
Terms for subject Economy containing perfect | all forms | exact matches only
a perfect market完全市场
expected value of perfect information信息完整的期望值
expected value of perfect information完全信息预期价值
expected value with perfect information完整信息的期望值
perfect competition完全自由的竞争
perfect competitive market完全竞争市场
perfect copy精确文本
perfect exploitation完全剥削
perfect foresight完全预见性
perfect instrument有效证件
perfect knowledge完全知识
perfect market完全市场完全自由竞争
perfect market完整市场
perfect one's plan改进计划
perfect price discriminator完全价格差异者
perfect quality完全平均
perfect ream全令 (印刷用纸计数单位,=516张)
perfect standard完善标准成本
perfect substitute完全代替
perfect substitution完全代替
The arrangement for the signature of the agreement is perfect协议签字仪式安排得很圆满
the perfect entry完全报单
the perfect title完全产权
They hope that the goods arrive at the destination in perfect condition他们希望这批货物能完好无损抵达目的地
This will contribute much to our better understanding and perfect cooperation这样大大有助于增进相互了解和完美的合作
You may, therefore, be assured of the perfect reliability of our service因此,我们的服务完全可靠,务请放心