
Terms for subject International trade containing other | all forms | exact matches only
all other perils其他一切风险
all other perils一切其他风险
any other party jointly and severally liable with the debtor与债务人连带负责的任何其他方
bail or other security保证或其他担保
bid against each other竟相出价
cheques canceling each other out冲账
contact with oil and other cargo海上保险接触油及其他货物
contact with other cargo触及他货
contact with other cargoes被其它货物感染
contact with other substance碰损
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States关于解决各国和其他国家的国民之间的投资争端的公约
damage through contact with other cargo与其它货物接触受损
damage through contact with other cargo与其他货物接触受损
do not load or store near steam pipes or other source of heat切勿靠近蒸汽管或其它热源装载或堆存
due from other funds应收其他基金款
due to other funds应付其他基金款
eight principles in providing aid to other countries对外援助八项原则
garments and other wear鞋帽服饰品
instrument free from claims and defenses of other parties其他当事人不能主张权利或提出抗辩的票据
interest on loans from other bank向其他银行借款利息
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matter of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigation统一船舶碰撞或其他航行事故中刑事管辖权方面若干规定的国际公约
knock against each other互撞
liens and other encumbrances留置权及其他权利负担
loans made on behalf of customers or other banks代放款项
mining, other extractive采矿和其他采掘业
not to be stowed below other cargo不能堆压
not to be stowed below other cargo怕压
other assets其他资产
other budget其他预算
other deductions其他减除额
other expenses其他费用
other financial operations其他金融业务
other income其他收益
other insurances permitted可另有保险
other insurances permitted可另保险
other items其它函件
other liabilities其他负债
other long-term private capital其他民间长期资本
other revenue其他收入
package or other shipping unit一揽子或其他装运单位
presentment requirements for imports and other items进口结汇保证金及其它项目净额
principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other needs平等互利和互通有无的原则
risk of contamination with other cargo污染险
risk of contamination with other cargo被其他货物玷污险
supplying each other’s wants互通有无
taxes and other deductions税收及其它减让
this package must not be loaded or stowed near steam pipes or other sources of heat装载和储存时切勿靠近蒸汽管或其他热源
transaction undertaken for other than purely commercial consideration不是纯粹商业的交易