
Terms for subject Sports containing out-of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be out of form处于良好的〔不良的〕竞技状态
be out of form竞技状态不好
best three out of five games5 局 3 胜制
best two out of three games3 局 2 胜制 (sets)
carry out out-of-competition testing进行赛外兴奋剂检查
come out of nowhere突然成功
conduct out-of-competition testing进行赛外兴奋剂检查
crashed out of the tournament被淘汰出局
dash out of Asia冲出亚洲
degree of toe out趾外展角
drop out of the competition退出比赛
drop out of the competition不参加比赛
feel out of sorts精神不佳
feel out of sorts感觉不适
go out of contention出局
I'm a bit out of shape and I was thinking of joining your gym我身材有点走样,考虑加入你们的健身俱乐部
It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何会员协会或其官员的责任
knocked out of the competition被淘汰
out of balance失去平衡
out of breath喘气
out of breath气喘吁吁上气不接下气
out of breath喘不过气来
out of breath呼吸困难的
out of breath气喘吁吁的
out of breath上气不接下气的
out of breath喘息
out of condition身体条件不适合
out of condition身体条件不适
out of condition健康状况不好
out of contract满约
out of contract合约到期
out of court line界外线 (squash)
out of date过期的
out of date过期
out of form竞技状态不好
out of form竞技状态不佳
out of form运动员身体不适
out of form竞技状态失常
out of heat放热量
out of joint脱节
out of joint脱臼
out of medal contention无缘奖牌
out of play比赛成死球
out of play暂停
out of position离开基本位置
out of reach够不着
out of running没有获胜希望
out of season赛季外
out of season季外
out of shape竞技状态失常
out of shape变形,走样,不健康
out of size不合尺寸
out of size非正常尺寸
out of the ballpark超出活动领域
out of the money输掉
out of the money失败
out of the money尤指在赛马、赛狗中没有处于得奖的地位
out of the running比赛中没有赢的希望
out of the running不参加比赛
out of training训练得不好
out of training不适合参加比赛
out of training竞技状态不佳
out of trim失去平衡 (ming)
out-of-bounds area界外区域
out-of-bounds area场外区域
out-of-competition test赛外体测
out-of-competition testing赛外兴奋剂检查
pull out of the fire扭转局面
pull out of the fire转危为安
pull out of the fire把…从危险中抢救出来
pull out of the fire使转败为胜
pull out of the fire反败为胜
put out of order打乱阵脚
put out of the running淘汰
put out of the running刷掉
put the ball out of play使成死球
run out of air气用完
Runner No. 9 is out of breath with running9 号运动员跑得气喘吁吁
service out of turn【键】发球次序错误
take the sling out of somebody挫某人气势
The athlete is out of training这位运动员训练得不好
There's always the home workout option - check out the myriad of fitness appliances which will make you sweat but are cheap or free你可以选择在家锻炼——寻找各种能让你流汗,但便宜甚至免费的健身器材
three out of five sets5 盘 3 胜制
time-out in case of injury因伤害事故而中断的比赛
walk out of a meeting退出会议
When a runner in his heat committed a false start, Liu Xiang limped out of the starting block同组中一名运动员抢跑了,随后刘翔一瘸一拐地离开了起跑器