
Terms for subject Business containing perfect | all forms | exact matches only
expected value of perfect information完备信息期望值
game with perfect recall全记忆对策
line of perfect equality完全均等线
line of perfect forecast完全预测线
market perfects the plan市场完善计划
perfect agreement完全一致
perfect collinearity完全共线性
perfect computation完全计算
perfect correlation整相关
perfect division of labor完全分工
perfect estimator完全估计式
perfect forecast完全预测
perfect forecast line完全预测直线
perfect independence完全独立
perfect information准确信息
perfect information game完全信息对策
perfect inspection合格检验
perfect international capital market国际资本完全市场
perfect linear dependency完全线性相关
perfect market完全自由竞争市场
perfect multicollinearity完全多重共线性
perfect multiple correlation完全多重相关
perfect negative correlation完全负相关
perfect negative relation完全负关系
perfect positive correlation完全正相关
perfect positive relation完全正关系
perfect potential competition潜在的完全竞争
perfect rank correlation完全等级相关
perfect ream一令516 张
perfect specialization完全专业化
perfect stability完全稳定
value of perfect information完善信息价值