
Terms for subject Sports containing oneself | all forms | exact matches only
ally oneself to与…联合〔结盟〕
ally oneself to与…结婚
ally oneself to加盟
devote oneself to投身于
distinguish oneself大显身手
familiarize oneself with the rule熟悉规则
free oneself from摆脱
gather oneself恢复常态
give a good account of oneself表现得好
give a good account of oneself打出水平
give the best of oneself打出最高水平
loss due to oneself咎由自取的失败
make a name for oneself成名
psych oneself up振奋起来
pull oneself together振作精神
pull oneself together振奋起来
rate oneself掌握速度
rate oneself调整速度
steady oneself使自己坚定[沉着]
strain oneself竭尽全力