
Terms for subject Dentistry containing on the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A temporary filling will be placed on the tooth给这颗牙暂封
An immediate denture can be inserted on the same day of the tooth extraction拔牙的当天就可以有一个即刻义齿的戴入
Avoid exercise and don't take a bath on the day of extraction拔牙当天请不要洗澡和运动
Can you see the red stains on your teeth?您看见牙齿红染的地方了吗?
Did the pain come on suddenly?是突发的疼痛吗?
Do you feel a high spot on the tooth?您感觉咬合时有高点吗?
Don't chew on the right side of your mouth for at least two hours两小时内不要用您的右侧吃东西
How long have you had the white plaque on the buccal membrane?您颊粘膜上的白色斑块出现多长时间了?
I will drill the tooth to remove the decay and enlarge the root canal from now on我用牙钻去除龋坏物并扩大根管
I will put a red color liquid on your teeth so that we can see the sugar bugs我将用红色的液体涂抹你的牙齿以便我们能看到牙虫
I'll design your denture on the study model我将在研究模型上设计您的义齿
I'll do a pulp test on the tooth to find out whether the pulp is healthy我想给这颗牙进行牙髓活力测试,看看牙髓是否正常
I'll fix the crown on your tooth. Prosthetic treatment of dental arch defection and absent我将把冠粘固在你的牙上。
I'll put a plastic temporary crown on the teeth我将为您做一个塑料临时冠
I'll put some medicine on the surface of your gums我将在您的牙龈表面涂些药物
I'll put this rubber dam on the teeth to get a dry field我将把橡皮障放在牙齿上以便获得干燥的环境
I'm going to dry the tooth by blowing air on to it我将用气枪吹干您的牙齿
Implantation is the way of the treatment to make a hole on the jaw bone, to put a metal basement and place a kind of denture on it种植是一种治疗方法:首先在颌骨体上钻一个洞,然后植入金属牙根,最后在牙根上放上一种义齿
It depends on the result of the examination, whether you can have implant treatment or not您是否适合种植牙治疗取决于检査结果
It is mainly calcium from the saliva which has formed hard deposits on the teeth主要是唾液中的钙离子沉积在牙面上的软垢中形成了牙结石
Now I will put the red disclosing solution on your teeth现在我将在您的牙齿上涂菌斑显示液
On which side of your mouth did you chew until you felt the symptoms?直到出现症状时,您通常用哪侧咀嚼食物?
Please bite firmly on a piece of gauze for twenty minutes until it has stopped bleeding, Then place the used gauze in a plastic bag and tie tightly before disposing it in the rubbish请紧咬棉球二十分钟直到止血。然后把棉球吐到塑料袋中系紧再丢入垃圾袋。
Please bite on the wax firmly请咬紧蜡片
Please move the brush downwards on the upper teeth and upwards on the lower teeth刷上颌牙牙刷应向下移动,刷下颌牙牙刷应向上移动
Please put your card on the desk and wait until we call you请把卡放在桌子上等着我叫您
The acid dissolves the enamel and brings on cavities酸溶解牙釉质后形成龋洞
The deep grooves on the back teeth are easy to be decayed后牙上的深裂隙容易发生龋坏
The length of the bristles row on the head of the toothbrush should be as long as the width of the index and middle fingers together牙刷头的长度应是示指和中指宽度之和
The next appointment is at nine am, on Friday周五早晨九点复诊
To provide a clean and dry working field on the tooth, I'll put this rubber dam on your tooth为了能获得一个清洁干燥的工作环境,我将给您的牙上放上橡皮障
Use an up and down scraping motion on the sides of each tooth在每个牙的各个面上上下摩擦
When did you find the erosion area on your buccal membrane?您颊粘膜上的糜烂面出现多长时间了?
You can eat about an hour after extraction but please chew on the other side of extraction and eat soft food, And avoid eating hard, hot and spicy food一小时后您可以用对侧吃些软食,不要吃硬的、热的和辛辣的食物