
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing out | all forms | exact matches only
Arabian step-out向后跳起转体180°
Arabian step-out阿拉伯式前空翻
back in back out团身后空翻 3 周转体360° 下
ball out背弹起接前空翻
cartwheel -1¹⁄₂ backward piked somer sault out Tsukahara侧手翻屈体后空翻 1 周半冢原
cartwheel-1¹⁄₂ sideward tucked somersault out侧手翻团身侧空翻1周半
circle thrown out and taken back while arm swinging摆动抛接圈
circle thrown out and taken back while stride leap跨抛跨接圈
double rear out摆越两杠直角跳下
double rear out直角出
fall out垫上前倒
flank out由后撑侧摆越成正撑
flying backward roll out双杠后空翻下
flyspring with or without step out双腿跳起的鱼跃前手翻单腿或双腿落
forward swing to straddle out and "L" support分腿向前摆越成直角支撑
front out layout Kehre挺身出鞍马动作
full in-back out团身后空翻 3 周转体360° 旋下
half out fliffis前空翻晚转180°
handspring-1¹⁄₂ forward tucked somersault out前手翻团身前空翻
540° handspring-1¹⁄₂ turn out手翻转体
handstand wheel out倒立侧翻下
hop out后摆
out bounce反弹
out bounce缓冲跳
out grip从外握
out of handstand chest roll手倒立挺身落下成跪立
out of handstand chest roll倒立贴胸落下成跪立
out of kneestand roll forward to handstand挺身向前滚动成手倒立
palm out手心向外
pirouette cartwheel out倒立转体侧翻下
reverse inside-out grasp反翻握
reverse inside-out grip反翻握
roll forward out of approach to the beam木端前滚翻上
salto backward stretched with step-out上前一步后空翻
salto backwards stretched with step-out拉拉提
slip out失手
spread out散开
step out前空翻两脚依次落地
step out出界
step out from one leg依次落地
straddle in and out in远腾回环
straddle out摆起分腿腾越
straddle out backward over bars向后分腿摆越
straddle out forward over bars向前分腿摆越
stretch out延伸
stretch out伸直
stretch out伸展
throw out and tack back抛接
throw out and take back韵律体操抛接
travel out平移出
¹⁄₂ turn into handspring-¹⁄₂ turn out跳起转体180° 前手翻转体180°
walkover out软翻下