
Terms containing opposing | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a decision to oppose an enforcement formula关于停止执行判决的裁决
rugb.action of the opposing team对方队员的行为
footb.award an indirect free kick to the opposing team判对方踢间接任意球
chess.term.border of two opposing powers楚河汉界
gen.comply in public but oppose in private阳奉阴违
interntl.trade.decision to oppose an enforcement formula停止执行判决的裁决
surg.double opposing flap对偶皮瓣
plast.surg.double-opposing tab反向对偶法 (S形皮瓣)
plast.surg.double opposing tab flap双对偶皮瓣用于乳头再造
surg.double-opposing Z plasties对位双 Z 成形术
surg.double opposing Z-plasty四瓣 Z 成形术
plast.surg.double opposing Z-plasty technique双向对偶 Z 成形术
gen.Drinking is a principal cause of traffic accidents. We should strongly oppose drink driving酗酒是交通事故的主要原因。我们应坚决反对酒后驾驶
tech.engine with opposing cylinders对置汽缸发动机
badm.enter opposing team's court进入对方场地
footb.obstruct the opposing goalkeeper阻挡对方守门员
rugb.obstruct the opposing scrum-half阻碍对方争球前卫
rugb.obstruct the opposing team阻碍对方球队
gen.oppose M against使M与N相对立 (N)
gen.oppose M against以M反对N (N)
gen.oppose M against使M对抗N (N)
gen.oppose M against把M与N对照〔相对比〕 (N)
fin.oppose all forms of protectionism反对各种形式的保护主义
econ.oppose an action抗诉
China, polit.oppose and check Taiwan's secession from China by secessionists in the name of "Taiwan independence"反对和遏制"台独"分裂势力分裂国家
archit.oppose d-blade damper反向板条缓冲器
busin.oppose foreign goods抵制外国货
China, polit.oppose formalism反对形式主义
gen.oppose hegemonism反对霸权主义
China, polit.oppose hegemony反对霸权主义
gen.oppose oneself toM 反对M
China, polit.oppose power politics反对强权政治
fin.oppose protectionism in all forms反对各种形式的保护主义
China, polit.oppose terrorism in all its guises反对一切形式的恐怖主义
China, polit.oppose terrorism in all its manifestations反对一切形式的恐怖主义
China, polit.oppose terrorism of all form反对一切形式的恐怖主义
China, polit.oppose the issuing of coercive orders反对强迫命令
gen.oppose M to使M对抗N (N)
gen.oppose M to以M反对N (N)
gen.oppose M to使M与N相对立 (N)
gen.oppose M to把M与N对照〔相对比〕 (N)
fin.oppose trade and investment protectionism反对贸易和投资保护主义
gen.oppose unjust war with just war用正义战争反对非正义战争
gen.oppose violence to violence以暴力对付暴力
sport.opposing attack反攻
chess.term.opposing base line西洋跳棋的对方底线
checkers.opposing base line对方的底线
oilopposing coil反作用线圈
tech.opposing coil反接线圈
el.mach.opposing connection反接
el.mach.opposing connection对接
phys.opposing connection对绕
oilopposing cup对口皮碗
telecom.opposing current反向电流
construct.opposing current逆〔对向〕流
bridg.constr.opposing current逆流
tech.opposing current对向车流
el.opposing electrode反电极
el.opposing electromotive force反电动势
el.mach.opposing emf反电
agric.opposing enzyme拮抗酶
tech.opposing face对置面
el.opposing field反向场
tech.opposing flow反向流
el.opposing force敌对部队
mil., air.def.opposing force对手部队
footb.opposing half前场
footb.opposing half向前场
footb.opposing half双方半场
el.opposing ion反离子
tech.opposing lane反向车道
auto.opposing material对偶材料
tech.opposing movement本地运行
fenc.opposing parry对抗防守
busin.opposing party对方
tech.opposing phase对向相位
chess.term.opposing piece对手棋
chess.term.opposing piece敌兵
sport, bask.opposing players对方队员
sport, bask.opposing players双方队员
met.opposing ram双向打击锤锤头
met.opposing ram无砧座锤锤头
met.opposing reaction对峙反应
met.opposing reaction对抗反应
tech.opposing reaction相反作用
textileopposing roller承压辊
genet.opposing rolling circle model对向滚环模型
genet.opposing rolling circle replication对向滚环复制
sport.opposing side对方半场
sport.opposing side对方
tech.opposing spit逆流沙嘴
tech.opposing spring反抗弹簧
tech.opposing spring反作用弹簧
rugb.opposing team对方球队
spaceopposing torque反作用力矩
oilopposing torque反向力矩
dril.opposing torque反扭矩
tech.opposing torque反抗转矩
auto.opposing traffic道路对向交通
tech.opposing traffic对向交通
railw.opposing train对面列车
busin.opposing value相互抵销的价值
econ.opposing value抵销价值
commer.opposing value对销价值
tech.opposing value抵消价值
tech.opposing value相反价值
interntl.trade.opposing values相销价值
fin.opposing values对销价值
busin.opposing values抵销价值
construct.opposing vehicle对〔相〕向车辆
tech.opposing vehicle对向车辆
tech.opposing water mass交锋水体
tech.opposing water mass振荡的水体
tech.opposing wave反向波
life.sc.opposing wind逆〔迎面〕风
tech.opposing wind迎浪风
wind.opposing wind逆风
wind.opposing wind逆面风
heavy.eq.opposing wind顶风
wind.opposing wind迎面风
desert.opposing wind反向风
chess.term.second line under the line forming the border of two opposing powers宫城线
el.mach.series opposing对接串联
el.mach.series opposing反向串联 (connection)
oilseries opposing串联反向
gen.series opposing反向串联
tech.series-opposing connection反向串联
ecol.strong flow opposing the northeasterly monsoon in winter冬季强的逆风方向的海流
tech.time interval between two opposing trains arriving at station not at the same time不同时到
tech.two-banks opposing spray pattern对喷