
Terms for subject Finances containing out | all forms | exact matches only
accept bail-out接受纾困
advances received on consignment-out发出委托销售商品暂收款
aggregate funds in-and-out flow资金进出总额
allow non-trade-related flows in and out of China允许非贸易资金自由出人中国
American knock-out double-barrier put option美式触碰失效双障碍看跌期权
asset out of account账外资产
asset out of book账外资产
assets out of accounts帐外资产
assets out of book帐外资产
bad money drives out good劣币会驱逐良币
bail out救助
bail-out fund纾困基金 (又称"救援基金 (rescue fund)")
bail-out method投资残值计算法
bail-out payback method投资残值回收期计算法
bail-out period委托期
bail-out plan纾困计划
bail-out strategy纾困策略
bail-out system纾困机制
be kicked out of the eurozone被动脱离欧元区
be out of control失控
be out of debt不欠债
be pulled out of the financial crisis从金融危机中被解救出来
black out period限制买卖期
carry out a proactive fiscal policy实行积极的财政政策
carry out action plans落实行动计划
carry out and carry back of losses亏损的结转和转回
carry out complete oversight and control实施全口径监管
carry out easy monetary policies实行宽松的货币政策
carry out economic restructuring调整经济结构
carry out the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries on a large scale大范围实施重点产业调整振兴规划
cash out套现
casting out nines去九法验算
casting out nines去九之核对数字方法
check out购货时的结帐
check out检查
check out counter结帐柜台
clean out明确的
clean out清楚的
clewing out a short sale空头补进
close out停闭业务
close out售完
close out平仓
close-out price抛售价格
closing out结帐
closing-out contract平仓合约
closing-out contract结清合约
consignment-out寄销品 (outward)
consignment-out寄销 (outward)
consignments out account寄销品帐户科目
contract close-out清算合约
crossed out划销
deal with the fall-out from the financial crisis处理金融危机影响
deep-out-of-the-money option极价外期权
discount with out recourse无追索权贴现
dividend pay-out ratio股利支付比率
down knock-out option下跌触碰失效期权
down-and-out barrier option下跌失效障碍期权
down-and-out call下跌失效看涨期权
down-and-out call option下跌失效看涨期权
down-and-out option下跌失效期权 (这是一种障碍期权,在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效)
down-and-out put下跌失效看跌期权
down-and-out put option下跌失效看跌期权
down-in-and-up-out put option下跌生效上涨失效看跌期权
drawing out提出存款
drawing out取回
employee buy-out员工控股收购
employee buy-out企业职工收购
equity carve-out股权分离
equity carve-out股票分拆上市
European up-and-out call option欧式上涨失效看涨期权
Eurozone bail-out fund欧元区纾困基金
Eurozone's 440bn bail-out fund欧元区4400 亿欧元纾困基金
expenditure out of budget预算外支出
first-in-first-out method先进先出法
freight-out运出运费 (carriage outward delivery expense)
freight-out销货运费 (carriage outward delivery expense)
get a bail-out获得纾困
global bail-out plan全球纾困计划
heave the eurozone out of its debt crisis带领欧元区走出债务危机
highest-in-first-out method高人先出法
in and out短线买进卖出
keep out of debt不借债
knock-out call option触碰失效看涨期权 (又译"障消看涨期权")
knock-out discount accumulator累沽期权
knock-out option触碰失效期权 (又译"障消期权",指基础资产的市价触及约定水准时即失效)
knock-out put option触碰失效看跌期权 (又译"障消看跌期权")
last in first out后进先岀法 (一种评估存货价值的方法)
last-in first-out后购先用法
leverage buy-out杠杆收购
leveraged buy-out杠杆收购
liability out of book帐外负债
lift the nation out of poverty带领国家摆脱贫困
make out开具账单、收据等
make out a cheque开支票
make out a sum to settle the account拼凑一笔款子了结帐目
make out an account开帐
moneyed out付给现金
moneyed out现金付款
move the renminbi in or out of the mainland for investment purposes以投资为目的的跨境人民币资金流动
not taken out未扣除
not taken out不抵充
out-cycle work停机时之工作
out-of -date check过期支票
out of debt不负债
out of debt不欠债
out of line暴涨暴跌
out of the money虚值
out of the money价外值
out of the window售罄
out of the window销售一空
out of work insurance失业保险
out-of-book asset账外资产
out-of-book liabilities账外负债
out-of-date check过期支票
out-of-pocket expenses实际支出
out-of-pocket expenses实付费用
out-of-pocket expenses零星杂费
out-of-pocket expenses现金支付
out-of-pocket loss付现损失
out-of-pocket manufacturing cost付现制造成本
out-of-the flavor stock失宠的股票
out-of-the-money amount价外值
out-of-the-money call option虚值看涨期权
out-of-the-money call option价外看涨期权
out-of-the-money option虚值期权 (指期权的行使价格高于股票的当前价格)
out-of-the-money option价外期权
out-of-the-money put option虚值看跌期权
out-of-the-money put option价外看跌期权
out-of-the-money strangle价外异价跨式组合
out option出局期权
out-performance option超常表现期权
out years在本财政年度以后的年度
overdraft by out-port banks外埠银行透支
overdraft by out-port banks外埠同业透支
overdrafts by out-port banks外埠银行透支
overdrafts by out-port banks外埠同业透支
paid out支出
paid out流出国际上的化费
path out of the crisis走出危机
pay out还债
pay out支付
profit and loss on consignments out account寄销品损益帐户
pull money out of emerging markets将资金撤出新兴市场
pull money out of high yielding advanced economies将资金撤出高息发达经济体
receipt and expenditure out of budget预算外收入与支出
receipts and expenditure out of budget预算外收入与支出
retirement of shares out of profit注销股利
ride out the global financial crisis走出全球金融危机
run out of bullets无计可施
run out of control失控
second bail-out package第二轮纾困方案
settlement out of court法庭外调解
ship renminbi out of the country使人民币流向海外
small order first-in-first-out细额先到先得
steadily carry out reforms to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based稳步推进利率、汇率市场化改革
stop-out price最低起拍价
stopped out止损退出
straighten out the account清算帐目
support qualified enterprises to carry out overseas mergers and acquisitions支持有条件的企业开展海外并购
take out a credit开立信用证
take out a mortgage to buy a house按揭购房
take out an insurance投保
take out of pledge赎帐
take part of the debt out in goods以货抵充部分债务
take the heat out of the economy为经济降温
to make out an account开帐
to meet out-of-pocket cost供应现金支付成本
transfer-out of individual account个人账户转出
up and out上涨失效期权
up-and-out barrier option上涨失效障碍期权
up-and-out call option上涨失效看涨期权
up-and-out option上涨失效期权 (这是一种障碍期权,在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效)
up-and-out put上涨失效看跌期权
up-and-out put option上涨失效看跌期权
vigorously carry out enterprise mergers and reorganizations积极推进企业兼并重组
vigorously carry out technological upgrading in enterprises积极推进企业技术改造
wipe out an account抹帐
wipe out the budget deficit消除预算赤字
write out削除