
Terms for subject Business containing out-of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
accident out of negligence责任事故
application for taking out samples of goods in bond申请从保税仓库内取出样品
arise out of是…的结果
arise out of起因于
arise out of由于…而产生〔引起,造成,做出〕
assets out of accounts账外资产
back out of the con tract不履行合同
be out of balance不平衡
be out of keep with the times不合时宜
be out of stock缺货
be out of stock无存货
be out of stock清仓
bilateral agreement on the movement of currencies into and out of each other's territory货币进出国境互惠协定
bottom dropped out of...急剧跌价
bottom falling out of the market行情跌至最低点
buy out of the market买断市
come out of the red扭亏为盈
cost of turning-out a bad product接受次品费用
days out of service日夜服务
distribute bonuses out of profit按利润发奖金
evening-out of exchange rates平衡兑换率
expected value of stock-out预期缺货价值
expected value of stock-out预期缺货额
express out-of-pocket实际费用
first-in first-out costing of inventory存货先进先出计价
first-in, first-out costing of inventory存货的先进先出计价法
first-in first-out costing of work-in process在制品先进先出计价
free in and out of trucks不负担装卸货车费用
frequency of stock out缺货次数
frequency of stock-out缺货的次数
get out of debt还清债务
get out of red不再亏空
get the most out of data充分利用数据
get the most out of funds充分利用资金
get the most out of information充分利用信息
get the most out of resources充分利用资源
go out of date落伍
go out of date过时
go out of gear毛病
go out of gear机器失灵
going out of business企业出口
going out of business停业
inspection of contracted-out part协作件检验
keep out of the sun避光保存包装用语
last-in first-out method of inventory costing后进先出盘存成本计算法
lay out of a factory工厂布局
liability out of book账外债务
liability out of book账外负债
line out of service停产
marginal propensity to spend out of income收入边际支出倾向
method of first-in, first-out先进先出法
method of last-in, first-out后进先出法
money out of hand缺现款
money out of hand现金
money out of hand现款
money out of hand无现款现金
obligation arising out of the instrument票据产生的义务
out of...离开
out of从…卸下
out of岀自
out of除外
out of...由于
out of...免除
out of action停止运行
out of commission不委托
out of commission不运营
out of commission for maintenance不安装维修
out of customs place无关税的地方
out of date失效的
out of date bill过期汇票
out of date cheque过期支票
out of date data过期数据
out of employment失业
out of fund资金匮乏不足
be out of funds缺乏资金
out of gauge不合规格标准
out of hand无法约束
out of hours trading正式交易时间的成交
out of line线外
out of line外部
out of line脱离常规
out of line with the market与市价不符
out of living expense出差膳宿费
out of operation停止操作
out of operation停止运行
out of operation停业的
out of order无序
out of order次序颠倒
out of order状态不佳
out of position不配置
out of position无地位
out of print售光
out of repair破损
out of run失效
out of service corrective maintenance停机校正维修
out of size尺寸不合规定
out of size尺寸不合
out of the hours工余
out of the hours业余
out of time无时间
out of time误时
out of time过时
out of tolerance无公差
out of town bank外埠银行
out of town clearing外埠票据清算额
out of town company外地公司
out of true不实际
out of true不真实
out of use不用
out-of-balance in process inventory在制品不平衡
out-of-line process外部过程
out-of-line rate离线工资率
out-of-pocket cost实付成本
out-of-pocket expense实际支出
out-of-pocket expense付现费用
out-of-pocket expense付现费用如支付工资、税款等
out-of-pocket money实付现钱
out-of stock无现货
out-of stock缺货
out-of stock脱销
out-of stock cost短储成本
out-of-town bank外埠银行
out-of-town checks外埠支票
out-of-town clearing外埠结算
out-of-town clearing外埠票据交换
out-of-work benefit失业津贴
point of make-out计算收入起点
price oneself out of market要价太高而失去市场
price out of the market价格过高而失销路
price out of the market价格高出市场
pricing-out of the market定价高于市价
real out-of-pocket costs纯开支性费用
realize out of the consignment变卖寄售货物
restoration of worn-out parts旧件修复
scuttle out of one's responsibilities逃避责任
sentiment of bottoming-out探明意见
swindle money out of a person骗取某人钱财
take out of bond由保税仓库中提岀
take out of bond从保税仓库中提出
take part of the debt out in goods以货物抵充部分债务
temporarily out of service暂时停业
temporarily out of stock暂时脱销
temporary out of stock暂缺货
time out of memory追忆不出的时期
unauthorized outlays out of receipts坐支
warrant for backing out of the contract背弃合同的证据
We would like you to help straighten out the trouble concerning the breakage of the dimmers' package我们想让您帮忙解决调光器包装破损事宜