
Terms for subject International trade containing out | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate fund in-flow out-flow资金流入与流出累积总额
all sold out today本日售完
application for taking out samples of goods in bond支取保管样品申请书
back out不履行 (of)
back out食言 (of)
back out of the contract不履行合同
be out of vogue已经不流行
bear out证实
blow out石油喷发
bonds made out in dollars美元债券
break out开舱卸货 (a cargo)
buy out买妥
buy out买好
buy out全部买下
buying out an interest购出股份
buying out an interest购入股份
buying-out policy购买政策
buying-out policy收买政策
cargo in out货物装卸情况
carry out a former agreement履行预约
cheques canceling each other out冲账
clear out结关后离港
clear out卖光
clear out出清
clearing house out book票据交换所贷证证帐
close out卖完
close out卖底货由于企业关闭而抛售商品
close out sale放盘出售
cost out估算或预定价格
cross out删去 (off)
cross out取消 (off)
cross out注销 (off)
crossed out划掉
draw money out of a bank从银行取出汇款
equipment receipt-out设备交接单 (in)
fade-out measures外资逐步减少股权措施
fall out减损
farm out出租土地
fill out填写
fill out填入
first in first out method先进先出法 (fifo)
flag out船东在他国给船舶注册后挂方便旗航行
F.L.O. St free in and out and stowed装卸理仓费在外条件
free in and free out包括装卸费在内的运费船主不负担装卸费用
free in and free out and stowed船主不负担装卸船和理舱费用
free in and out不负担装卸费用
free in and out装卸费在外条件
free in and out装卸货费在外条件
free in and out船方不负担装卸费之运费
free in and out船方不负担装卸费用
free in and out and stowed装卸理舱费在外条件
free in and out and stowed船方不负担装卸和理舱费用
free in and out and stowed船方不负担装卸理仓费用
free in and out freight rates船方不负担装卸费的运费率
free in and out of trucks船方不负担装卸车辆费用
free in and out, stowed and trimmed船方不负担装卸理仓及平舱费用
free in, out, stowing and trimming船方装卸船,舱内堆装平舱免费
free out船主不负担卸船费用
free out卸货费在外条件
free out船方不负担卸货费用
free out船方不负责卸货费用
freight-out运出运费 (outward)
freight out and home往返运费
get out of debt还债
go in and out度日
go in and out营生计
going out of business企业停业
gold out flow黄金外流
gold out flow黄金流出
goods on consignment-out寄销商品
goods-out on consignment寄售品
goods-out on consignment寄销
goods out on consignments寄销品
goods out on consignments托人代售品
goods out on consignments寄销
in and out短期估算美商
in and out rates短期结算费率
in and out rates进出费率
in and out rates户内户外费率
in/out warehousing进仓 /出仓
in/out warehousing进仓 / 出仓
job out分包出去
job out分包岀去
keep out the sun防晒
keep out the sun避免阳光
knock out联合拍卖
knock out廉价买得的
knock out agreement拍卖时不出价的秘密协议
last cry first-out最新流行品
last in first-out后购先用法
last in first out后进先出 (lifo)
last in first-out后进先出去
last in-first out后进先出法估算存货的方法之一;指产品成本中的原料价格按当时价格计算
last-in first-out method后进先出法
let out出租 (on hire)
look out for an opening找就职机会
look out for an opening谋事
lotting out分割土地
made out to our order填写成我方抬头
make out a document in duplicate把文件缮写一式两份
mark out订立
money out of hand无现款
not taken out禁止带出
obligation arising out of the instrument票据法上的义务
opt out宣布放弃选择权
opt out停止
opt out不参加
opting out拒绝接受特别提款权分配额的权力
out clearer票据交换员
"out" deposit往账
out going freight运出货物
out of business停业
out of business歇业
out of commission不营运
out of commission停航
out of date check过期支票
out of stock无现货
out of stock无存货
out of stock存货短缺
out of stock缺货
out of the pipeline管路外销售法
out of town bank市外银行
out of town clearings市外票据交换额
out-of-customs places无关税之地方
out-of-pocket cost现金支付成本
out-of-pocket expenses现金支付费用
out-of-stock cost存货短缺成本
out on loan已贷出
out own make自制
out port外港
out port僻地港
out port外璋
out port外埠
out-port banks deposit外埠同业存款
out port collection外埠应收款项
out port surcharge僻地港附加费
out to in external bond为在国内使用资金而在国外发行的债券
out to out external bond为在国外使用资金而在国外发行的债券
out wall外壁
out year本预算年度后的财政年度
overdraft, by out-port banks外埠同业透支
overdrafts, by out-port banks外埠同业透支
patent runs out专利期限已满
pay out period补偿期
phasing out period递减期间
price one’s goods out of the market失去市场
price one’s goods out of the market漫天要价
price out of the market定价过高而无销路
price out of the market货价过高而没有销路
pricing priced out of the market定价过无销路
pricing out of the market高于市价
provision for fade-out外资退出条款
put out放出
put out生产
put out贷出款项,投资
put out to contract包出去
put out to contract给人承包
put out to lease出租
reason suppliers out of hesitation说服供货人不要犹豫
rights arising out of the bill票据上的权利
run out终止
run out满期
run out花光
running out system自然到期制
sell out售完
sell out拍卖
sell out to售出
send out goods发货
set out展销 (for sale)
settlement out of court在法院外解决争端和解
shake out抛售
shake out淘汰
shake out排挤
shake out排出
shut-out cargo退关货
shut out memo退关货物清单
space out shipment over three mouths分 3 个月装运
stick out for excessive price坚持索取高价
stock out库存中断
stretch-out contract期限拖长的合同
take out抵充
take out取得专利权等
take out剔除
take out扣除
take out a patent for得到... 的专利权
take out a policy投保
take out of要赔偿
take out of bond由保税仓库中提出
take out of pledge赎账
time out暂停营业
to make out an account开账
transportation out运出运费
transportation out销货运费
warrant for backing out of the contract背弃合同的根据
way out出口
write out an agreement缮写契约