
Terms for subject General containing over-all | all forms | in specified order only
all over各〔到〕处
all over遍及
all over全停
all over各处
all over都已过去
all over全部结束
all over完全
all over到处
all over普遍
all over
all over持续整个…时期
all over整个都
all over遍及整个
all over浑身
all over again再一遍
all over again重新
all over bar the shouting胜负已定
all over bar the shouting大功告成
all over but the shouting胜负已定
all over but the shouting大功告成
all over the body一身
all over the country全国各地
all over the place到处
all over the world世界各处
all over the world遍天下
all over the world全世界
all over the world天下
all over with完结
all over with了结
all over with做完
all over with终了
all the world over在全世界
all the world over世界各处
all the world over世界各地
all the year over整年地
gummed all over flap封口处全部涂胶水的信封
length over-all总长度
length over-all全长
over-all recovery总回收率
people all over the world全世界人民
start the test all over again from the beginning把这试验整个儿地重新从头开始
Store up more bottles of aspirin and other common over-the-counter drugs that we all tend to use from time to time throughout the year多备几瓶阿司匹林和其他成药,这样就够我们用一年的了。 (小贴士: Drug 和 medicine 都是药的意思,但我们说 take the medicine, 不说 take the drug。drug 一词,特别是当用作复数形式即 drugs 时,可以当“毒品”讲,而 medicine 则没有这个含义。“药店”不是 drugstore, 而应该是 pharmacy。)
talk... all over彻底地〔全面地〕谈
talk it all over with him同他彻底谈谈
This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物