
Terms containing per thousand | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
adv.cost per page per thousand circulation千册发行量整版黑白广告价
tech.cost per ten thousand-gross weight-ton-kilometer每万总重吨公里成本
el.cost per thousand每千人次访问收费
market.cost per thousand每千次的成本
adv.cost per thousand千人成本
securit.cost per thousand CPT每千次成本网上广告千次点击成本
securit.cost per thousand每千个单位的成本 (CPT)
exhib.cost per thousand impression千人成本
el.cost per thousand impression每千人次访问收费网上信息发布计费方式
tech.cost per thousand readers每一千读者的收费标准
adv.cost per thousand-target market千人目标市场成本
tech.fuel consumption per ten thousand gross ton-kilometers每万吨公里燃料消耗量
oilgallon per thousand cubic feet每千立方英尺加仑
oilgallons per thousand cubic feet每千立方英尺加仑数
oilgallons per thousand cubic feet加仑每千立方英尺
oilgallons per thousand gallons加仑/千加仑
oilgallons per thousand gallons每千加仑加仑数
dril.gallons per thousand gallons加仑/千加仑添加剂的添加量
tech.kilohertz thousand cycles per second千赫
spaceKips thousands of impulses per second Kirari闪光 (日本技术试验卫星)
spaceKLIPS klips thousands of logical inferences per second千次逻辑推理/秒
spacekops thousands of operations per second千次运算/秒
spaceKSI ksi thousands of pounds per square inch千磅/平方英寸 (这种缩写极不正规)
el.parts per thousand千分率
el.parts per thousand千分之…
agric.part per thousand千分之一 (ppt)
auto.parts per thousand千分率
auto.parts per thousand千分之…
water.res., ecol.parts per thousand千分之一
el.parts per thousand千分之一10-3
oilparts per thousand千分之几
auto.parts per thousand千分之
earth.sc.parts per thousand每千分之......
chem.parts per thousand千分之一10—3
tech.per ten thousand converted ton-kilometer employed fixed assets cost每万换算吨公里占用固定资产原价
tech.per ten thousand current funds finished converted ton-kilometre每万流动资金完成的换算吨公里
tech.per ten thousand current funds finished transport revenue每万流动资金完成的运输收入
tech.per ten thousand ton-kilometre included wage每万吨公里工资含量
tech.per ten thousand transport industry output employed fixed assets cost每万元工业产值占用固定资产原价
tech.per ten thousand transport revenue employed fixed assets cost每万元运输收入占用固定资产原价
econ.per thousand千分之一 (mile, 英里)
tech.per thousand每千
avia.per thousand engine hours每一千发动机小时
exhib.per thousand impression每千人成本
el.per thousand words每千字
oilpound per thousand barrels每千桶磅
dril.pounds per thousand barrel磅/千桶
adv.returns per thousand circulation广告的千人回应率
market.the cost-per-thousand criterion每一千人成本准则法
mining.thousand barrels fluid per day每日千桶流体
mining.thousand barrels of water per day每日千桶水
mining.thousand barrels of water per day千桶水每日
mining.thousand cubic feet of gas per day每日千立方英尺天然气
oilthousand cubic feet per hour每小时千立方英尺
telecom.thousand of operations per second千运算次每秒
oilthousand per day每日千桶
gen.thousand yards per pound千码/磅合成纤维丝或棉纱等的细度单位
tech.thousands of BTU per hour千英国热量单位/小时
el.thousands of fuzzy logical inference per second每秒千次模糊逻辑推理数
el.thousands of instructions per second每秒千条指令数
multimed.thousands of instructions per second千条指令/秒
gen.thousands of long tons per day千长吨/ 日
earth.sc.thousands of long tons per year千长吨/年
el.thousands of operations per second千次运算/秒
el.thousands of operations per second每秒千次运算数
el.thousands of Whetstone instructions per second每秒千条韦斯顿指令数
busin.thousands yards per pound千码/磅