
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing order | all forms | exact matches only
articles made to order定制品
automatic tally order自动运算指令
automatically order the batch number自动编制批号
avoid verbal orders避免口头指示
back order memo延期交货通知书
bill of lading to order空白台头提单
blank order forms空白订单
buying order of shipyard船厂订购单
cash with order随订单付现款
Could you increase the quantity of your order?能否再多订一些?
cylinder ignition order气缸点火顺序
delay an order延期订货
discretionary order可斟酌情况处理的订单
engine-order telegraph主机操作传令钟
extensive order扩大订货
facilities purchase order购买设备订购单
factory order工厂订单
fire order发火次序
forward orders订货
high-order add circuit高次加法电路
How many do you intend to order?你们打算订购多少?
How many sets do you want to order?你们要订购多少套?
I suggest that you order our stainless steel marine valve.我建议你们订购我们的不锈钢船用阀门
If you accept our counter offer, we' ll persuade the end-user to place an order with you.如果贵方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向贵方订货
ignition order点火命令
In order to conclude the business, we' ll agree to give you a 3% discount.为了成交,我们同意给你们3%的折扣。
In order to conclude the business, we may make some concessions.为了成交,我们可以作些让步
In order to conclude the transaction, we accept your price.为了达成这次交易,我们接受你方的报价
in order to suit social diversified demand为了适应社会多样化需求
in the like good order and condition处于良好的相似状态
in the like good order and condition处于相似良好状态
material on order已订材料
open order开始谈判
order-and-reply telegraph往复式传令钟
order for the new products订购新产品
place an order for car carrier订购汽车运输船
place an order for container ship订购集装箱船
place an order for liquified petroleum gas carrier订购液化石油气运输船
place an order for live fish carrier订购活鱼运输船
place an order for livestock carrier订购牲畜运输船
place an order for pulp carrier订购纸浆运输船
place an order for refrigerated ship订购冷藏船
place an order for roll-on/roll-off vessel订购滚装船
place an order for roll-on/rolloff vessel订购滚装船
place an order for train ferry订购火车轮渡
postal order邮局汇票
production of customer's order根据订单生产
shipper's order托运人指令
shipping order and mate's receipt装船单及大副收据
specific order特别订货
specific order production特殊订货生产
specific order production特别订货生产
The minimum quantity of an order for the new product is fifty sets.这种新产品的起订量是 50 套
The size of our order depends greatly on your price.我们的订货量在很大程度上取决于贵方的价格
to order of consignee凭收货人指示交付
undelivered order未交货的订单
value of manufacturer's order制造厂商的订货额
voyage order航次任务书
We are prepared to make a 2% reduction, if your order is big enough.如果你们的订货量大,我们准备减价 2%
We are thinking of placing an order for T5 model我们想订购 T5 型的
We are thinking to order high-speed container ship.我们想订购快速集装箱船
We' ll agree to give you a 4% discount if you increase your order by 5000 pieces.如果贵方增订到 5000 件,我们就同意给4% 的折扣
We may reconsider to reduce our price, if your order is big enough.如果你们的订货数量大,我们还可以考虑降价
We shall be able to give you big orders if you will fully cooperate with us on products quality, price, delivery and payment.你方如能在产品质量、价格、交货和付款方面与我方全力合作,我方将向你方大量订货
We suggest you to order some.我们建议你们订购一些
We want to order a lot of stainless steel tubes also, What quantity can you supply?我们还要订购一批不锈钢管,你们能供应多少?
We want to order sixty sets.我们想订购 60 套
We want to order thirty sets.我们想订购 30 套
What is the minimum quantity of an order for your new product?贵方新产品的起订量是多少?
What type of ship do you want to order?贵方要订购哪种船?
What type of water pump do you want to order?你们打算订购哪种型号的水泵?