
Terms containing onto | all forms | exact matches only
hydroel.st.accelerating protection for switching onto fault重合于故障线路加速保护动作
cosmet.After using skin care products, apply proper amount onto the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin with finger pulp, evenly extend it onto the whole face, and focus on the blemishes涂抹完保养品后,用指腹取适量抹于额头、两颊、鼻子、下巴,然后均匀地抹开于整个面部,瑕疵处可特别加强涂抹
gen.bake M onto使M烤熔而凝结在N上 (N)
gen.blame M onto把 M 怪到 N 头上 (N)
el.mach.bring onto load装料
el.mach.bring onto load加负载
tech.climbing of wheel flange onto rail轮缘顺轨爬升
gen.concentrate M on onto把M集中对着N (N)
gen.concentrate M on onto把M集中到N上 (N)
oil.lubr.dab onto薄薄地敷上
oil.lubr.dab onto轻轻地抹上
tech.develop a sphere onto a plane把球面投影到平面
gen.direct M onto把M对准〔向着,朝着,对到,射向〕N (N)
cosmet.Direction: After cleansing and toner at night, apply it evenly onto the face使用方法:于夜间洁面、使用爽肤水后,均匀涂于面部
proj.manag.Do not download any freeware onto the computer that you use to access Internet banking不应在你用来登入网上银行的电脑上下载任何免费软件
gen.dump M onto把M倒〔卸〕到N上 (N)
gen.feed M onto把 M 装〔送〕到 N 上 (N)
gen.fit M onto把M安装〔装配〕到 N 上 (N)
gen.fix M onto把M附于 N (N)
gen.flip onto the back翻转
gen.focus M onto把 M的焦点对到 N 上 (N)
gen.focus M onto使 M 聚焦〔集中〕在 N 上 (N)
tech.fork hay onto a stack叉草上垛
gen.funnel onto集中于〔在〕
gen.funnel onto归纳成
gen.GaAs overgrowth onto silicon dioxideGaAs 单晶生长在 SiO₂ 上
gen.glue M onto把 M 黏到〔胶合到〕N上 (N)
gen.guide M onto把 M 引进〔向,出,上〕
econ.He coopts me onto a committee他指派我参加委员会
sport.He fell onto the trackside他摔倒在跑道旁边
gen.hold onto束缚住
gen.hold onto拉住
proj.manag.In a typical camera-phone, the image is focused by the lens onto a photosensitive silicon chip对标准的拍照手机而言、图像是由基于感光性硅芯片的镜头聚焦而得
China, lawjump onto vehicles扒车 (a moving vehicle)
gen.load M onto装载〔满〕 (N)
gen.load M onto把 M 加 〔装〕到N上给…加上负载〔带上负荷〕 (N)
gen.lock onto锁定 (住)
gen.lock onto揪〔钉〕住…不放
gen.lock onto跟踪
gen.lock onto截获
gen.lock onto捕获〔捉〕
gen.lock onto开始自动跟踪瞄准
el.LPCVD a-Si film deposited onto a fused quartz substrate低压化学汽相淀积在熔凝石英衬底上的非晶硅膜
el.LPCVD a-Si film deposited onto a 110-oriented PECVD poly-Si film低压化学汽相淀积在110取向等离子体增强化学汽相淀积多晶硅膜上的非晶硅膜
gen.maintain M onto把M固定在N上 (N)
ITmap onto映到
ITmap onto映成
tech.mapping of a set onto another映成
gen.move onto移〔搬,转〕到…上
tech.one-to-one onto mapping一对一映满的映射
busin.onto function映成函数
tech.onto mapping映满的映射
comp.onto mapping满映射
econ.open onto通往
tech.Paint one color at a time onto the surface of the mould and allow it to harden before moving on to the next color在模具表面着一种颜色,并让其在着下一种颜色前变硬
sport.pass experience onto向…传授经验
gen.pour ontoM 大量地射到 M 上
gen.pour ontoM 涌到 M 上
tech.pressure approach onto wire压力上网
China, lawprior to loading onto and after discharging from the ship装船前和卸船后
geophys.projection onto convex set inversion投影在凸集上反演
gen.pump M onto把M喷 〔射,吹〕到 N上 (N)
sport.put all one's weight onto the opponent全力压向对方
China, lawput onto the agenda of the current session列入会议议程
met.quantity and location of slag splashed onto wall炉墙上的溅渣数量与位置
manag.report -onto作业开始报告
econ.report onto作业开始报告
voll.rock over onto the toes脚跟落地过渡到脚掌
gen.rub M off onto把M擦〔蹭〕到N上 (N)
footb.run onto跑位插上
footb.run onto pitch球员进场
wushu.shift the center of body weight onto...重心移到…
econ.shift the economic crisis onto others转嫁经济危机
gen.shine M onto把M到N上 (N)
econ.spillover effect onto price of goods产品价格产生连锁提价的影响
busin.spillover effect onto prices of goods产品价格产生连锁提价的影响
busin.spillover effect onto prices of goods产品价格产生连锁提价影响
cosmet.Spray onto the pulse points在脉搏点喷撒香水
gen.superimpose M onto把 M 叠在〔放在,加到〕N上 (N)
proj.manag.System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device系统软件执行像从内存传输数据到磁盘、或者将文本递交给显示设备这样的任务
gen.the recording head puts new sounds onto the tape录音磁头把声音录在磁带上
fin.throw fuel onto the fire火上浇油
gen.transfer M onto把M复制到〔转录到〕N上 (N)
wushu.transfer the center of body weight onto...身体重心转移到…
wushu.transfer weight onto left foot重心移至左脚
wushu.transfer weight onto right foot重心移至右脚
gen.turn M onto把M拧到〔在〕N 上 (N)
gen.turn M onto使M转向N (N)
gymn.under salto onto upperarms杠下后回环成挂臂
cosmet.Usage: After facial cleansing, dispense proper amount onto the palm, foam it with fresh water, evenly apply onto the face and completely massage, and then rinse it使用方法:洁肤后,取适量于掌心,加清水揉起泡沫,均匀轻抹于脸部并充分按摩,再用清水冲洗干净
footwearWith this approach I then set about wrapping my foot in tracing paper, and then binding it up in masking tape and then drawing various geometries onto and over the form of my foot通过这种方法,我用描图纸包裹自己的脚,然后用胶带黏合,再根据脚的形状画上各种几何图形
commer.Your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to our Beijing Head Office has been passed onto us你方本月十六日致我北京总公司信件已转至我处