
Terms for subject Aviation containing oxygen | all forms | exact matches only
added amount of oxygen氧添加量
airborne oxygen system航空供氧系统
aircraft oxygen cylinder机上氧气瓶
aircraft panel mounted oxygen regulator板装式氧气调节器
aircrew oxygen mask乘员供氧面罩
alveolar oxygen pressure肺泡气氧分压
anti-G positive pressure oxygen supply抗荷加压供氧
applied physiology of aviation oxygen protective equipment航空供氧防护装备应用生理学
atomic and molecular oxygen原子和分子氧
atomic-oxygen beam氧原子束
atomic oxygen concentration原子氧浓度
atomic-oxygen density氧原子密度
atomic-oxygen exposure氧原子暴露
atomic oxygen fluence原子氧流量
atomic oxygen fluence model原子氧流量模型
atomic-oxygen flux氧原子通量
atomic-oxygen protection氧原子保护
aviator's breathing oxygen飞行员用氧气
backup oxygen备用氧
backup oxygen system备用氧气系统
bail-out oxygen跳伞供氧器
bailout oxygen equipment跳伞供氧装备
bailout oxygen supply apparatus跳伞供氧器
bailout oxygen supply regulator跳伞供氧调节器
bail-out oxygen supply regulator跳伞供氧调节器
bailout oxygen supply subsystem跳伞供氧分系统
blood oxygen saturation血氧饱和度
breathing oxygen system呼吸用氧气系统
carry-around oxygen bottle手提式氧气瓶
ceramic generating oxygen source陶瓷制氧氧源
ceramic oxygen generation system陶瓷制氧系统
ceramics oxygen generator陶瓷氧气发生器
chemical oxygen source化学氧源
chemical oxygen storage化学氧贮存
chemical oxygen supply apparatus化学供氧器
closed circuit oxygen breathing apparatus闭式回路氧气呼吸器
closed circuit oxygen equipment再生式氧气设备
closed circuit oxygen system闭路供氧系统
closed type oxygen mask密闭式供氧面罩
closed type supply oxygen helmet密闭头盔
collective oxygen supply system集体供氧系统
combined continuous oxygen equipment复合式供氧装备
constant flow oxygen恒流供氧
constant flow oxygen equipment连续供氧装备
constant-flow oxygen equipment连续供氧设备
constant-flow oxygen system连续供氧系统
continuous flow oxygen regulator连续式氧气调节器
continuous flow oxygen system连续流量供氧系统
continuous oxygen supply连续供氧
demand oxygen肺式供氧
demand oxygen equipment肺式供氧装备
demand oxygen supply肺式供氧
diluter-demand oxygen system混合氧断续供氧系统
dissolved oxygen液态氧
dissolved oxygen analyzer液态氧分析器
ejection test of oxygen supply system供氧系统弹射试验
electronic oxygen system电子供氧系统
emergency oxygen pack应急氧气装置 (包)
emergency oxygen supply应急供氧系统
emergency respiratory oxygen system紧急吸氧系统
extra oxygen额外的氧气
extra oxygen备用氧气
extra oxygen unit额外的氧气单元
extra oxygen unit备用氧气装置
flight attendant oxygen module 22 min服务员应急氧模块22分钟
flight attendant oxygen module 15 min服务员应急氧模块15分钟
gas oxygen source气氧源
gas oxygen system气氧系统
gaseous oxygen气相氧
gaseous oxygen气氧
general breathing oxygen system一般供氧系统
ground trainer for oxygen starvation endurance缺氧耐力地面检查训练器
high air flow with oxygen enrichment富氧高空气流
hydrogen-oxygen mixture氢氧混合物
hypervelocity oxygen fuel spray painting极高速氧燃料喷漆
individual oxygen apparatus单人氧气装置
individual oxygen equipment单兵供氧装备
installed oxygen cylinder已安装的氧气瓶
integrated test provision for oxygen equipment供氧设备综合试验器
lavatory emergency oxygenmodule22 min盥洗室应急氧模块22 分钟
lavatory emergency oxygenmodule15 min盥洗室应急氧模块15 分钟
liquid oxygen态,体
liquid oxygen container液氧瓶
liquid oxygen converter液氧转换器
liquid oxygen fill-drain auto-disconnect connector support mount液氧加泄自动脱落连接器支架
liquid oxygen jet液氧喷射
liquid oxygen loading liquid line system液氧加注液路系统
liquid oxygen quantity indicator液氧储氧量表
liquid oxygen source液氧源
liquid oxygen system液氧氧气系统
low and high pressure oxygen service低/高压氧气服务
low and high pressure oxygen低/高压氧
low oxygen低氧
low oxygen gas mixture低氧混合气体
low pressure oxygen低压氧
low pressure oxygen service低压氧气服务
low pressure oxygen system低压氧气系统
man-mounted oxygen regulator佩戴式氧气调节器
mask mounted oxygen regulator面罩式氧气调节器
mask, passenger, oxygen〔支〕旅客氧气面罩
maximal oxygen consumption最大氧耗量
membrane generating oxygen source膜制氧氧源
methanol oxygen mix甲醇/氧混合液
molecular oxygen分子氧
molecular sieve oxygen concentrator分子筛氧气浓缩器
molecular sieve oxygen generating system on board机载分子筛产氧系统
molecular sieve oxygen generation分子筛制氧
monatomic oxygen单原子氧
nonpressure oxygen equipment非加压供氧装备
obturation oxygen mask密闭式供氧面罩
on board oxygen generation system机上氧气发生系统
on chest oxygen regulator胸配式氧气调节器
on-board oxygen equipment机上供氧装备
on-board oxygen generating system机上制氧系统
on-board oxygen generation氧气系统
on-board oxygen generation system机载制氧系统
on-board oxygen nitrogen generation system机上制氧制氮系统
open supply oxygen mask开式供氧面罩
oral nasal type oxygen mask口鼻型供氧面罩
oxygen at high pressure高压氧气
oxygen bottle高压氧气筒
oxygen candle氧烛
oxygen concentrator氧气浓缩器
oxygen continuous regulator连续式供氧调节器
oxygen convertor氧源转换器
oxygen cylinder assembly〔支〕空勤氧气瓶组件
oxygen delivery输氧量
oxygen delivery capacity供氧高度
oxygen demand断续供氧调节器
oxygen demand氧气用量调节装置
oxygen demand regulator断续式供氧调节器
oxygen disconnector氧气断接器
oxygen dissociation curve氧/解离曲线
oxygen excess供氧能力
oxygen fill充满氧气
oxygen flow indicator光纤传感器
oxygen flow inductor氧气示流感应器
oxygen fluid distribution system氧气流动分配系统
oxygen generation system氧气发生系统
oxygen hose, LP flareless〔支〕低压软管
oxygen jet氧气射流
oxygen line assembly, high pressure〔支〕高压充气管
oxygen low pressure低压氧
oxygen manometer氧气压力表
oxygen mask供氧面罩
oxygen mask氧分压
oxygen mask氧气机罩
oxygen outlet valve assembly〔支〕氧气出口活门
oxygen overpressure氧气调节器
oxygen overpressure indicator氧气余压指示器
oxygen overpressure indicator氧气余压表
oxygen overpressure regulator氧气余压调节器
oxygen partial pressure氧分压传感器
oxygen partial pressure氧分压
oxygen partial pressure氧气压力比
oxygen pressure gauge氧气压力表
oxygen pressure ratio氧气余压
oxygen pressure ration regulator压力比调节器
oxygen pressure relief connector氧气卸压连接器
oxygen pressure relief valve氧气压力卸压阀
oxygen purge system氧清洗系统
oxygen purge system氧净化系统
oxygen quantity unit氧量装置
oxygen reducer氧气减压器
oxygen regulator供氧调节器
oxygen regulator机载制氧
oxygen regulator for collective use集体用氧气调节器
oxygen replacement bottles氧气瓶
oxygen sensor氧气传感器
oxygen source system氧源系统
oxygen storage cylinder储氧气瓶
oxygen supply altitude用氧高度
oxygen supply altitude氧气面罩
oxygen supply altitude供氧高度
oxygen supply and anti-G integrated regulator供氧抗荷综合调节器
oxygen supply apparatus供氧装备
oxygen supply convertor氧源转换器
oxygen supply line, low pressure〔支〕低压氧导管
oxygen supply mask氧气面罩
Oxygen supply system供氧系统
oxygen supply system at high altitude高空供氧系统
oxygen system敞开式弹射
oxygen system氧气系统
oxygen system charging adapter氧气系统充气接头
oxygen system control unit〔客〕供氧系统控制装置
oxygen system control unit氧气系统控制单元
oxygen system control unit氧气系统控制装置
oxygen system controller氧气操纵器
oxygen system controller氧气系统控制器
oxygen system flight test氧气系统试飞试验
oxygen system set氧气系统装置
oxygen valve氧气开关
parachuting oxygen equipment跳伞供氧装备
passenger oxygen dispensing unit旅客氧气分配单元
passenger oxygen indication panel〔客〕旅客氧气指示面板
passenger oxygen mask旅客供氧面罩
percentage of oxygen含氧百分比
personal protective equipment in oxygen supply供氧个体防护装备
physiologically equivalent altitude of oxygen supply供氧等效生理高度
physiologically equivalent altitudes of supply oxygen供氧等值生理高度
pilot breathing oxygen驾驶员呼吸用氧
portable individual demand oxygen unit便携式个人肺式稀释供氧装置
portable oxygen apparatus便携式供氧装置
portable oxygen cylinder手提式氧气瓶
portable oxygen system轻便氧气系统
portable oxygen system便携式氧气系统
positive pressure oxygen regulator加压供氧氧气调节器
positive pressure oxygen system加压供氧系统
pressure oxygen equipment加压供氧装备
pressure oxygen supply加压供氧
pressure-demand oxygen regulator肺式加压供氧调节器
pure oxygen纯氧
quick operating oxygen separator快速分离器
regulated oxygen supply控制的氧气供给
regulated oxygen system控制的氧气系统
safety pressure oxygen equipment安全余压供氧装备
seat mounted emergency oxygen system椅装应急氧气系统
seat mounted oxygen regulator椅装式氧气调节器
secondary oxygen source备用氧源
serve operated oxygen regulator伺服式供氧调节器
servo-operated oxygen regulator间接式氧气调节器
solid state oxygen monitor and controller固态氧监视与控制器
straight oxygen regulator直接式氧气调节器
suit oxygen supply服装供氧
supplemental oxygen补充供氧
supply oxygen full face mask全脸型供氧面罩
supply oxygen mask供氧面罩
supply oxygen socket用氧插座
supply oxygen veil供氧面具
survival kit and emergency oxygen system救生包/应急氧气系统
survival kit oxygen regulator降落伞供氧调节器
tester for oxygen equipment氧气设备试验器
tracheal oxygen pressure气管气氧分压
unclosed type oxygen mask非气密供氧面罩
valve, oxygen filler, high pressure〔支〕高压充气活门
zinc-oxygen battery锌-氧蓄电池
zirconia oxygen indicator氧化锆氧量计