
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing out | all forms | exact matches only
acid out酸析
annulus blow out环空井喷
assets out of book账外资产
auto-manual locked-out selector switch手动自动锁定选择开关
back-in farm out保留租出
bail-out bottle应急呼吸气瓶
blow-out disc保护隔膜
blown-out shot空炮
blown-out shot瞎炮
blown-out shot废炮
blowout out of control井喷失控
brake out卸开
brake out a joint卸扣
break-out block方卡瓦
break out tongs卸扣大钳
broken out section切面
bucking-out system补偿系统
carved-out interest出让权益
casing clean-out operation管内冲砂作业
clean out acid洗井用酸
clean-out bit清除井底钻头
clean-out box排污箱
clean-out cover清扫口盖
clean-out door清油砂人孔
clean-out hatch清扫孔
clean-out machine反循环钻机
clean-out opening清扫孔
clean-out operation洗井作业
clean-out operation清洗作业
clean-out plug放油塞
clean-out rig洗井机
clean-out service洗井作业
clean-out string洗井用钻柱
clean-out string轻型钻柱
clean-out system清洗装置
concealed out crop隐蔽露头
contract-out party出包方
crumb out清理管沟
current-out lay cost现付成本
daily average gas send-out平均日输气量
detailed check-out procedure详细检查步骤
diameter run-out径向跳动
differential flow-in and out进出口泥浆流量差
diver lock-out submersible外出潜水器
downhole blow-out preventer井下防喷器
drawing-out fault拖引断层
drill out扩孔
drill out取出岩心
drill out钻碎
drill out tool钻水泥塞工具
drilled out钻碎
drilling out of casing钻出套管
drop out line放空线
dry-out sample无水试样
dynamic check-out动态检查【验】
dynamic check-out unit动态测试装置
electrical out age断电
emergence milling out事故磨铳
factor out析出因数
fall-out radioactive material放射性沉积物
fan-out factor输出端数
farm out
faulted out断裂的
first in first out method of inventory costing存货成本先进先出法
first-in first-out method先入先出法
flare-out elevation guidance element拉平仰角引导单元
flooded-out well水淹井
flush out冲掉
flushed-out trap受冲刷圈闭
garbage-in, garbage-out废料入废料出原理
gas through-out气体通过量
gassed-out well气窜井
gassed out zone脱气带
gassed out zone脱气层段
getting out of order发生故障
GP shear-out safety joint砾石充填剪切安全接头
hidden out crop隐蔽露头
hidden out crop掩蔽露头
hold out swing外推式变向架
in and out bolt双头螺栓
in and out bolt贯通螺栓
in and out flowing method进出流量法
knock die-out爆震消除
knock out sub撞击接头
knock out sub投杆接头
lap-out map盖层分布图
lap-out map虫视图
last in first out method of inventory costing存货成本后进先出法
last-in-first out后进先出法
leading-out terminal输出端子
lens out散焦
let out a secret泄密
lock-out circuit闭塞电路
lock-out circuit保持电路
magnetic blow-out arrester磁吹灭弧避雷器
mud clean out agent泥浆清除剂
next-in-first out method后进先出
out crop露头
out crop coring露头取心
out cylinder外圆筒
out door equipment露天设备
out door storage货场
out gate溢流口
out gate输出门
out growth副产品
out-laying well外围井
out-laying well扩边井
out-lying well外沿井
out of control失去控制
out of gauge bit尺寸不合标准的钻头
out of joint脱榫
out of operation停运
out of operation停止运转
out of operation停产
out of order不能使用
out of order出故障
out of plane load平面外荷载
out of square不成直角
out of the plan price计划外价格
out of the way脱离常规
out of use无用
out of use无用【废弃】的
out-of-gauge bit非规径钻头
out-of-hole time非钻进时间
out-of-pocket cost付现成本
out-of-round oversized hole大肚子井眼
out phase相位不重合
out phase不同相
out side caliper外卡钳
out side caliper外卡规
out side core barrel外岩心筒
out side dead center外死点
out side heat removing外取热
out side micrometer外径千分尺
out side protective case外保护套管
out-stepping well外扩井
out-stepping well探边井
out-to-input amplitude ratio输出-输入振幅比
out ward remittance汇出
out ward turning外旋
out wire外线
pile washing out冲桩
pinch out well油藏探边井
pinch out well油藏边界低产井
plug cut-out安全插头
precipitate out沉淀析出
premature sand out过早砂堵
pull out接箍处脱开
pump out抽出
pump-out bean取岩心短管
pump-out valve抽空阀
pumping-out line泵输出管道
resistance to pulling out拖曳电阻
reverse out返出
reversed out返出
revolving blow-out preventer旋转防喷器
rock out crop岩石露头
roll out转出
rotating in and out of hole转动起下钻
roughing out粗分离
run-out area of internal upset drill pipe钻杆内加厚突出区
safety cut-out熔丝断路器
safety cut-out安全开关
safety cut-out安全断流器
sample-out count无样计数
sample-out count本底计数
sand clean-out冲砂
sand fall out脱砂
sand falling out脱砂
sand falling out砂粒沉降
sand knock-out assembly地面油气除砂装置
sand-out pressure脱砂压力
setting out划线
settling out沉降分离
shake out从分离器取得的油样
shake out筛出
shake out振动分出
shear-blind blow-out preventer剪切盲板防喷器
sketch out概述
smeared out crystal抹滑晶体
snap out快速脱离
snap-out release快速释放
snap-out release快速丢手
snubbing out强行起出
staking out测量打桩
stalled out停止运转
started out of hole从井口【眼】开始的
step-out time到达时差
step-out time analysis时差分析
stock out库存缺货
strapp out of hole从井口开始缠绕的
strapped out of hole从井口开始缠绕的
stratigraphic pitch-out地层尖灭
streaked-out ripple纹影波痕
surface read-out地面直读
tank clean-out opening油罐清扫口
temporarily out of service暂时停产
throw-out of gear脱开啮合
time cut-out定时开关
time cut-out定时断流器
top-out job顶部固井作业
trap-out tray隔离盘
trip out跳闸
tune out解谐
turn out生产
water out水出口
watered out水淹
watered-out gas reservoir水侵气藏
watered-out interval水淹层段
watered-out producer水淹生产井
watered-out reservoir水淹油藏
watered-out reservoir水淹油层
watered-out reservoir水侵油藏
watered-out sand水淹油砂层
watered-out sand水淹砂岩
watered-out zone水淹带
watered-out zone水淹层
watering-out process水淹过程
wedge out尖灭 (wdgot)
well out of control无控制井
well out of control失控井
wet-out rate浸润速率
wipe-out zone无反射区