
Terms for subject Technology containing one-way | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
alternate one-way traffic交替单向交通
alternate one-way traffic control交替单向通行控制
coasting time for one way旅行时间
criterion for application of one way street采用单向交通的条件
one best-way一种最好的方式
one way disc垂直圆盘犁
one-way单向 (性)
one-way单行 (线)
one-way accelerator单向加速器
one-way air valve单向空气阀
one-way alternate current locomotive单向交流机车
one-way alternate traffic单向交替交通
one-way annual carrying capacity单向流 (动)
one-way annual carrying capacity单向年通过能力
one-way anti-thrust pier单向推力墩
one-way automatic leveling device单向自动平层装置
one-way board单向控制板
one-way bottle non-returnable一次瓶
one-way bus单向总线
one-way cable duct单向电缆通道
one-way carrying capacity单向运能
one-way channel单线航道
one-way channel单向波道
one-way channel单向纹道
one-way channel单向通道
one-way channel单行航道
one-way chromatogram单向色谱
one-way circuit单向电路
one-way circulation单向循环
one-way clamp单向钳位
one-way classification一向分类
one-way classification单因素分组
one-way classification一向分组
one-way classification yard单向编组场【铁】
one-way clutch单向离合器
one-way clutch单向联轴节
one-way clutch mechanism单向离合机构
one-way cock单向考克阀
one-way cock止回旋塞
one-way conducting device单向导通装置
one-way container单向集装箱
one-way container一次性集装箱
one-way continuous slab单向配筋连续板
one-way crown一面排水路拱
one-way cylinder单作用油缸
one-way damp circuit单向钳压电路
one-way dimension单向尺寸
one-way disc harrow灭茬圆盘耙
one-way distance measuring单向测距
one-way distribution单向分布
one-way drawing单向牵伸
one-way element单向元件
one-way encryption单相密码
one-way entrance单行入口
one-way equality单向相等性
one-way fashion单向式
one-way feed单路馈电
one-way feed单向馈电
one-way feeding单边供电
one-way finite automata单向有穷自动机
one-way fired furnace单室炉
one-way fired furnace单向火焰炉
one-way fired pit单向均热炉
one-way fired soaking pit单向焰均热炉
one-way flat slab system单向钢筋平板系统
one-way flat slab system单向无梁板系统
one-way gradient单坡
one-way heat pipe单向导热管
one-way hydrant单向消火栓
one-way input tape单向输入带
one-way interaction单向交互作用
one-way joist construction单向次梁结构
one-way joist construction单向龙骨构造
one-way lane单车道
one-way lane单向车道
one-way laser单向激光器
one-way layer-built total-sun method单向分层总合法
one-way line单向线路
one-way lockage单向过闸
one-way lubricating system单线润滑系统
one-way maximum peak hour passenger capacity高峰小时单向最大输送能力
one-way maximum peak hour passenger volume高峰小时单向最大客流量
one-way membrane单向膜
one-way merge单向合并
one-way mine单翼开采
one-way miniature单向小型的
one-way mining单翼开采
one-way mirror单向镜 (从亮室看是镜,从暗室看透明)
one-way motion单向运动
one-way movement单向运动
one-way navigation channel单向航道
one-way navigation channel单行航道
one-way navigational channel单向航道
one-way navigational channel单行航道
one-way non-deterministic stack单向不确定栈
one-way observation单向观测
one-way only operation单路操作
one-way orientation单向取向
one-way pack单向装填
one-way package一次性包装
one-way pair双条单向
one-way pair单向双车道
one-way passenger capacity单向客运能力
one-way path单行道
one-way pavement单向车行道
one-way permutation pit sinking单排井孔沉井
one-way phase switcher单向移相器
one-way phase switcher单向相位转换开关
one-way plough单向犁
one-way plough单向圆盘犁
one-way plow单向犁
one-way radio单向无线电通信
one-way ram单程油缸
one-way ramp单向坡道
one-way ramp单向匝道
one-way ranging单向测距
one-way reinforced单向钢筋的
one-way reinforced单向布筋的
one-way reinforced单面加筋 (的)
one-way reinforced单向配筋的
one-way reinforced plate单向配筋板
one-way reinforced slab单向配筋板
one-way reinforcement单向布筋
one-way reinforcement slab单向板
one-way reinforcement slab单向配筋混凝土板
one-way reinforcement system单向配筋系统
one-way remote monitoring system单路遥控监测系统
one-way repeater单向中继器
one-way repeater单向增音器
one-way repeater单向转发器
one-way restricted zone单向通行区
one-way restricted zone单向通行限制区间
one-way revolving spanner单向活动扳手
one-way road单向交通道路
one-way road单行线
one-way road单行路
one-way road单向路
one-way road单行道
one-way satellite system单路卫星系统
one-way section单向行驶线段
one-way service pipe system单向供水
one-way service pipe system单向供水系统
one-way shear单边剪切
one-way sign单向通行标志
one-way signal单组信号
one-way slab单向配筋板
one-way slab单向钢筋混凝土板
one-way slab单向平板
one-way slab system单向板系统
one-way slab system单向钢筋混凝土板系统
one-way slope单向横坡
one-way slope单坡面
one-way slope单面坡 (度)
one-way slope单向坡度
one-way snow plough单行雪犁
one-way stack单向栈
one-way stack automaton单向栈自动机
one-way street单向交通道
one-way street单向通行道路
one-way street单行线
one-way street单向交通街道
one-way switch单路开关
one-way switch单头开关
one-way system单向系统
one-way system单向配筋系统
one-way throttle valve单向节流阀
one-way thrust ball bearing单向止推滚珠轴承
one-way thrust bearing单向止推轴承
one-way time aligned单程时间对齐
one-way traffic单向通话
one-way traffic单向联络
one-way traffic单向行驶
one-way traffic单向通信 (业务)
one-way traffic单向运输 (量)
one-way traffic lane单向通行道
one-way traffic lane单向行驶航道
one-way traffic turn单向转弯
one-way transit单向过闸
one-way transmission单向传递
one-way transmission单向传送
one-way transmission line单路输电线
one-way transmission line单向传输线路
one-way transparent glass单向透视玻璃
one-way valve piston单向阀活塞
one-way valve sleeve单向阀阀套
one-way valve spring单向阀弹簧
one-way volume单向交通量
one-way water supply station单向给水站
periodic one-way sign定时单向通行标志
periodical one-way sign定时单向通行标志
planning for one-way street单向交通街道规则
reverse one-way street可变单向交通街道
reversible one-way street往复变向的单向交通街道
reversible one-way street可变单向交通街道
roller-type one way clutch滚柱式单向离合器
slab with one-way reinforcement单向加筋板
sprag type one way clutch斜撑式单向离合器
ventilation of one-way and opposite angles单翼对角式通风