
Terms containing out of turn | all forms | in specified order only
bridge.attack out of turn越序攻牌
bridge.auction out of turn越序的叫牌
bridge.call out of turn越序叫牌
bridge.call out of turn越序叫牌
bridge.double out of turn越序加倍
bridge.initial lead out of turn越序首攻
bridge.lead out of turn越序攻牌
bridge.lead out of turn越序攻牌
gen.out of turn不合时宜地
bridge.out of turn越序
gen.out of turn轻率地
gen.out of turn不按次序地
bridge.out of turn越序
bridge.pass out of turn越序的不叫
bridge.pass out of turn越序不叫
bridge.play out of turn越序打牌
bridge.play out of turn越序打牌
bridge.redouble out of turn越序再加倍
badm.serve out of turn发球次序错误
tenn.serve out of turn发球次序错误
badm.serve out of turn不按次序发球
sport.service out of turn【键】发球次序错误
shoot.shoot out of turn未按次序发射
gen.turn out a heat of steel炼出一炉钢
gen.turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand弄巧成拙
gen.turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand手法不高明