
Terms for subject Commerce containing pay | all forms | exact matches only
advice and pay通知付款 (AP)
arrange with sb. about incentive pay与某人商谈按产量奖励付酬
authority to pay付款授权书
authority to pay委托支付书
Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas巴黎荷兰银行 (Paris, 巴黎)
buy a car and pay for it by monthly installments of US $500购一辆小汽车,按每月500美元分期支付
call-in pay加班费
charter pays dues由租船人付入港费
charter pays dues租船人支付入港费
deduction from pay for income tax and insurance从工薪中扣减所得税与保险费
foreigner's duty pay外国人勤务津贴
game pay-off matrix博奕支付矩阵
If your yearly turnover exceeds $500,000, we'll pay you an overriding commission of 1%如果你方年交易额超过500,000美元,我方将付给你方1%超额佣金
incentive pay奖励工资 (包括:计件工资制 (piece rate system)、产量奖金制 (production bonus system))
International Balance of Pay ments国际收支亦缩为 IBP
It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run安装这套大型机器代价很高,但长远来看还是会赚钱的
makeup pay补差工资
no cure, no pay海上救助无效果无报酬
No deduction in pay is made for absence due to illness因病请假不扣薪
pay a draft on presentation见票即付
pay a fine of US $5,000支付5,000 美元罚金
pay according to arranged prices照价付款
pay after tax税后支付
pay an overdue tax补税
pay as you earn扣缴所得税
pay as you go扣缴所得税
pay as you see见货即付
pay back by installments分期付款
pay back the capital plus interest还本付息
pay back transaction偿还交易
pay by the hour计时工资
pay cheque工资支票
pay clerk岀纳员
pay compensation支付赔偿
pay down分期付款购买先部分付现
pay for all spending实报实销
pay in full金额付清
pay in kind实物支付
pay interest at regular intervals按期付息
pay 5% interest on a loan借款付息5%
pay interest on schedule按期付息
pay load有效负载
pay load经常薪金负担
pay master岀纳员
pay master general财务署长
pay master general财政主计官
pay off偿清
pay off a debt还清债务
pay off a debt清债
pay off period投资回收期
pay off the mortgage偿还抵押借款
pay on account暂付
pay on application通知付款 (缩为 A/P, AP)
pay only to仅向…支付
pay only to... not negotiable仅支付给…不得转让
pay only to... not transferable仅支付给…不得转让
pay... or order支付给…或其指定…
pay out支出
pay pause英国工资冻结
pay penalty支付罚金
pay principal and interest还本付息
pay raise英国工资增加
pay ready money付现
pay one's rent at the end of each quarter每季度末支付房租
pay rise美国工资增加
pay scrupulous attention to quality of goods彳艮注意货物质量
pay tax in arrears补税
pay to bearer付给来人
pay to the order of付给抬头人或其指定的人
pay ton计费吨
premium pay奖励工资
retroactive pay补发工资
separation pay解职费
steamer pays dues船方支付捐税
The buyer is liable to pay import duties买方有义务支付进口税
The buyer should assume the duty to pay the premium买方应承担支付保险费的义务
The del credere commission imports that if the buyer does not pay, the factor shall保付代理意指买主不付款时由保付代理人支付
The distributor should pay visits to certain prospective customers at regular intervals经销者应定期访问有望达成交易的客户
They made a commitment to pay immediately他们承诺立即付款