
Terms for subject Construction containing open | all forms | exact matches only
all port open全部油口打开
all port open中立开口 (滑阀在中立位置上,全部通路相通)
be open to traffic开放
be open to traffic通车
casting in open敞开式 〔无盖箱〕铸造
casting in open明浇
casting in open开放型浇注
gate open门通
open-back inclinable press前后送料的可倾式冲床
open bridge敞〔空〕式桥
open bridge floor明〔无碴〕桥面
open butt joint明〔开口〕对接
open-ended design能适应未来发展的设计
open flow capacity无控制出油能力
open fuse明〔敞式〕保险丝
open gears敞式〔无外壳〕齿轮装置
open joint开〔露〕缝接头
open pit样洞
open pit探坑〔井〕
open pit露天矿〔开采坑〕
open question未解决〔容许争论〕的问题
open question未解决的〔待研究酌〕问题
open railway crossing不设护栅的铁路交叉
open side type侧敞开式
open side type单柱式
open space空间隙
open subprogram开型〔直接插人〕子程序
open territory空旷地区
open-wharf mooring island透空式码头系泊岛
open window unit敞窗单位
open window unit敞窗〔声学〕单位
timber open tank application木材敞箱作业