period催芽期
circulation of period轮牧期
circulation of period循环期{生理}
circulation-period of sap树液流动期
colonizing period定居时期
constant-rate drying period等速干燥期
control period禁期
control period控制期
cooling period冷却期
crediting period计入期
crisis period危险期
crisis period临界期
critical life-period临界生命期
critical moisture period水分临界期
critical period of development发育临界期
culture period栽培期
culture period培养响
culturing period栽培期
curing period养护期 {医}
curing period干燥期
dark period暗期
deciduous period落叶期 (periodus deciduus)
decreasing drying rate period干燥减速期
defoliation period落叶期
developing period发育期
development period发育期
development period of useful bud有效蕾期
differentiation period of flower bud花芽分化期
differentiation period of shoot新梢分化期
digestion period消化周期
disease and insect pest control period病虫害防除期
division period分裂期
dormancy period休眠期
drouth period干旱期
drouthy period干旱期
dry summer period夏季干旱期
drying-off period断水干旱期
drying-off period干涸期
duration of the assimilation period同化期持续时间{生理}
dwelling period停止期
ear sprouting period抽穗期
earing period抽穗期
earliest geological period最早地质时期
early glacial period早冰期
effective pollination period有效授粉期
elongation period伸长期
embryonic development period胚[胎]发育期
embryonic period胚胎期
emergence period羽化期
entire growth period全生长期
episodic period of frost短霜期
episodic period of frost突发式霜期
equalization period整理期
experimental period试验期
extension period of crop rotation延长轮作周期
fall growth period秋季生长期
falling-rate drying period减速干燥期
fallow period休闲期
feeding period饲养期
felling period采伐期
field growth period本田生长期
field period野外时期{测}
filling period灌浆期
final fattening period最后肥育期
final period of dormancy休眠终期
final period of duration最后生育期
final period of duration生育末期
finishing period肥育期
finishing period催肥期
fishing period鱼讯
fishing period渔期
flooding period灌水期
flooding period洪水泛滥期
flowering period开花期
forced dormancy period强制休眠期
formation period成林期
frostless period无霜期
fruit growth period果实生长期
fruit-formation period果实形成期
fruiting period结实日数指自开花到成熟的
fruiting period结实周期
full bloom period盛花期果树
full fruit period盛果期
full-blossom period盛花期果树
functional period功能期
G period真核体核间期如G1, G2
G periodG期
generation period世代期间
generative period生殖期 (periodus generativus)
geological period地质纪地层年代单位
germinating period发芽期
germination period发芽期
gestation period妊娠期
glacial periods冰期
glacier period冰川期
grazing period放牧期
gross growth period大生长期
groundnut growing period花生生长期
groundnut period of dormancy花生种子休眠期
growing period生育日数
growing period生育期间
half life period半衰期指同位素
hardening period锻炼期指幼苗
harvest period收获期
head sprouting period抽穗期
heading period抽穗期
heat period发情期
hemp growing period大麻生长期
incubation period催青期
indoor period室内时期
induced period诱导期
induction period酝酿期
initial period of growth and development萌芽期
initial period of growth and development生育最初时期
inter-autogamous period自交间期
irradiation period照射期
irrigation in growing period生育期灌溉
isolation period检疫期
lamb-raising period羔羊饲养期
laying period产卵期
lean period歉收期
lease for fixed period固定期租借
length of frost-free period无霜期 (间)
lengthy period冗长期
lengthy period漫长期
life period生存时期
light period光[周]期
"lockout period"封闭期
"lockout period"水果与蔬菜进口禁期
"lockout period"管制期
long blooming period长花期 (anthesis longus)
long differentiation period长分化期
long dormant period长休眠期
long period interspersion长[周]期散布
low water period水期
lower water period枯水期
lying-in period产褥期
lying-in period分娩期
main growth period主生长期
maximum permissible period of temporary storage暂时贮藏[的]最大容许期
maximum-growth period最速生长期
mean operation rate of annual harvesting period年收获期的平均操作速度
Mississippian period密西西比亚纪
moderate feeding period中食期{蚕}
multiplication period繁殖期
natural dormancy period自然休眠期
natural synoptic period自然[天气]周期
non-irrigating period非灌溉期
oil change period机油更换间隔里程
old period衰老期
operating period作业期间
Ordovician period奥陶纪
paddy field period after transplanting本田期
passive tillering period不活动分蘖期
peak period峰期
period from mounting to emergence蛰茧日数{蚕}
period of cleavage卵裂期
period of crop rotation轮作周期
period of dryness干燥期
period of dryness干旱期
period of elongation拔节期禾谷类
period of emergence现苗期
period of foliation幼叶卷叠期
period of greatest growth最大生长期
period of growth生长期
period of life使用期
period of modification饰变期
period of occupation载畜期指草地能供多少牲畜放牧的期限
period of production of earprimodia幼穗形成期
period of return轮伐期
period of return采伐周期
period of short supply缺少供应期
period of short supply青黄不接期
period of spring flood春洪期
period of stimulation刺激期
period of stopping irrigation中止灌溉期
period of the monsoon季风期
period of trimming整枝期
period of vegetation生育期间
periods processing分[阶]段处理
pest control period病虫害防治期
plant dormant period植物休眠期
pollen dispersal period花粉飞散期
post-embryonal period胚后期
postinduction period后诱导期
precellular period前细胞时期
prechilling period预冷期
preharvest period收获前禁止使用期
preheating period预热期[间]
preinduction period前诱导期
preoviposition period产卵前期
preparatory period准备时期
prepupal period预蛹期
pressing period压榨时间
pressing period加压周期
primary dormant period初眠期
primary dormant period一眠期
prime period of growth大生长期
production period生产期[间]
prolonged period of frost延长霜期
propagation period繁殖期
propagative period生殖季节
propagative period繁殖期
pupal period蛹期
quarantine period检疫期
raining period雨季
raining period雨期
redemption period清偿期[限]
refractory period休复期
regenerating periods更新期[间]
regeneration period返青期
relative refractory period相对休复期
reproductive period生殖期 (periodus reproductivus)
reseeding period补种期
reseeding period重播期
return period重现[回复]期
return period再现期[间]
rice elongation period稻拔节期
rice induction period稻诱发期
rice irrigation period稻灌溉期
rice period of booting稻孕穗期
rice period of crop rotation稻轮作周期
rice period of development稻发育期
rice period of duration稻生育期
rice period of elongation稻拔节期
rice period of flowering稻开花期
rice period of growth稻生长期
rice period of heading稻抽穗期
rice period of tillering稻分蘖期
rice vegetation period稻生长期
rice vegetation period稻营养期
rice-growing period稻栽培期
ripening period成熟期间
rise period升起期
rutting period发情期
sampling period采样[周]期
seasonal storage period季节性贮藏期
seed dormant period种子休眠期
seed selection period选种时期
seed selection period采种时期
seedbed period苗床期
seeding period播种期
selection period选种期
semi-annual period半年周期 (periodus semiannualis)
sensitive developmental period敏感发育时期
sensitive period敏感期 (periodus sensibilis)
service period交配期
sesame defoliation period芝麻打叶期
short dry period短旱期
short growth period短生长期
short period intercropping短期间作
short period interspersion短周期散布
short-duration period短生育期
side-dressing of fertilizer during the period of kernel formation灌浆肥
silicon supplying period施硅期
silicon supplying period硅供应期
silking period吐丝期间
sowing period播种季节
sowing period造林季节
spike or panicle forming period穗形成期
spike or panicle forming period打苞期
spring growth period春季生长期
stooling period分蘖期
stooling period抽茎期
storage period贮藏期
sucking period哺乳期
suckling period哺乳期
suitable period适宜时期指生长
surviving period成活期 (periodus surviverens)
susceptible period感病期
symmetric grand period of growth对称大生长期
tea growing period茶树生长期
tea growth period茶树生长期
temperature-sensitive period感温期
temperature-sensitive period温度敏感期
ten-day period旬周期
ten-day period十天周期
test period试验期
top-dressing at ear formation period施穗肥
total growth period总生长期
transition period转变期
turfy period生草期
unloading period卸货所用时间
unsuitable period不适宜时期指生长
use permitted period使用期限
use permitted period容许使用期
valid period of registration登记有效期
valid period of registration注册有效期
vegetation period生长期 (periodus vegetationis)
vegetative period生长期 (periodus vegetativus)
vegetative period营养期
vegetative-lag period营养停滞期
watering period灌溉周期
wheat blooming period小麦开花期
wheat booting period小麦孕穗期
wheat period of elongation小麦拔节期
wheat period of regeneration小麦返青期
whole growth period全生长期
winter dormant period冬眠期
wintering period越冬期
working periods经理期间
young period青年期果树