
Terms for subject Mathematics containing out | all forms | exact matches only
check out检查输出结果
check out console校验控制台
fan out分列
fan out输出端数
garbage in, garbage out无数据进,无数据出
it turns out to be the case that...原来
it turns out to be the case that...结果弄清楚是…
log in log on and log out录入与退出 (log off)
non-destructive read-out不破坏读出
out come matrix结局矩阵
be out of contact with和…失去联系
out of rule违背惯例
out of rule不按常规
out of the reach of超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
out of the reach of为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
out-of-kilter algorithm不依次序演算法
read-out information读出信息
roll in/roll out转入转出
roll in/roll out滚进/滚出
smear out涂抹〔满〕
the odd powers cancel out奇次幂相互抵消
try out彻底
wear-out of failure耗损故障
wear-out of failure磨损的损坏