
Terms for subject Drilling containing out | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic blow-out-preventer control声控防喷器
annular blow-out preventer环空防喷器
annular velocity out of drill collars钻铤部分环空流速
bail out捞出
bail out提捞
balance out中和
balance out抵消
bear out证明
bear out支持
bit burnt out钻头干钻烧坏
bit washed out钻头冲蚀
block out勾画轮廓
block out划分地区
block out规划
blow out井喷
blow out排出
blow out喷出
blow out hazard井喷事故
blow-out preventer防喷器
bore out钻眼
bottom out探明到底
bottom out钻达完钻井深
break out开模
break out倒扣
break out爆发
break out卸开
break out卸扣
break out倒空
break out起出
break out突然发生
break out卸货
break out卸开【掉】
break-out block方瓦块
break-out block钻头装卸器
break-out cathead卸扣猫头
break-out cylinder卸扣液压缸
break-out line旋绳
break-out line卸扣绳
break-out tong内钳
break-out tong卸扣钳
breathe out呼出
bring out射出
bring out发生
broomed out钢丝绳头松散开
carry out贯彻
carry out执行
chain out of hole起钻
change out更换
change out string of pipe换整柱钻杆
circulated out已循环出的
circulating out循环带
circulation out fill循环冲洗井底沉砂
clean out清理
cleaned out弄净
cleaned out清除井中杂物
clean-out bit洗井钻头
clean-out bit清洗井底的钻头
clean-out cover清砂孔盖板
clean-out machine钻油层用反循环设备
clean-out mill洗井磨鞋
clean-out of well洗井
clean-out opening沉砂罐清砂孔
clean-out plate清砂孔盖板
clean-out plug放空丝堵
clean out & shoot清井并射孔
cleaned out to total depth井至总井深
cleaninged out弄净
cleaninged out清除井中杂物
clear out清理
come out of the hole起钻
come out of well由井中起出管柱
coming out of hole起钻
coming out of hole从井眼中起出
cook out sample烘干砂样
cut out断流器
cut out断开
cut out切开
data out输出数据
deal out分发
deal out分配
depth out钻达井深
depth out起钻
depth out完钻井深
depth out起钻深度
diameter run-out径向
differential flow-in-and-out进出口泥浆流量差
dig out调查出
dig out挖掘出
dissolve out沉淀
dissolve out分泌
dissolve out分出
dissolve out析出
distil out蒸出
downhole blow out preventer井下防喷器
draw out提起工具
draw out拉出
dress out修复钻头
drill out钻穿
drill out钻出
drill-out time钻穿时间
drill-out tool钻穿工具
drilled out钻出
drilled out钻穿
drilled-out cement钻出的水泥碎屑
drilled-out depth钻出水泥塞深度
drilled-out plug已钻水泥塞
drilling out钻穿
drilling out of hole钻完井眼
drilling out plug在钻水泥塞
drilling out tool钻水泥塞工具
drive out排斥
drive out赶出
drop out放空
drop out脱落
drop out下降
drop out卸掉
drop out排泄
drop out落下
drop out析出
dying out尖灭
eat out耗尽
eat out侵蚀
emergence milling out磨铳处理事故
emergency-milling out事故处理磨铣
fanning out分开
fanning out输出
fanning out分散
farm out在一块油田能定的井位已钻完
feather out尖灭
feather out变细
feather out变薄
file out陆续退出
file out锉出
filter out滤出
find out找出
find out计算出
find out发现
find out弄清楚
finger out尖灭
fit out配备
fit out装备
flow out density井口返出的钻井液密度
flush out吹掉
follow out执行
follow out把... 进行到底
follow out贯彻
force out压出
force out抽出
force out挤出
formation wash-out地层冲蚀
gas blow-out气喷
get out of control失控
get out of the way让开
get out of the way避开
get out of the weather避雨口语
get out of the weather避风
give out分布
give out发生
give out供料用完
go out of order发生故障
hand out分发
hoist out提升钻具
hoist out起钻
hydraulic break-out cylinder卸扣液缸
jet out喷洗圆井
jetting out喷射冲洗
kelly out方余
kick out定向井水平位移
kick out拨出鱼头
kick out rotary table转盘停止转动
knock out敲出
knock out击落
knock out分离
knock out stuck pipe震击被卡钻具
lay out放样
lay out设计
lay out定线
lay out定位
lay out井场布置
let out trapped torque释放剩余扭矩
lift out卸下
lift out提升
lock out switch连锁开关
log out记录输出
log out of hole测井完成
make out说明
make out理解
make out开列
make out完成
make out看出
make out cathead卸扣猫头
measure out起钻量钻具长度算井深
move out把钻机运出井场
move out搬走
move out移出
moving out井场
moving out cable tools搬出顿钻钻具
moving out completion rig搬出完井钻机
moving out completion unit搬出完井设备
moving out equipment设备搬出井场
moving out rig搬出井场
moving out rig运出井场
moving out rig钻机搬出井场
moving out rig, tools, cable搬出钻机、钻具和钢丝绳
moving out rotary tools从井场运出钻具
moving out rotary tools搬出旋转钻具
mud density out井口返出泥浆密度
mud out density井口返出的泥浆密度
mud out sensor井口返出泥浆密度传感器
mud temperature out泥浆出口温度
mud temperature out井内返出的泥浆温度
mud temperature out出井泥浆温度 (of the hole)
mud weight out出口泥浆比重
mud weight out出井泥浆密度
out cylinder旋转黏度计外筒
out gas除气
out-laying well边缘井
out of balance不平衡
out of center偏离中心
out of flat不平
out of gage外径磨损
out of gauge尺寸不合要求
out of gauge尺寸不规范
out of gauge bit尺寸磨小的钻头
out of gauge bit尺寸不标准的钻头
out of gauge hole井径不符标准的井
out of gear不工作的
out of gear摘开的
out of mesh不啮合的
out of round oversized hole大肚子井眼
out of roundness椭圆度
out of size尺寸不符要求
out of specification不符规范的
out-of-hole time井内无钻具时间
out-of-hole time停井时间
peg out划界
petering out耗尽
petering out尖灭
pick out挑选
pick out分类
pick out分拣
pinch out变薄
pinch out地层尖灭
pinch out well油藏边缘低产井
pinch out well探边井
play out尖灭
plug cut-out插塞式保险器
pointed out hole直径缩小的不能继续钻进的井
pressure out压力过高
pressure out蹩压
pull out上提
pull out起钻
pull out从井内起出钻具
pull out从井中起出
pull-out fuse插入式保险丝
pull out of hole起钻
pull out of hole从井内起出
pull out of hole从井中起出 仪器或工具, 起钻
pull out of the hole从井中提出
pull out of the hole起钻
pulled out起钻
pulled out从井中起出
pulled out of hole起钻【管柱】
pulled out of hole从井口起出
pulling out拔出
pulling out起钻
pump-out bean顶岩心出筒用的短管
pumping-out line泵送管道
put out停车
put out扑灭
put out关闭
range out a line定线
ravel out松散
ravel out剥落
ravel out解除
ravel out纠缠
ravel out解开
ream out扩眼
resistance to pulling out拖拽阻力
reverse out extra cement反循环出多余水泥
rigged-down, moved out拆卸并搬走
rolling out collapsed string胀开挤扁的管柱
rotate out of hole转盘卸扣起钻
run-out of the hole起钻
scissor out剪断
screen out筛除
screen out筛出
screen out滤砂
screw out卸扣
search out査出
search out探出
set out开始
set out放线
set out定线
set out放样
set out出发
set out测定
set out well扩边井
setting out放线
settle out沉淀出
settling out沉析
shear-out safety joint剪切安全接头
sketch out绘出草图
sketch out草拟
smooth out消除
smooth out曲线趋于平缓
snap out排出
snubbing out强行起钻
spacing out错位
spacing out隔开
spacing out分隔
spread out分散开
spread out扩散开
squirt out喷出
stake out打桩
stalled out停止工作
step out步测
step-out drilling钻探边井
stick out冒出
stick out触目
stick out显眼
stick out突出
straight out弄直
stripping in and out of the hole用防喷器强行起下钻
stripping in and out operation强行起下钻作业
surface pressure read-out地面直读井底压力计
surface read-out地面直读读数
switch out断开
switch out拉闸
take a chance on wrenching bit out of round上扣时拧坏丝扣
taper out尖灭
tear out拔出
tear out拉出
tear out卸开
tear out拆卸
tearing out rotary tools卸开旋转装置
temperature out出口温度
thin out变薄
thin out稀释
thin out尖灭
throw out of gear不啮合
throw out of gear脱开啮合
throw-out of motion分离
throw-out of motion停车
throw-out of motion运动停止
tool out of hole井下起出的工具
top out油罐结束进油
top out油罐液面与罐顶接触
tracking out导出
tracking out探出
tracking out追踪
treat out处理
trip out断开
trip out起钻
trip out of hole起钻
trip out of hole从井中起出
trip out the hole起钻
turn out关闭
upset run out zone钻杆加厚部分磨损区
wash out冲刷
wash out刺坏
wash out冲洗
washed-out borehole冲蚀的井眼
washed-out joint刺坏的单根
washed-out section冲蚀的井段
wear out磨光
wear out用旧
wear out用坏
wear out磨坏
wear out of gauge磨损到小于标准尺寸
wipe out key-seat把键槽破坏掉
worn out磨坏的
worn out磨损的
worn out in service使用磨损