
Terms for subject Space containing order | all forms | exact matches only
air tasking order空战任务等级
air tasking order飞行任务单
airspace control order空域控制程序
airspace control order空天控制命令
airspace coordination order空天协调序列
arm-safe order解保一保险指令
assembly order装配命令
assembly order control number装配命令控制号码
automated technical-orders system自动化技术命令系统
await orders待命
await orders site待命阵地
back-order缺货通知单 (尤指军事订货的)
batch order批次
battle order indicator战斗命令指示器
binary order of magnitude二进制数量级
bit-reversed order倒序
carrier-to-third order intermodulation ratio载波三阶互调比
coefficient of the first order一阶系数
common high-order language通用高级语言
current order即时指令=
current order现行指令
current order现时指令
daily routine orders日常命令
defense orderСША.国防定货
determination of polynomial order多项式阶数确定
domestic and international satellite services coordination order国内和国际卫星业务协调规则
dummy order伪指令
engineering change order工程技术更改令
engineering order wire工程勤务线
equal-order digit等阶数位
execution order of node节点执行次序
execution order of statement语句执行次序
executive order执行指令
exponential order指数阶
extra output order附加输出指令
extra pseudo order外加伪指令
finite order model有限阶模型
fire control orders火控命令
firing order发火[点火]顺序
firing order射击命令
firm order固定订货
first-order approximation一阶近似
first order astatic system一阶无差系统
first-order correction一阶修正量
first-order correction一次修正量
first order difference equation一阶差分方程
first order diffraction beam一阶颜色光束
first-order equation一阶方程
first order error propagation一阶误差传播
first-order logic一级逻辑
first order logic一阶逻辑
first-order loop一阶环路
first-order numerical solution一次数值解
first order perturbation一阶摄动 (航天器轨道动力学的)
first order phase transformation一级相变
first-order polynomial fit一阶多项式拟合
first order predicate calculus一阶谓词演算
first order predicate logic一阶谓词逻辑
first-order regression一阶回归
first order second moment一次二阶矩
first order subroutine第一级子程序
first-order system一阶系统
first order transition temperature一级转变温度
formal change order正式更改通知书 (合同的)
fourth-order cumulants四阶累积量
fragmentary order要令 (简化的作战命令)
fragmentary order简令
full order observer全阶观测器
fuze arming order引信解锁指令
high-order language高级语言
high-order loop高阶环路
high-order low-frequency digital filter高阶低频数字滤波器
high order merge高阶合并
high-order mode高阶模
high-order waveguide mode波导高次模
high-order waveguide mode高阶波导模
high-order word高位字
higher-order cumulates高阶累积
higher-order finite difference高阶有限差分
higher order harmonics高阶谐波
higher-order spectrum高阶谱
higher-order statistics高阶统计
higher order time derivative高阶时间导数
hypothetical order code假想指令码
launch order发射命令
launch order verification发射指令验证
low order低阶
low order低次
low order低位
low order end低位端
low order merge低阶合并
low order path adaption低阶通道适配
low order position低位位置
lower-order equivalent system低阶等效系统 (用低阶数学模型分析研究的系统)
micro order微命令
minimum order realization最小阶实现
missile firing order导弹发射命令[指令]
missile firing order导弹发射命令
missile launching order导弹发射命令[指令]
missile order导弹装定[程序]指令
missile setting order导弹装定指令
n-order perturbed solutionn 阶摄动解
n-order recurrence systemn 阶递归系统
nuclear control order核控制命令
offensive missile order of battle进攻性导弹战斗序列
officer on the waiting order待命军官
operation order作战命令
operation order作战命令,操作[运算]指令
operational order作战命令
order book订货簿
order control system指令控制系统
order-disorder transformation有序无序转变
order-disorder transition有序无序转变
order element指令元素
order form订单
order form订货单
order of accuracy精确[准确]度
order of battle战斗序列
order of connection连接顺序
order of merge归并顺序
order of polynomial多项式的阶
order of presentation安排顺序
order-of-magnitude calculation数量级准确度的计算
order parameter序参数
order production订单生产
order reduction for models模型降阶
order statistics顺序统计
order variable序参量
order wire指挥线路
order wire指令线
orderly and out of order有序和无序
out-of-order无次序 (的)
out-of-order失效 (的)
out-of-order失常 (的)
out-of-order signal失常信号
packet order flag包序标志
packing of orders指令组合
partial convolution with inverse order部分反排卷积
phantom order虚设定单
pitch fin order导弹俯仰指令
pitch steering order俯仰操纵[控制]指令
positive order正指令
process backreturn order进程回令
process order进程命令
proper order正确次序
provisional order紧急[临时]命令
purchase requirement and purchase order采购申请与采购单
redistribution order再分配次序
reduced order filter降阶滤波器
reduced order method降阶法
reduced order observer降阶观测器
reduced-order state observer降阶状态观测器
release order释放指令
rough order of magnitude大致数量级
row order行阶
second-order approximation二阶近似
second-order differential equation二阶微分方程
second-order dynamical system二阶动态系统
second-order extended Kalman filter二阶广义卡尔曼滤波器
second order ionization potential二级电离电势[电位]
second-order loop二阶环路
second order moment process二阶矩过程
second order negative feedback loop二次负反馈环
second order non linearity coefficient二阶非线性系数
second-order nonlinearity coefficient二阶非线性系数
second-order numerical solution二阶数值解
second-order oblateness perturbation二阶地球扁率摄动
second order perturbation二阶摄动
second-order perturbation guidance二阶摄动制导
second order phase change二级相变
second-order polynomial fit二阶多项式拟合
second-order predicate calculus二阶谓词演算
second-order signal tracking loop二阶信号跟踪环
second order system二级系统
select order选择命令
sense order读出指令
service schedule order业务调度指令
set order数据库系序
signal communication order信号通信指令
single address order code单地址指令码
single-order device单指令装置
space order of battle空间战斗序列
space order of battle战斗的空间序列
space tasking order空间任务等级
standard operational orders标准作业指令
standard operations orders标准作业指令
standing tactical order现行战术顺序 (命令)
steering order导引指令
steering order控制指令
strategic missile order of battle战略导弹战斗序列
strategic offensive missile order of battle战略进攻性导弹作战序列
subtree order子树次序
take-off order起飞命令
third-order intercept point三阶截距点 (总载波输出功率特定值的)
third order intercept point三阶截距点 (转发器性能指标之一)
third order intermodulation三阶互调
third order intermodulation products三阶互调产物
third order inter-modulation test三阶互调测试 (星载通信转发器的)
third-order non linearity coefficient三阶非线性系数
third-order signal tracking loop三阶信号跟踪环
third-order-tracking loop三阶跟踪环
time-order principle时序性原理
transfer order转移指令
verbal order口头命令
zero-order hold零阶保持器
zero order wave零级波
zeroth order logarithmic distribution function零阶对数分布函数