
Terms for subject Textile industry containing order | all forms | exact matches only
accept an order接受订货
accept one's order as per instructions根据买方指令接受订单
accept order接受订货
acceptance of an order接受订货
acceptance of an order at belowcost price接受低于成本价格的订货
acknowledge of order承认订单
acknowledge of order承认订货
acknowledgement of order接受订货
acknowledgement of order确认订单
actual order实际订货
additional order追加订货加订
advance order预付单
after receipt of order收到订单后
against order根据订单
allocate order调配
apparel order processing module服装按指令加工模块
assembly order装配通知单
authorized order已核准订单
avoid order撤销指令
avoid order撤销订货
avoid order撤销订单
back order尚未交货的订单
back order待交订货
back order暂时无法满足的订货
bad order不良订单
bad order无法满足的订货
bad order外观包装不良
bank money order银行汇单
bank order银行本票
blanket order综合订单
blanket order总括订单
Bureau of Shipment Order船务局货运单
buyer's order客户订单
cancel order注销订单
cancel order取消订货
cancel order撤销指令
cancel order撤销订单
canceling former order撤销前期订货
cancellation of the order撤销指令
cancellation of the order取消订货
cancellation of the order取消订单
cargo shipping order舱单
cargo shipping order货船装货指示
cash order现金支票
cash order即期票
cash order现金汇票
cash order付现票据
cash order现金本票货单
cash order现金订货单
cash with order落单付现
cash with order订购即付 (C. W. O.)
cash with order认购即付
cash with order预付款
cash with order随订单付款
cash with order订货付款
cash with order订货付现
change order变更指令
change order更改订单
charter order租赁委托书
charter order租船委托书
check payable to order记名支票
Christinas orders圣诞节订单
claim to order记名债权
combined order综合订货
combined order组合指令
combined order联合订单
commodity export order商品出口订单
commodity import order商品进口订单
compulsory purchase order强制订购单
compulsory purchase order强制采购证
condition of order订单情况
condition of order订货条件
confirm an order确认订单
confirm an order确认订货
confirmation of order订货确认
confirmation order批准令
confirmation order确认订单
confirming order保兑书
consignee or order收货人或其指定人
consignee order B/L收货人指定交提单
countermand of an order取消订单
custom-order clothing定制服装
custom-order clothing定做服装
cutting order裁剪通知单
cutting order sheet裁剪
cyclic order循环指令
cyclic order周期性订货
definite order最后分保额
delivered to order按订单交货
delivery order出库单
delivery order出栈凭单
delivery order出仓单
delivery order发货单
easy order简易定做
easy order照样订做服装
effect of order有序效应
entertain order接受订货
essential work order基本工作指令
even pick order of wefting偶序引纬
exchange order付款凭证
express money order旅行社汇票
facilities purchase order设备采购定购单
firm order有效订单
firm order确定订货
firm order有效订货
fixed size order定量订货淀量订购
formal order正式订单
forward order托运单
forward order期货订单
forward order运输委托书
forward order订单
fresh order新订单
general order notice一般订货通知
give out order发出指令
give out order发出命令
give out order发岀通知单
heavy order大宗订货
heavy order大量订货
import order进口订单
increase in orders订货增加
influx of order订单涌入
international legal order国际法律秩序
international money order国际邮政汇款单
irrevocable documentary payment order不可撤销的跟单付款委托书
joint order联合订货
joint order联合订单
journey order旅行订单
judicial order判决令
judicial order裁决令
large order大量订货
lateral order横移次序
limit order限制性指令
limit order限价委托
limit order限价指令
load order装船令
load order装货通知单
load order输入指令
locker's order报关表
made to order定制服装
made to order clothing定制的服装
made your order定制的服装
made-to-order from selected materials选料订制
made-to-order from supplied materials来料订制
made-to-order product按订单生产的产品
mail order service邮售服务
mandatory order强制性命令
marketing order运销规定
material order料单
miscellaneous charges order杂费支付通知
miscellaneous charges order杂项支付通知
money order business凭邮汇付款的商业企业
money order delivered in cash付现汇票
month order月度订购
name order list名次表
negotiable order of withdrawal可转让提款通知单
negotiable order of withdrawal可转让提款单
negotiable orders of withdrawal account可转让支付凭证账户,可转让提款单账户
no orders无指示
no orders无订单
note to order记名票据
number of order批号
number of order订单号
numerical order序号
open order未交货订单
open order未完成订单
open order延期交货订单
open order B/L自由转让提单
optimal order最佳程序
optimal order最优订货
optimal order quantity最佳订货量
order a suit定制一套衣服
order and confirmation订货与确认
order and stock订购与库存
order and storage订货与储存
order as per sample按样订货
order backlog待交订货
order backlog未交订货
order bill of lading记名提单
order bill of lading可转让提单
order bill of lading指示提单
order billing开发订单
order blank订货用纸
order blank空白订单
order bond抬头人债券
order bond记名债券
order by sample按样订货
order check可背书转让支票
order clothes定做服装
order confirmation证实订单
order confirmation订货确认书
order confirmation确认订单
order costs分批成本
order costs批量成本
order costs订单成本
order costs订购成本
order cycle订货周期
order draft抬头汇票
order draft记名汇票
order entry进货
order fonn定货单
order for equipment设备订单
order for goods订货
order for goods订货单
order for machinery机器订单
order for sundries订购杂货
order form订货空白单
order form订单格式
order form空白订单
order form订货表
order formal指令格式
order formal订单格式
order giver要求开证的人
order instrument记名单证
order instrument指示票据
order insurance订单保险
order insurance订货保险
order lead time订货到货间隔期
order lead time订货间隔期
order made服装的定制
order magnitude数量级
order magnitude订单额度
order management订单管理
order management订货管理
order management system订单管理系统
order note订货单
order note订货通知
order number指令编码
order number订单编号
order of bank银行抬头
order of buyer买方抬头
order of collecting bank收货人由代理银行指定
order of collecting bank代理银行抬头
order of consignee收货人要求
order of discharge卸货通知单
order of discharge解除破产命令
order of goods订货单
order of goods订货书
order of negotiating bank收货人由押汇行指定
order of negotiating bank押汇行抬头
order of shipper托运人抬头
order of shipper托运人指定的收货人
order of uniform定做制服
order of uniform订做制服
order of vessel航行通知
order-placing meeting订货会
order point control库存高低点控制
order point control定量存货管制
order point control订货点控制
order point system订货水平控制
order point system定量存货管制法
order point system库存高低点系统
order point system订购点系统
order point system订货点控制系统
order policy订购政策
order policy记名保险单
order port装卸货物港
order procedure订购程序
order procedure订货手续
order processing订单处理
order production指令性生产
order quantity订货量
order quantity订购量
order quantity analysis订购量分析
order quantity analysis订购批量分析
order quantity analysis订购量分析表
order quantity decision订货量决策
order rate订购率
order rate订货率
order received收到订单
order register订单登记簿
order sheet订单
order sheet订货单
order size订购规模
order slip订货通知单
order with customer's brand来牌订货
order with customer's sample来样订货
orders in hand未交货在途额
orders in hand未交订货
our order我方订货
our order我方订单
out of order不正常
out of order故障
outstanding order未完成指令
outstanding order未交货订单
paper to order可转让票据
paper to order记名票据
paper to order指示票据
partial order零部件订单
partial order部分订货
partial order偏序
parts requisition and order request零件请购与订货申请书
pass new orders继续订货
pay order支付凭证
pay to order付抬头人
pay to order凭指示付款
payment order支付命令
payment order支付令
pending order待办订单
periodic order周期性订单
periodic order按期订货
periodic order定期订购
photo order照相定制西服不同尺量,不用试样
photo order按照片订制的西服
pile of orders大批订单
place an order订购
place regular order按时订购
place regular order定期订货
plant order工厂订单
plant order设备制造命令
port for orders待命靠港
post money order邮政汇票
post office order邮政汇款单
post office order邮政汇票
post order邮政汇报单
postal order邮汇
postal order邮政汇款单
posting order邮政汇款单
production order生产订货单
production order生产批次
production order生产订单
production order cost生产批量成本
production order cost生产订单成本
production order cost sheet生产批量成本单
production order cost sheet生产订单成本表
production order quantity生产订购量
production order quantity生产批量
production order quantity生产订货量
production order quantity生产订货数量
production order sheet生产指定书
production order system生产订购制
production order system订单生产制度
pseudo order伪程序
pseudo order假订单
pseudo order伪指令
purchase order采购单
purchase order购货订单
purchase order订货单
purchase order item订货单项目
purchase order request订单要求
purchase order revision request订单修正要求
purchasing order进货订单
purchasing order购货单
purchasing order订单
quantity of order订单数量
quantity of order订购量
random order任意状态
rash order紧急订货
readying order备装通知单
recall an order撤销订单
recall an order收回订单
regular order常规订货
regular order正规订单
release in order after examination验后放行
release in order after inspection验后放行
release order放行单
release order释放令
repeat order再订购
repeat order续购单
repeat order重复订货
rescind the order撤销订单
restriction of order订购限制
retail order零售订购
retail order小批订单
retail order零售订货
return shipping order退货运单
returned materials order退料通知书
returned materials order退料单
rush order加急挂号
rush order紧急生产通知书
rush order紧急拨款
rush order急令
rush order紧急订货
sailing order起航令
sailing order开航通知
sale order销货订单
sales order销售订单
sample order板单
sample order订样品
sample order样品订单
sample order试样订货
sampling order样品订单
scheduled orders计划订购量
sealed order密封命令
secure an order接受订单
shipper's order发货人指示
shipper's order bill of lading发货人指示提单
shipping order装运命令
shipping order装货单《贸易》
shipping order装船指示
shipping order舱单
ship's delivery order船舶理货单
shop order车间指令
shop order工作订单
small order小额订单
small order小量订单
sold on order订货销售
special order分批工作通知单
special order特别指令
special order特别订货单
special order cost sheet特种订货成本表
special order decision特别订货决策
special order for goods特种订货单
special product order特制品订单
special product order特殊产品订单
special project program order特殊工程设计程序
specific order分批制造通知单
specific order分批工作通知单
specific order特别订购
specific order特定订单
specific order cost account分批成本账户
specific order system分批成本制度
split order分批订货
split order均分订货
split order分散订货
stack of orders大量订单
standing expense order经常费用单
statement of order costs分批成本表
statutory order法令
stock on order订购货物
stock order股证
stop an order停止订货
stop order止付命令
stop order限额订单
stop order停止证券交易通知书
stop order中止命令
stop order预定低点抛售
stop order指示经纪人买进或卖出的命令
stop payment order停付通知
stop payment order止付命令
storage order存库单
storage order入库单
storage order交库单
store order存储指令
store order材料订单
stowage order积载理舱令
suspend an order中止订货
termination of order订单期满
time order限期指令
time order限时订单
total orders订单总额
transfer of order订单转让
trial order试订货
trial order试单
trial order试订单
trial order purchasing试探性订单采购
unconditional order无条件订单
unconditional order无条件订货
unexecuted order未执行订单
unfilled orders未发货的订单
unit of higher order高价单位
unit of order订购单位
unit of order订货单位
United Kingdom for order英国指定订单
United Kingdom for order英国指定命令
United Kingdom for order英国指定港口
verbal order口头订货
warehouseman's order出库通知书
warehouseman's order出库许可证
world quota order国际限额汇票