
Terms for subject China containing paid | all forms | exact matches only
actually paid insurance premium实付保险费
compensation paid for the land requisitioned土地征用补偿费用
compensation paid for the use of land土地有偿使用费
drawback of the duties paid退税
fully paid-up in monetary form实缴货币资本
interests which will be paid by budget财政贴息
jointly and severally paid连带支付的
jointly paid共同负担
money paid for sth. purchased价款 (received for sth. sold)
ought to be paid本应支付
paid by the consignee由收货人支付
paid in a lump sum一次缴纳
paid on an annual basis逐年缴纳
paid without undue delay不得无故迟延支付
place where tax is paid纳税地点
priority in having one's claim paid with the pledged movable就该动产优先受偿
receipt of interests and expenses paid利息和费用的收据
refund the paid-in capital返还股款
tax paid proof完税证明