
Terms for subject International trade containing pay | all forms | exact matches only
ability to pay偿付能力
ability-to-pay principle of taxation纳税的支付能力原则
advice of authority to pay授权付款通知书
authority to pay授权付款
banker's revocation of authority to pay cheques银行撤销的付现授权
breach of the obligation to pay an installment违反分期付款的义务
capacity to pay支付能力
effective pay rate有效薪资率
endorsement to pay "payee only""凭受款人亲收"背书
equal pay for equal work同工同酬
failure to pay an installment未支付分期付款
failure to pay an installment未履行分期付款义务
failure to pay the price未支付货款
failure to pay the price未履行付款义务
foreign duty pay国外勤务加给
full pay全薪全费
good pay可靠的人
good pay薪金
late pay traffic后付运输
net pay净薪资
no cure no pay无效果无报酬
"no cure no pay" salvage contract"无效果无报酬"为条件的救助合同
no cure-no pay无效果无报酬
no cure-no pay无效无偿
"no cure-no pay" salvage contract无效果无报酬为条件的救助合同
obligation to pay tax纳税义务
overtime pay加班费
overtime pay过时工资
pay as may be paid依约照付
pay as you cam发薪时扣交所得税
pay as you earn预扣所得税
pay as you earn发薪时扣交所得税
pay as you see见货后即付款
pay bearer付给来人
pay by installments分期付款
pay by way of damage按侵权损害赔偿
pay cash付现
pay customs duty according to the regulation照章纳税
pay day支付日
pay delivery送付
pay delivery交付
pay dirt发横财
pay down即时交付
pay duty纳税
pay duty under protest在提出异议下按要求纳税
pay duty under protest拒付税金
pay earnest money付保证金
pay earnest money付定钱
pay fairly for what you buy买卖公平
pay for another代付
pay forfeit money付罚金
pay forfeit money缴罚款
pay freeze工资冻结
pay heavy price付定价
pay in advance预付
pay in book存款簿
pay in cash付现款
pay in full付清
pay in kind用实物缴纳
pay in kind用物品缴纳
pay later延期付款
pay load净载重量
pay off period回收期
pay on the arrival of ship X in port YX 船抵达 Y 港口时付款
pay on the installment plan分期付款
pay one's dues还账
pay one's score付账
pay order支款凭证
pay out period补偿期
pay over the counter在柜台上交付
pay proposition合算的企业
pay ready money付现钱
pay the claim支付赔款
pay the reckoning付清账
pay through the hose被敲竹杠
pay through the hose付髙价
pay through the nose付定价
pay to bearer付持票人
pay to order of凭指定
pay to self认票不认人支票用语,付签票人
pay warrants支付命令
please pay祈付
portal-to-portal pay按进出口时间计付工资法
premium pay奖金
premium pay加班费
privilege pay专利报酬
product-pay-back scheme以产品偿还的方案
product-pay-back scheme以产品支付办法
promise to pay付款承诺
release pay遣散费
return of the goods for non-pay-ment退回未付价金的货物
right to equal pay for equal work同工同酬的权利
separation pay解雇薪金
separation pay派遣薪金
severance pay解雇金
steamer pays dues船方支付税捐
Take and Pay提货与付款
Take or Pay无论提货与否均需付款
take-home pay纳税后工资
take-or-pay agreement或取或付协议
to pay off付清
vacation pay假期薪工