
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing partnership | all forms | exact matches only
country partnership strategy World Bank国别援助战略
Deauville Partnership与中东的多维尔伙伴关系
Deauville Partnership多维尔伙伴关系
Deauville Partnership with the Middle East与中东的多维尔伙伴关系
Deauville Partnership with the Middle East多维尔伙伴关系
Global Partnership on Results-Based Aid关于以成果为导向援助的全球伙伴关系
limited liability partnership有限合伙公司
limited partnership有限合伙公司
Partnership for Capacity Building in Africa非洲能力培养伙伴关系
Partnership for Sustainable Global Growth, Declaration on Interim Committee《可持续全球增长伙伴关系宣言》
Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century21世纪统计促进发展伙伴关系
private equity partnership私募股权投资基金
public-private partnership私人和公共部门合作伙伴
Strategic Partnership with Africa与非洲的战略伙伴关系
Trans-Pacific Partnership跨太平洋伙伴关系
Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系