
Terms containing opponent | all forms | exact matches only
econ.an opponent vessel对方船
footb.anticipate the opponent's moves预见对方的行动
sport.attack one's opponent攻击对方
footb.attack the opponents' goal进攻对方球门
sport.attack the weak points of one's opponent攻击对方弱点
kick.volley.award a point to the opponent's side对方得 1 分
sport, bask.back into an opponent用背部挤靠对手
footb.beat an opponent过人
footb.beat an opponent越过对手
badm.block an opponent's sight挡住对方视线
sport.block the opponent's attack阻挡进攻
voll.blocking within the opponent's space过网拦网
voll.blocking within the opponent's space进入对方场区拦网
voll.break the opponents' first pass破坏对方一传
footb.capitalize on opponent''s mistake利用对手的错误
bridge.cards of a suit in opponent's hand一个花色在对手中的分配
bridge.cards of a suit in opponent's hand对手分配花色
sport.catch the opponent unawares攻其不备
sport.catch the opponent unawares使对手猝不及防
footb.charge an opponent冲撞对手
hockey.charging opponent突然袭击的对手
chess.term.chariot and cannon attack chariot from behind the opponent's king海底捞月
sport.check the opponent's offensive阻挡进攻
wushu.close in on the opponent逼近对方
wushu.close in on the opponent逼近对方
judo.coil a leg of the opponent's缠脚
judo.contestant's leg coiled against an opponent's leg缠脚
voll.control opponent控制对手
footb.control opponent控制对方
tab.tenn.counter-hit the opponent's service with a quick smash接发球抢攻
bridge.cue bid opponent's suit扣叫对方花色
bridge.cue-bid opponent's suit扣叫对方花色
sport.dash all of the opponent's gold medal hopes使对手无望夺冠
sport.deceive opponent蒙骗对手
sport.defeat the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
fenc.deflect the opponent's weapon格开对方的剑
footb.dispossess an opponent抢到球
footb.dispossess an opponent得球
badm.distract the opponent分散对手注意力
footb.dive bravely at an opponent's feet勇于扑对方脚下球
fenc.divert the opponent's weapon格开对方的剑
wrest.double hold on opponent's leading foot through legs侧面穿握外小腿
rugb.drag an opponent out of a maul把对方队员拉出冒尔外
hockey.draw an opponent吸引牵制对手
hockey.draw opponent牵制对手
sport, bask.draw the opponent on oneself吸引对手
tenn.draw the opponent to the net引对手至网前
badm.draw the opponent to the net引对手至网前
footb.dribbling past an opponent带球过人
wrest.drive into opponent's back潜入转移
w.polo.dunk an opponent压沉对方
footb.elude an opponent晃过防守队员
sport.elude an opponent过人
badm.enter opponent court or space进入对方场区或空间
kick.volley.fall into the opponent's side掉入对方场区
wushu.fend off opponent's blow挡开对方击打
sport.foil the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
sport.foil the opponent's offense挫败对方进攻
sport.follow the opponent's movement关注对手的动向
sport.foul an opponent对对手犯规
sport.frustrate the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
sport.get around an opponent过人
footb.get around one's opponent晃过对方队员
sport.give a thorny problem to one's opponent使对方感到棘手
footb.go past the opponent越过对方
sumo.grab the opponent's throat抓对方喉咙
wrest.grapple with an opponent抓握对手
tab.tenn.hammer one's opponent of the table大力扣杀逼退对手
tenn.hammer the opponent's weakness打击对方弱点
athlet.hang on to the opponent紧跟对手
sport.hang on to the opponent紧跟对手注释:hang on to 系短语动词,有紧跟之意
tab.tenn.have the opponent in a spin打乱对方
expl.He drew his sword and charge his opponent他亮剑向对手发动进攻
box.hit an opponent who is down击打倒地对手
tab.tenn.hit through the opponent's serve接发球得分
w.polo.hold an opponent抱持对方
w.polo.hold an opponent抱人
footb.hold an opponent拉扯对方
sport.hold no terror for the opponent威胁不大
footb.hold opponent拉扯对方
wrest.hold opponent's body down压住对手身体
wrest.hold opponent's shoulders in contact with the mat for a fixed count抱压对方使双肩触垫达到规定时间
voll.hold up opponent's serve拦截对方发球
tab.tenn.induce the opponent to err in attack诱使对方出错
sumo.intentionally grab opponent's hair故意抓对方头发犯规动作
sport.interfere with an opponent干扰对方
badm.Invade the opponent's court!侵入对方场地!裁判用语
footb.jump at an opponent跳起冲撞对手
sport.keep the opponent off balance使对手失去平衡
sport.keep the opponents at bay使对手陷入困境
footb.keep the opponents under constant pressure使对手经常处于压力下
w.polo.kick an opponent踢人
sumo.kick at the opponent's chest or waist踢对方的胸或腰
athlet.kill off the opponents淘汰对手
box.lean on one's opponent贴靠对手
box.lean on one's opponent贴靠对方
tab.tenn.leave the opponent stranded使对方束手无策
bridge.Left-Hand Opponent左手对方
bridge.Left-Hand Opponent下家
judo.lift opponent举起对手
tenn.lob over the opponent挑高球过人
tenn.lob the opponent挑高球过人
tab.tenn.lure the opponent out of position诱使对方站错位
sport.main opponent主要对手
sport.make the most of one's strength and the opponent's weakness以长克短
footb.mark an opponent盯人
w.polo.mark the opponent封闭对手
footb.mark the opponent盯人
footb.misrelay to the opponent错误交球给对方
taekwondo.move away from a downed opponent分开
taekwondo.move away from a downed opponent分开
tenn.move the opponent up and back and from side to side调动对方前后左右奔跑
footb.obstruct the opponent阻挡对方队员
badm.Obstruct the opponent!阻碍对手!裁判用语
fig.skat.obstruction of an opponent阻挡对方
proj.manag.Opponent Color Theory拮抗色学说
multimed.opponent color theory of vision视觉对手颜色理论
textileopponent colors补色
tech.opponent-colors theory对立色理论
tech.opponent-colours theory对立色理论
tenn.opponent court对方场区
interntl.trade.opponent rival firm竞争商家
busin.opponent firm竞争商号
tech.opponent firm竞争同行
econ.opponent firms竞争中的对立商行
sport., med.opponent muscle对抗肌
mahjong.opponent on the left上家
mahjong.opponent on the right下家
sport, bask.opponent's basket对方球篮
tab.tenn.opponent's court对方球台
sport.opponent's court对方场区
badm.opponent's court对方场区
sport.opponent's goal对方球门
footb.opponent's goal area对方球门区
sport.opponent's half对方的半场
baseb.opponent's runs对方得分数
sport.opponent's side对方的半场
bridge.opponent's suit对方的花色
bridge.opponent's suit对方花色
mahjong.opponent sitting opposite对门
sport.opponent to be reckoned with不可藐视的对手
interntl.trade.opponent vessel对方船
sport, bask.opponents' basket对方篮
bridge.opponents bid and raise对手叫牌与加叫
voll.opponents' court对方球场
voll.opponents' court对方场区
handb.opponents, goal对方球门
handb.opponents' goal line对方球门线
bridge.overcall in opponent's major suit争叫对方高级花色
bridge.overcall in opponent's major suit争叫对方高级花色
bridge.overcall in opponent's minor suit争叫对方低级花色
bridge.overcall in opponent's minor suit争叫对方低级花色
sport.overpower the opponent力量胜过对手
wrest.pass behind the opponent后抱腰
voll.penetration into the opponent's court进入对方场区
tab.tenn.pin down the opponent on his backhand and center court压对方反手中路
handb.pivot away from one's opponent转身摆脱对手
handb.pivot into one's opponent转身面向对手
rugb.play an opponent without the ball阻拦无球的对方队员
heavy.eq.point for some opponent针对某一对手进行训练
voll.points from opponents' errors对方失误送分
sport.present a thorny problem to one's opponent使对方感到棘手
wushu.press against the opponent贴靠对方
wushu.press against the opponent贴靠对方
footb.pressurize the opponents in ball possession紧逼对方得球的队员
w.polo.prevent the free movement of an opponent阻止对方的自由活动
sport.probe into the opponent's tactics探虚实
w.polo.pull back an opponent拖动对方
w.polo.pull back an opponent拉人
footb.push an opponent推对方
w.polo.push off an opponent推离对方
wrest.push off an opponent推开对方
w.polo.push off from an opponent推离对方
footb.push the opponent推对方队员犯规动作
sport.put all one's weight onto the opponent全力压向对方
sport.put the opponent to rest使对手信服
sport.put the opponent to silence使对手信服
sport.reduce one's opponent to a passive position使对方被动
gen.refute an opponent驳倒对方
sport.repel the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
bridge.response over opponent's takeout double对方技术性加倍之后的应叫
bridge.responses over opponent's takeout double对方技术性加倍后应叫
bridge.Right Hand Opponent上家位于右方的对手
tenn.run the opponent使对手忙于奔跑
footb.screen an opponent拦截对手
footb.screen off the opponent掩护摆脱对手
wrest.secure a hold against opponent把持住对手
wrest.secure a hold against the opponent把持对手
baseb.shoot the ball into the opponent's goal射球入对方球门
sport.show no fear for a strong opponent不畏强手
voll.simultaneous hit by opponents网上双方同时击球
w.polo.sink an opponent压沉对方
sport.size up the opponent's tactics探虚实
sport.size up the opponent's tussle摸清对方战术
footb.spit at the opponent向对手吐唾沫犯规动作
w.polo.splash in the face of an opponent向对方脸上泼水
sport.steamroll an opponent击败[压倒]对手
wushu.stick to the opponent贴靠对方
wushu.stick to the opponent贴靠对方
w.polo.strike an opponent打人
hockey.strike an opponent打对方队员
handb.strike out of the opponent's hand打持球
handb.strike out of the opponent's hands打持球
wushu.strike the opponent's ears with both fists双峰贯耳
wushu.strike the opponent's ears with both fists双峰贯耳
sport.strong opponent强手
footb.surprise and defeat one's opponent出其不意击败对手
w.polo.tackle an opponent追逐对方
wrest.tackle an opponent扭住对手
rugb.tackle an opponent扑搂对方队员
w.polo.tackle an opponent拖住对手
footb.tackle an opponent抢截对方队员
judo.take hold of the opponent抓住对方
judo.take hold of the opponent抓住对方
tab.tenn.take the edge off opponent's offensive削弱对方攻势
sport.take the opponent by surprise攻其不备
sport.take the opponent by surprise使对手猝不及防
taekwondo.throw the opponent摔出对手
tenn.throw the opponent off紧压对手
wrest.throw the opponent to the ground将对手摔倒在地
box.thrust one's fist into the opponent's face用拳猛击对手面部
sport.thwart the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
sport.thwart the opponent's offense挫败对方进攻
sport.thwart the opponent's offensive挫败对方的进攻
sport.tie the opponents into knots使对手陷入困境
hockey.tie up an opponent挤住对方
gen.tie up an opponent使对手失球
sport.trail far behind one's opponent远远落后于对手
box.training opponent拳击陪练
wrest.trip an opponent绊摔对方
footb.tripping an opponent绊摔对方
footb.tripping an opponent绊倒对方
sport.try to ascertain the opponent's strength探虚实
sport.try to find out the opponent's strength探虚实
bridge.two no trump response over opponent's take-out double对方技术性如倍后二无将应叫
bridge.two notrump response over opponent's takeout double对方技术性加倍后的 2NT 无将应叫
badm.unsight an opponent挡住对方视线
voll.upset the opponents' first pass破坏对方一传
footb.watch an opponent盯人
tab.tenn.wear out the opponent消磨取胜
wrest.wrist-hold between opponent's legs from rear后腹下握腕拉臂翻
hockey.wrong-foot an opponent假动作诱使对方出错脚
proj.manag.You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收支平衡的公式、不论你的对手怎么做