
Terms for subject China containing open | all forms | exact matches only
actively take steps to make administrative affairs more open大力推进政务公开
archive that are not yet open to the public未开放档案
be open and transparent公开透明
sessions of the National Peopled Congress be open to the public全国人民代表大会会议公开举行
be open to traffic anew恢复通行
break open highways挖掘公路
insurance certificates of open policy预约保险单证
insured under the open cover经预约保险合同保险的
make administrative affairs open政务公开
make China more open to the outside world in all respects全面提高对外开放水平
open a cheque account开立支票存款账户
open adjudication system公开审判制度
open administration of village affairs村务公开
open-air burning露天焚烧
open any account in any other person's name以他人名义设立账户
open bidding公开竞价
open consultation公开协商
open cover预约保险合同
open discussion公开论证
open-ended labor contract无固定期限劳动合同
open free of charge免费开放
open further to the outside world扩大开放
open in public当众予以拆封
open or dismantle开拆
open policy预约保险单证
open the court session and try the case开庭审判
open the mail of another person开拆他人邮件
open to foreigners对外国人开放
open trial system公开审判制度
open up to the outside world对外开放
open wider to the rest of the world扩大开放
reform and open to the outside world改革开放
stay open-minded and transparent坚持公开透明
stealthily open the mail of another person私自开拆他人邮件
the rate of open court sessions开庭率