
Terms for subject Technology containing over-all | all forms | in specified order only
all over color印花色浆
all over colour印花色浆
all-over design连续花纹
all-over glaze盖地釉
all-over glaze满地釉
coefficient of over-all heat transmission总传热系数
coefficient of over-all heat transmission通过围护结构的总传热系数
days of precipitation all over the year全年降水天数
extend all over遍及
finish all over完全结束
finish all over整理
finish all over全部竣工
finish all over全部完成
finish all over竣工
finish all over加工完毕
finish all over全部完工
in-plant over-all economic calculation system厂内全面经济核算制
Length over all总长
Length over all全长
over-all commitment承诺款项总额
over-all heat loss coefficient热损失系数
over-all heat transmission通过围护结构的总传热
over-all heat transmission通过围护结构本身的总传热
over-all moisture transfer coefficient总传湿系数
over-all speed路段车速
over-all speed区间车速
specified over-all limit规定的总限度
spread all over遍及
stow all over满堆
stow all over满装