
Terms for subject Business containing out | all forms | exact matches only
account due on consignment-out应收到期寄售货款
accounts due on consignment-out应收到期寄售货款
advance consignment-out代销商品预收款
advance received on consignment-out发出委托销售商品暂收款
advances received on consignment-out发出委托销售商品预收款
aggregate fund in-and-out-flow资金出入总额
all out全力以赴
all sold out today今日已售完
application for taking out samples of goods in bond申请从保税仓库内取出样品
arise out of是…的结果
arise out of起因于
arise out of由于…而产生〔引起,造成,做出〕
assets out of accounts账外资产
automatic check out equipment自动检验设备
averaging out达到平均数
back out反悔
back out收回诺言承担的责任
back out不履行
back out of the con tract不履行合同
"bad money drives out good money""劣币驱逐良币"
balance out补偿
balance out抵偿
balance out抵销
bargain for the coming out新股买卖
battery cut-out切断电池电路
battery cut-out自动开关
be out of balance不平衡
be out of keep with the times不合时宜
be out of stock缺货
be out of stock无存货
be out of stock清仓
bilateral agreement on the movement of currencies into and out of each other's territory货币进出国境互惠协定
black out停电
black out关闭
black out截止
blank out作废
blank out取消
bloch out画草图
bloch out规划
bond made out in dollar美元债券
bottom dropped out of...急剧跌价
bottom falling out of the market行情跌至最低点
bottom out探明
bottom out价格跌到底回升
bought-out finished买断产权 (item)
bought-out raw买断原料 (item)
branch out扩充经营范围
branch out业务等扩充范围
break out发生
building out section附加平衡网络
burn out大火灾
burned out烧完
burned out耗尽
burned out剔去
buy out买进
buy out...买下…全部产权
buy out买下…全部产权
buy out...买断…
buy out a business买下招牌
buy out a business买字号
buy out a business买下一家企业
buy out of the market买断市
buying out an interest买全股
buying-out policy赎买政策
cargo in and out货物装卸情况
carry out实施
carry out完成
carry out a contract履行合约
carry out market planning安排市场
carry out plan完成计划
carry out plan执行计划
carry out reconstruction改建
carry out structural reform改革体制
cartage out岀货运费
carved out interest分割权利
carved out production payment分割生产付款
casting out nines验算去九法
charge for sorting out cargo mark分标记费
charge for sorting out cargo mark货物分标记费
check out提款
check out试验
check out检测
check out检查合格
check out调整
check out结账
check out校正
check out付款后离去
check-out counter收款柜台
check-out counter〈美〉收款处
check-out stand验货收款台
check-out stand station超级市场验货收款台
cipher out算出
cipher out计算
clean off the balance out standing付清所欠余款
clean out打扫干净
clear out结关离港
clear out售完
clear out all the holding卖完全部存货
clear out the stock售清存货
clearing house out-book票据交换所贷款证账
clearing out ward report出口结算报告书
clock out计时下班
clock out off下班打卡卡上打印下班时间
close out清仓减价推销
close out停止业务
close out售完存货
closing out结账
come out of the red扭亏为盈
component auto programmed check-out equipment元件自动程序校核设备
component automatic programmed check out元件自动编程检查
computer print-out计算机印出
consignment out寄销
consignment out寄销〔售〕品
consignment out寄销品
consignment out寄售品
consignment out account寄售品账户
contents leaking out内货外漏
contracted-out parts协作件
contracted-out production协作生产
contracting out system承包制
cost of turning-out a bad product接受次品费用
cross out划掉
cross out注销
cross out勾销
cross out删除
cross out删去
cross out划销
crowding out effect排挤
cut out断线器
cut out valve断流阀
days out of service日夜服务
detailed check-out详细检查
detailed check-out procedure详细检查程序
developing out paper显影纸
developing out paper显像纸
dig out earth出土
distribute bonuses out of profit按利润发奖金
dollar value last in, first out method美元币值后进先出法
draw out money提取钱款
dynamic print-out动态打印输出
dynamical print-out动态打印输出
electronic check-out电子检验
electronic check-out maintenance equipment电子检修设备
equipment check-out设备检查
equipment receipt-out设备交接单
evening out平衡
evening-out of exchange rates平衡兑换率
expected value of stock-out预期缺货价值
expected value of stock-out预期缺货额
express out-of-pocket实际费用
fade-out measures外资逐步减少股权的措施
fall out effect诱发作用
field assembly and check-out现场组装与检査
figure out计算出
fill outup填好
fill out a cheque开支票
fixed assets rented out租出固定资产
focal out散焦
fork out非自愿交付款项
free in and out船方不负担装卸货费用
free in and out装卸货船方免责条件
free in and out and free taxes船方不负担装卸费和税款
free in and out and stowed船方不负担装卸费和积载费
free in and out freight rates船方不负担装卸的运费率
free in and out of trucks不负担装卸货车费用
free in and out, stowed and trimming船方不负担装卸费,积载和平舱费
free out卸货自理
freight out运出运费
freight out销货运费
front-end check out出口收款
full out terms现货买卖条件
functional check-out功能检验
functional check-out set功能检验装置
functionally laid out workshop按机床种类布置的车间
further spell out saving target进一步阐明节约指标
garbage in, garbage out无用输出入
get out of debt还清债务
get out of red不再亏空
get the most out of data充分利用数据
get the most out of funds充分利用资金
get the most out of information充分利用信息
get the most out of resources充分利用资源
go flat out拼命干
go out of date落伍
go out of date过时
go out of gear毛病
go out of gear机器失灵
going out输出
going out出口
going out of business企业出口
going out of business停业
highest-in first-out高入先岀法
highest-in, first-out高入先出法
highest-in-first-out method高入先出法
hire out出租
hold out拖延签约者
holding out拖延签约以争取有利条件
If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the bearings?如果我们的轴承以到岸价成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?
illegal strike and lock-out非法罢工和关闭工厂
in and out短线买卖
in and out items往返转账项目
in and out time card进出时间卡
in-and-out rates短期结算费率
in-and-out stepwise method分批进入与退出的逐步回归法
inspected out检查出
inspection of contracted-out part协作件检验
installation, calibration and check-out装置校验与检查
inventory plans, first in, first out先进先出盘存法
inventory plans, last in, first out后进先出盘存法
keep out切勿入内
keep out of the sun避光保存包装用语
kick out捐款
kick out开除
knock out联合拍卖契约
knock-out agreement联手拍卖协议
last in, first-out method后进先出法
last in , last out后进后岀法
last-in, first-out后进先出法
last-in, first-out后进先出
last-in, first-out inventory layer后进先出盘存进货批次
last-in, first-out list后进先出表
last-in first-out met hod后进先出法计算存货方法之一
last-in first-out method of inventory costing后进先出盘存成本计算法
last-in, first-out queue后进先出排队
last-in first-out stack后进先出货栈
last-in, last-out后进后出
last-in, last-out method后进后出法
lay out陈设
lay out投资
lay out捐钱
lay out of a factory工厂布局
lease out piecemeal零租
leasing out enterprise租赁企业
legging out拔出一条腿
legging out履行套期图利的一边
lend out借出
let out under a subcontract转出租
leverage buy out杠杆收购
liability out of book账外债务
liability out of book账外负债
lift on/lift out吊装式
lift-on and lift-out shipment吊装
line out of service停产
live out不在工作处住宿
living out雇主不提供住宿
lock out不准进厂
lock out闭厂
lose out on company merger公司合并失败
lot out goods in parcel将货物分成包件
lot out goods in parcel货物分为包件
machinery lay-out机械布置
made out to our order填写我方抬头
mail-out and mail-back method寄出邮回法
make out a document in duplicate将文件缮写一式两份
marginal propensity to spend out of income收入边际支出倾向
market-out clause承销证券合同的中止条款
measure out仔细分配
measure out计划分配
mete out rewards给予奖励
method of first-in, first-out先进先出法
method of last-in, first-out后进先出法
money out of hand缺现款
money out of hand现款
money out of hand现金
money out of hand无现款现金
more-out-than-in method多出少入法
move out迁出
mutually cancel out相互抵销
next-in first-out次进先出法
next-in, first-out method次入先岀法
next-in-first-out method次进先出法
non-destructive read-out memory无破坏读出存储器
not out yet未发
not taken out未剔除
obligation arising out of the instrument票据产生的义务
out alphabet输出字母
out and outer杰出人物
out and outer行家
out bargain交易获利
out branch输出支路
out-cycle work停机时作业
out of从…卸下
out of除外
out of...由于
out of...离开
out of岀自
out of...免除
out of action停止运行
out of commission不委托
out of commission不运营
out of commission for maintenance不安装维修
out of customs place无关税的地方
out of date失效的
out of date bill过期汇票
out of date cheque过期支票
out of date data过期数据
out of employment失业
out of fund资金匮乏不足
be out of funds缺乏资金
out of gauge不合规格标准
out of hand无法约束
out of hours trading正式交易时间的成交
out of line外部
out of line线外
out of line脱离常规
out of line with the market与市价不符
out of living expense出差膳宿费
out of operation停止运行
out of operation停止操作
out of operation停业的
out of order无序
out of order次序颠倒
out of order状态不佳
out of position不配置
out of position无地位
out of print售光
out of repair破损
out of run失效
out of service corrective maintenance停机校正维修
out of size尺寸不合规定
out of size尺寸不合
out-of stock缺货
out-of stock无现货
out-of stock脱销
out-of stock cost短储成本
out of the hours工余
out of the hours业余
out of time误时
out of time无时间
out of time过时
out of tolerance无公差
out of town bank外埠银行
out of town clearing外埠票据清算额
out of town company外地公司
out of true不实际
out of true不真实
out of use不用
out-of-balance in process inventory在制品不平衡
out-of-line process外部过程
out-of-line rate离线工资率
out-of-pocket cost实付成本
out-of-pocket expense实际支出
out-of-pocket expense付现费用
out-of-pocket expense付现费用如支付工资、税款等
out-of-pocket money实付现钱
out-of-town bank外埠银行
out-of-town checks外埠支票
out-of-town clearing外埠结算
out-of-town clearing外埠票据交换
out-of-work benefit失业津贴
out on loan款项已贷出
out put queue输岀队列
out to in external bond为国内筹资的国外债券
out to out external bond国外就地筹资债券
out tray待发文件架
packaging materials lent out出借包装物
packaging materials rented out出租包装物
parameter check-out参数检查输出
pay out花费
pay out ratio盈利率
pay out ratio派息率
phased-out period递减期间
pick out and buy选购
point of make-out计算收入起点
price oneself out of market要价太高而失去市场
price out of the market价格过高而失销路
price out of the market价格高出市场
pricing-out of the market定价高于市价
print out印出
print out打印输出
profit and loss on consignment out account寄销品损益账户
program check-out程序校验
proposed lay out推荐平面布置方案
put out money at interest收息放债
putting-out system包出制
read-out data读出数据
read-out gate读出门
read-out information读岀信息
realize out of the consignment变卖寄售货物
receivables from transferred-out employees应收调出职员欠款
receive and pay out money or bill出纳
restoration of worn-out parts旧件修复
right to speak out发表言论权
rule out拒不考虑
rule out拒绝承认
run out逃避
run out期满
run out on the partnership对合股人的背弃
scuttle out of one's responsibilities逃避责任
sell out脱销
sell out出售股票或商品抵偿欠款
sell out售缺
sell out商品售缺
sell out卖光
sell out at a loss亏本出售
sentiment of bottoming-out探明意见
set out宣布
set out results测定结果
shake out实力不足的投机商淘汰出市场
shake out抛售债券等
share out均分
share out分摊
share out分享
share out分配
share out in private私分
short out method简捷法
specify out指出
specify out说明
squeeze money out from sb.向某人榨取钱财
stock out缺货
stock out脱销
stock-out level缺货程度
stretch-out contract展期合同
swindle money out of a person骗取某人钱财
system check-out系统校验
system check-out系统检查
take out a patent for得到…专利权
take out a patent for取得…专利权
take out an insurance policy投保
take out an insurance policy领到保险单
take out an overdraft透支
take-out commitment抵偿承诺
take... out in接受…作为抵偿
take out loan取代贷款
take out of bond由保税仓库中提岀
take out of bond从保税仓库中提出
take part of the debt out in goods以货物抵充部分债务
taking out turns倒空
talk out通过商谈消除分歧
temporarily out of service暂时停业
temporarily out of stock暂时脱销
temporary out of stock暂缺货
Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?感谢您的询盘。不过请告知订购数量,这样我们才能报价
throw out a feeler作试探性的建议
time out of memory追忆不出的时期
time to wear-out磨损期
transfer-out with compensation有偿调出
transfer-out without compensation无偿调出
trying out production试产
trying out tool工具实验
two-way out双名票据
unauthorized outlays out of receipts坐支
walk out退席抗议
warrant for backing out of the contract背弃合同的证据
wash-out hole洗炉孔
We would like you to help straighten out the trouble concerning the breakage of the dimmers' package我们想让您帮忙解决调光器包装破损事宜
wear-out effect磨损影响
wear-out factor磨损因数
wear-out failure epoch磨损故障期
wear-out failure period磨损故障期
wear-out histogram磨损直方图
wear-out probability磨损概率
wear-out reliability磨损可靠性
wear-out replacement磨损更新
wear-out replacement rate磨损更换率
wear-out system磨损系统
wear-out time耐磨时间
work out检查出
work out拟定
worn out component应报废元件
worn out fixed assets应报废固定资产
worn out in service使用中磨损
worn-out parts用坏零件
worn-out surface用坏面
zeroing out结束账户
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