
Terms for subject General containing order | all forms | exact matches only
a large order繁重的任务
a large order of fries一份大薯条
Admiralty Fleet Confidential Order海军部对舰队的密令
Admiralty Fleet Order海军部对舰队的命令
aeronautical order航空条令
Air Force General Orders空军通用条令
Air Force Order空军条令
Air Force Reserve Order空军预备队条令
Air Force Technical Order空军技术条令
Air Ministry Order空军部‘令
aircraft technical order飞机技术条令
aircraft transfer order飞机调遣命令
An apple pie and an order of French fries would be great要一个苹果派和一份炸薯条就可以了
Are you ready to order?您可以点菜了吗?
Are you ready to order, gentleman?可以点菜了吗,先生?
arrange in order排列
arrange in order整理
arrange tools in order把工具整理好
back order待补交的订货
be of the order of a thousandth of an atmosphere约为千分之一大气压
be of the same order of magnitudeM 与 M为同一数量级
boomerang order带返回的转移指令
boomerang order自动返回转移指令
by order奉 M 的命令〔指示〕
by the order of按...... 次序
call a meeting to order宣布开会
cash order现金订货〔单〕
cash order即期〔支〕票
Cindy, help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking辛迪,帮我点菜,因为我对美式料理还不太熟悉
come under the orders ofM 服从 M 的命令
come under the orders ofM 接受M的指挥
conditionalstop order条件停机指令
contact of higher order高阶相切
Could I have your order number?能告诉我你的订单号吗?
crystallographic order晶序
current order现行指令
decrease by two orders of magnitude去掉两个零
decrease by two orders of magnitude减少两个量级
decrease by two orders of magnitude减少两位数字
decrease by two orders of magnitude减小两个数量级× 10⁻²
descending order递降次序
Do you want any side orders?你要其他的副餐吗?
draw up in order使排齐
Electric or cooking equipment without permission is forbidden in order to guarantee your safety为安全起见,未经允许,请不要在房内使用电器和烹调设备
fire control order射击指挥条令
first-order frequency基频
first-order result初次结果
give an order for定购〔货〕
give orders发出命令
give orders for the work to be started下令开始工作
go out of order岀毛病
go out of order紊乱
Good evening, gentlemen. Here are the menus. Would you like to order an aperitif?晚上好,先生。这是菜单。您是否要点开胃酒呢?
Good morning. Would you please bring me some breakfast? I'd like to order a hamburger and fries早上好,可否为我送点早餐?来个汉堡包和薯条吧
He bought a tie clip especially in order to match the tie为了配这条领带,他特意买了一个领带夹
How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa?我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证?
I am calling about an order I placed a month ago. It hasn't arrived yet我打电话是因为一个月前我订的东西到现在都还没到
I did not order this one and please change it to lettuce salad这个不对,麻烦换成萬苣沙拉
I'd like to order a small pizza我要点一个小比萨饼
I’d like to order some hand quilting threads, which are popular in our market我想订购些手绗线,它们在我方市场十分畅销
If the sales volume is large enough, we will give you larger orders in the future如果销量够大,我们未来加大订购量
If we place regular orders, can you ensure the quality of your bamboo fiber towels?如我方不断订货,你方能保证竹纤维毛巾的质量吗?
I'll go to order meals. What would you like?我去点餐,你吃什么?
I'll order some pork我要点些猪肉菜
in a retrograde order颠倒地
in a retrograde order次序相反地
in apple-pie order井然有序
in apple-pie order整整齐齐
in apple-pie order十分整齐
in chronological order按时间顺序
in chronological order按年代年月日先后次序
in going order正常
in good working order工作情况良好
in good order整齐
be in order适用适宜,必要
be in order处于可使用状态
be in order正常
be in order整齐有序
be in order完好有条理
in order顺序
be in order按照顺序
in M order处于M状态
in M order按M次序排列
in order〔处于〕完好〔状态〕
in order for以便
in order for目的在于
in order for为了
in order for M to + inf.以便让M能
in order for M to + inf.为了使M得以
in the order ofM 按照 M 次序顺序排列
in order that以便
in order that目的在于
in order that为了
in order to以便 (+ inf.)
in order to为了 (+ inf.)
in regular order有条不紊
in regular order按次序
in reverse order方向相反地
in reverse order次序颠倒地
in short order迅速地
be in the order of约为
be in the order of大约
be in the order of按照〔根据〕…次序
in working order进行顺利的
in working order能适当发挥功〔担负任务〕的
in working order在可使用的状态
inalphabetic order字母表顺序
inthe reverse order方向相反地
inthe reverse order次序颠倒地
into apple-pie order井然有序
into apple-pie order整整齐齐
into apple-pie order十分整齐
It's so tempting to order everything on the menu. It all looks so appetizing!菜单上的菜很吸引人,看起来都很有食欲
keep M in good order使 M 保持整齐
lubrication order〔机械〕润滑规程
be made of the order ofM 达到约 M
made to order定制的
maintenance standard order维修标淮条令
make an order of magnitude improvement inM 把 M改善了一个数量
mapping with order preserving保序唤射
May I take your order now, sir?我可以为您写单了吗,先生?
mobilization orders动员令
multi-order pole多阶极点
multiple-order point多阶极点
nth-ordern 阶〔次〕
of the first order首屈一指的
of the first order头等的
be of the order of magnitude ofM 约为 M
be of the order of magnitude ofM 大约 M
be of the order of magnitude ofM 数量级为 M
of the same order asM 差不多与 M —样
Oh, excuse me. I forget to ask before. Could I order a vegetarian meal, please?噢,您好,忘了问了,我能点一份素餐吗?
on orders fromM 据来自M的指令
on orders fromM 接M发出的指令
on the order ofM 跟M相似的
on the order ofM 数量级为M
on the order ofM 大约M
on the order ofM 数值相当于M
operation order【军】作战命令
operation order操作顺【计】运算指令
operation order【计】运算指令
order M back into命令 M 回到 N (N)
order book订货【军】命令簿
order equipment联络装置
order M from命令 M 离开 N (N)
order M from向 N 定购 M (N)
order M from N to命令 M 从 N 进人P (P)
order number订货号
order number〔顺〕序号
order number订单号
order of merit颁奖名次
order of service发球次序
order of the day流行
order of the day社会风气
order of the reflected rays反射线的次数
order tank计算装置的顺序存储器
order M to命令 M (+ inf., 做)
orders are welcome欢迎订购
out of order有障碍的
out of order有故障的
De out of order发生故障
De out of order失调
out of order损坏
out of order有毛病
out of order不按规则
De out of order出毛病
De out of order混乱
out of order坏了
out of order失调
out of order发生故障
out of order不正常〔的〕
out of order顺序错误
part order零件定货
pay to order ofM 付于 M (或其指定人)
place an order定购
place an order for machines with a factory向工厂预订〔订购〕机器
place an order with M for向 M 定购 N (N)
Please follow the instruction of station staffs and leave the station in order请按站务员的指示有序离开车站
post-office order邮政信箱〔汇票,日戳〕
post-office order
precise order严格的命令
preserve order维持秩序
put ...in order检修
put ...in order调整
put ...in order整理
put in orders for订购
put M on the order of the day把M排到议事日程上
put... on the order of the day把…列人议事日程
put things in order整理
railroad transportation order鉄路运输次序
be ready for orders整装待命
reduce M to a kind of order大体上整理
reduce M to a kind of order把 M 大体上分类
set in order整理
set ...in order调整
set in order调整
set ...in order检修
set ...in order整理
She attached a cheque to the order form她在订货单上附了一张支票
Sorry, the cash register system is out of order. Please follow me to another checkout很抱歉,收银机系统出现故障,我带您去另外一个收银台买单
standing orders标准作战规定
take orders fromM 接受 M 的命令
take things in order依次做事
tall order难办的事
tall order无理的要求
technical order技术条令规则
technical order compliance待修改件
technical order compliance技术命令修改
Technical Standards Orders技术标准说明
That seems like an awful waste! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw, so much away at the end of the meal?那可太浪费了 !大家为什么不少点一些菜呢?这样就可以避免吃完饭后剩下太多了
The freight is a factor that you should take into consideration when you order a large quantity of cushions当订购大量靠垫时,运费应是考虑的因素之一
the order of precedence席〔位〕次
the order went forth that...命令宣布说…
The phone seems to be out of order电话好像出故障了
The telephone is out of order电话机坏了
third order elastic constant第三级弹性常数
This is Barbara in room 209. I'd like to order breakfast,please我是209房的芭芭拉。我想要订份早餐
this order is a must这个命令必须执行
throw M out of order使M失调〔出毛病,发生故障,产生混乱〕
throw M out of order使M产生混乱〔发生故障,出毛病,失调〕
to the order到 M 范围
to the order到大约 M
under pilot's order在引航员指挥下 (direction)
under the orders ofM 遵照M的命令
unit's order个位
variations of n-th ordern 阶变分
We order appetizers first and then entrees我们先点开胃菜,然后再点主餐
What would you like to order?您想要吃些什么?
What's the minimum quantity of an order for your antique Chinese decal enamel vase?你方中华印花搪瓷古董花瓶的起定量是多少?
When it was my time to order, I asked the waitress to bring some jam with my scone到我点餐时,我要求女服务员给我的烤饼来一点果酱
working order工作顺序
Would you like to order now?您现在点菜吗?
Would you like to order some drinks with your meal?喝点什么配餐?
Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了
Your order will be with you very soon您点的菜马上就来
zero of order 1单零点
zero of order 1一阶零点
zero of order nn阶零点