
Terms for subject Wrestling containing opponent | all forms | exact matches only
double hold on opponent's leading foot through legs侧面穿握外小腿
drive into opponent's back潜入转移
grapple with an opponent抓握对手
hold opponent's body down压住对手身体
hold opponent's shoulders in contact with the mat for a fixed count抱压对方使双肩触垫达到规定时间
pass behind the opponent后抱腰
push off an opponent推开对方
secure a hold against opponent把持住对手
secure a hold against the opponent把持对手
tackle an opponent扭住对手
throw the opponent to the ground将对手摔倒在地
trip an opponent绊摔对方
wrist-hold between opponent's legs from rear后腹下握腕拉臂翻