
Terms for subject General containing options | all forms | exact matches only
at one's option随〔任〕意
have no option没有其他的选择余地
have no option but to非… 不可 (+ inf.)
have no option but to只好… (+ inf.)
have no option but to除…外别无办法 (+ inf.)
leave to one's option任人选择
low altitude search option低空搜索选择
make one's option进行选择
none of the options is satisfactory这些选择方案所选择之物没有一个令人满意
option of setting选择再赛权
To deal with the pain, your easiest option is an over-the-counter painkiller such as aspirin or acetaminophen为对付这种疼痛,最容易的选择就是非处方止痛药,例如阿司匹林或退热净。 (小贴士:在国外挂急诊,费用可能会很高,由于国内外医疗体制不同,在国外看病需要注意以下4点:1 •小毛病尽量自己看,出国前多带非处方药;2•选择保险公司指定的医院;3. 牢记该国急救电话,如美国是911, 韩国是119等; 4. 费用可以讨价还价。在美国,很多医疗账单可以打7折。)
Various well-designed standard rooms and deluxe suits have provided me a variety of options客房精心设计的各类标间、豪华套房为我提供了多种选择