
Terms for subject General containing oneself | all forms | exact matches only
abandon give oneself up to despair只会悲观失望
abandon oneself to despair只会悲观失望
abandoned oneself to陷人
abandoned oneself to沉湎于
abase oneself自贬身份 (地位)
absent oneself缺席
absent oneself from不在
absent oneself from离开
absent oneself from使缺勤,席,课…
acclimatize oneself to适应气候,环境
accommodate oneself to适应…的需要
acquaint oneself of熟悉
acquaint oneself of开始知道
acquaint oneself of通晓
acquaint oneself with熟悉
acquaint oneself with开始知道
acquaint oneself with通晓
acquit oneself of完成
acquit oneself of履行
acquit oneself of任,职责
adapt oneself to习惯于
adapt oneself to适合于
adapt oneself to适应
address oneself to致力于
address oneself to向…说话
address oneself to着手
address oneself to谈到
address oneself to论述
address oneself to从事于
adjust oneself to使自己适应于
advantage oneself of乘…的机会
advantage oneself of利用
affiliate oneself to加人…作为成员
affiliate oneself with加人…作为成员
all by oneself单独
all by oneself自动地
all by oneself独自〔力〕
ally oneself with与…结婚
ally oneself with与…联合〔结盟〕
apologize for oneself替自己辩护
apply oneself to岳研
apply oneself to专心致力于
arrogate to oneself冒〔妄〕称
associate oneself with赞成
associate oneself with支持
associate oneself with加人
associate oneself with参加
associate oneself with... in an enterprise与…联合从事一项事业
assure oneself of查明
assure oneself of弄清楚〔明白〕
assure oneself that查明
assure oneself that弄清楚〔明白〕
attach oneself to附属
attach oneself to依附
attach oneself to加人
avenge oneself on向…报仇〔报复〕
avenge oneself upon向…报仇〔报复〕
avow oneself自称为 (to be)
be a fool to oneself出于好心干费力不讨好的事
be addicted to .addict oneself to一心在
be addicted to .addict oneself to嗜好
be addicted to .addict oneself to沉溺〔热中〕于
be ashamed of oneself for因…感到惭愧
be beside oneself情不自禁
be beside oneself失常
be beside oneself得意忘形
be garb oneself inM 穿 M 衣服 (服装)
be oneself again身体或精神恢复正常
be pride of oneself自豪
be pride of oneself得意
be sure of oneself自信
bear oneself为人处世
bear oneself举止
bear oneself表现
bear oneself引为
bend oneself to专心致志于
bend oneself to专心于
bend oneself to致力于
bend oneself to热心从事
betray oneself原形毕露
betray oneself露出本来面目
blow oneself狼吞虎咽
blow oneself贪食
boast oneself of自夸
boast oneself of自负
bow oneself out皇族鞠躬告退
brace oneself振作起来 (up)
brace oneself抖擞精神 (up)
brace oneself鼓起干劲 (up)
breast oneself to挺身抵抗
bring defeat upon oneself招致失败
bring oneself to下决心
bring oneself to奋力
bring ruin upon oneself自取灭亡
bring to oneself使自己清醒过来
bring to oneself使自己意识到
buckle oneself to专心从事
burn oneself out精疲力竭
burn oneself out耗尽精力
burst oneself过劳伤身
busy oneself about忙于
busy oneself in忙于
by oneself自行
by oneself独自
by oneself单独
all by oneself单独
all by oneself独自
by oneself没有人帮助
by oneself一身
carve for oneself自由行动
cast oneself on指望
cast oneself on仰仗
cast oneself on委身于
cast oneself on依赖
cast oneself upon指望
cast oneself upon仰仗
cast oneself upon委身于
cast oneself upon依赖
clear oneself of洗清
clear oneself of表白
commit oneself to + inf.保证答应负责
compose oneself安心
compose oneself镇静
concern oneself with关心
conduct oneself表现
conduct oneself行为
conduct oneself in society做人
content oneself with满足于
contradict oneself自相矛盾
convince oneself of承认
convince oneself of认识了
convince oneself of确 〔深〕信
deceive oneself想〔弄〕错
deceive oneself误解
declare oneself表明态度〔身份〕
declare oneself发表意见
declare oneself to be satisfied表示满意
defend oneself答辩
defend oneself自卫
defend oneself against防御
deliver oneself of正式发表意见
deliver oneself of说出
deliver oneself to向…自首
deliver oneself to向…投案
detach oneself from脱离
detach oneself from同…分开
devote oneself on从事
devote oneself to专心从事
devote oneself to致力于
devote oneself to钻研
devote oneself to献身
devote oneself to M as long as life endures为M奋斗终生
dissociate oneself from否认和…有关系
dissociate oneself from与…无关系
dissociate oneself from断绝和… 的关系
distinguish oneself由…出名 (by)
divest oneself of脱去
divest oneself of放〔抛〕弃
divorce oneself from objective reality脱离客观实际
do oneself justice发挥自己的能力
domicile oneself at...在…定居下来
domicile oneself in...在…定居下来
drown oneself in埋头于
embroil oneself in使某人〔自己〕卷人纠纷
employ oneself on花费时间在
employ oneself on从事于
to endear oneself to… 受…喜爱
enroll oneself for…登记参加…
equip oneself forM 给自己准备M
establish oneself in任职
establish oneself in住〔定居〕在
excuse oneself替自己的…辩解 (for)
exercise oneself in + ing练习
exert oneself努力
exert oneself to + inf.尽力
exert oneself to + inf.努力
exhaust oneself with做得筋疲力尽 (+ ing)
explain oneself交代清楚
explain oneself解释明白
express oneself表达自己的思想〔意见〕
express oneself assatisfied表示满意
express oneself satisfied表示满意
extricate oneself from摆脱
extricate oneself from脱离
fall over oneself拼命赶
fall over oneself给弄糊涂了
fall over oneself因匆忙或动作不灵跌跤
fall over oneself for急于争取
fall over oneself for极想
fall over oneself forto + inf.渴望
familiarize oneself with使自己精通〔熟悉〕
fancy oneself自以为是 (to be)
fasten oneself on缠住不放
fasten oneself upon缠住不放
feed oneself自己吃
feel like oneself觉得身体健康
feel like oneself觉得精神舒畅
feel quite oneself觉得健康
fend for oneself避开灾祸等
fend for oneself照料自己/至加尬挡〔躲〕开
figure to oneself想象
find it in oneself to do sth.忍心做某事
find oneself发现〔觉〕自己在 (处于)
find oneself不知不觉
find oneself意识到
find oneself感觉
find oneself in the mire陷人困境
find oneself in the mire束手无策
find oneself in the mire掉在泥坑里
find oneself with the responsibility of感到自己有…责任
fit oneself for做好… 的准备
flatter oneself自以为
foist oneself on sb.硬缠着某人而不肯离开
for oneself亲自
for oneself独自〔立〕地
for oneself为自己
form oneself intoM 排成 M 形
frame to oneself想象
fulfil oneself in彻底发挥自己的才能
fulfil oneself in完全实现自己的孢负
fulfill oneself in彻底发挥自己的才能
fulfill oneself in完全实现自己的孢负
garb oneself asM 打扮成M (模样)
gather oneself together集中全力
gather oneself together振作精神
gather oneself together鼓起勇气
gather oneself up集中全力
gather oneself up振作精神
gather oneself up鼓起勇气
get oneself into a bad fix陷人困境
get oneself photographed请人给自己照相
gird oneself for准备
give oneself up to埋头于
have oneself photographed请人给自己照相
have sth. to say for oneself有要辩白的话
hold oneself ready to + inf.准备好做…
hug oneself for因…而沾沾自喜
hug oneself on因…而沾沾自喜
hug oneself over因…而沾沾自喜
identify oneself with与…有关
identify oneself with和…打成一片
identify oneself with参与
identify oneself with参加〔投身〕到…中去
identify oneself with拥护
immerse oneself in埋头于
in a class by oneself独具一格
in a class by oneself特好
in a class by oneself独一无二
in a class by oneself出众
intrude oneself into干涉
intrude oneself into妨碍
intrude oneself into闯进
keep oneself close不与人相往来
keep oneself in the foreground处在最显著的地位
keep oneself in the foreground站在前面
know oneself有自知之明
lay oneself out to + inf.尽力
lend oneself to参与
lend oneself to赞助
lose oneself消失
lose oneself迷路
lose oneself in埋头〔专心〕于
lose oneself in verbiage废话连篇
make a fool of oneself弄出笑话来
make a of oneself行为卑鄙
make a of oneself行同禽兽
make beast of oneself行为卑鄙
make beast of oneself行同禽兽
make oneself familiar with同…好〔熟悉,亲近〕起来
make oneself the master钻研
make oneself the master精通
make oneself the master熟练
make oneself responsible for…的责任
make oneself understood说明〔表达〕自己的意思
make oneself understood使了解自己的意思
nerve oneself振作起来
nerve oneself鼓起勇气
occupy oneself in + ing从事
occupy oneself with + ing从事
of oneself自然而然
of oneself自发地
of oneself独自
one should know oneself人贵有自知之明
oneself of使自己确信
oneself of自信
oneself of把…搞清楚〔弄明白〕
oppose oneself toM 反对M
orient oneself toM 使自己适应M
outsmart oneself聪明反被聪明误
overdo oneself过分努力
overdo oneself勉强
overreach oneself枉费心机
overreach oneself弄巧成拙
overshoot oneself弄巧成拙
overshoot oneself做得过火
owe it to oneself to + inf.该为自己应该 有必要
own oneself in承认
perjure oneself作伪证
perjure oneself发假誓
persuade oneself
place oneself on record公开发表意见
place oneself on record被记载下来
place oneself on record被记录下来
place oneself upon record被记载下来
place oneself upon record公开发表意见
place oneself upon record被记录下来
pledge oneself to保证
plume oneself onM 以M为荣
plume oneself onM 以M自夸
possess oneself of据有
possess oneself of获〔取〕得
possess oneself of持有
present oneself到场
present oneself出席 (现)
price oneself out of the market厂商定价过高漫天要价以致减少没有销路
pride oneself onM 得意于
pride oneself onM 以 M 自豪
pride oneself uponM 得意于
pride oneself uponM 以 M 自豪
promise oneself确信
promise oneself期待
promise oneself决心
promise oneself指望获得
put oneself on record被记载下来
put oneself on record公开发表意见
put oneself on record被记录下来
put oneself out of the way to + inf.不辞辛苦帮助别人
put oneself right说明自己的真正用意
put oneself upon record被记载下来
put oneself upon record公开发表意见
put oneself upon record被记录下来
puzzle oneself aboutover, upon, to + inf.为…而深思苦想大伤脑筋
range oneself on the side ofM 站在 M 的立场上
range oneself on the side ofM 拥护 M
range oneself withM 站在 M 的立场上
range oneself withM 拥护 M
read to oneself默读
readdress oneself to重新着手〔致力于〕
recollect oneself使自己冷静下来
reconcile oneself toM 甘心于〔听从于〕M
reduce oneself intoM 陷人 M 的地步
register oneself在选民册上登记姓名
remember oneself反省
remember oneself言行失检后冷静反思
render oneself up to投降
repeat oneself重复〔演〕
represent ...to oneself想象出
resign oneself to服从
resign oneself to甘心于
resign oneself to甘心接受
resign oneself to听任〔从〕
rest oneself休养
reverse oneself aboutM 完全改变对 M 的看法
reverse oneself overM 完全改变对 M 的看法
rid oneself of摆脱
rid oneself of去掉
rid oneself of驱〔清,排,免〕除
rid oneself of除去
right oneself表白
right oneself辩明
right oneself人或船恢复平稳
sacrifice oneself牺牲
sate oneself withM 享足M
sate oneself withM 饱享M
saturate oneself inM 埋头研究
saturate oneself inM 埋头在 M 中
see for oneself亲眼去看
see for oneself亲自求证
serve oneself ofM 利用 M
set oneself to着手 (+ inf.)
set oneself to决心 (+ inf.)
sever oneself from脱离
sever oneself from和…分离
sever oneself from退
shake oneself together振作起来
shelter oneself为自己辩护
shelter oneself掩护自己
shift for oneself自行设法
shift for oneself自力更生
soak oneself in埋头研究
solace oneself withM 用 M 来安慰自己
speak for oneself为自己辩护
steep oneself in沉浸于
steep oneself in钻研
steep oneself in埋头于研究
stick oneself in the mire束手无策
stick oneself in the mire陷人困境
stick oneself in the mire掉在泥坑里
stoop oneself弯腰
strict oneself toM 只局限于 M
take a firm hold on oneself冷静
take a trust on oneself负责任
take counsel with oneself仔细考虑
take credit to oneself forM 把M归功于自己
take merit to oneself for自夸…是自己的功劳
take merit to oneself for把…当做自己的功劳宣传
take on oneself承担
take the responsibility upon oneself负责
take upon oneself承担
talk to oneself自言自语
teach oneself自学
think to oneself心里想
throw oneself down on在…上面
throw oneself into专心从事
throw oneself into开始积极做
throw oneself into投身于
throw oneself on依赖〔靠〕
throw oneself on求助于
throw oneself upon依赖〔靠〕
throw oneself upon求助于
tie oneself up in knots使自己陷人困境
tie oneself up into knots使自己陷人困境
trouble oneself to + inf.特意
trouble oneself to + inf.不辞辛劳地
will oneself into contentment强自慰解
will oneself into contentment迫使自己满意
wind oneself a bonny pirn遭到困难
wind oneself a queer pirn遭到困难