
Terms containing on the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.Actually, if you miss the freight arrival, you d probably have to pay dock dues on the cargo事实上,如果货物已到达,您却不经意忽略了,您可能要支付码头费
gen.an important item on the agenda一项重要议程
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry化学进展年报杂志名
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: "Inorganic Chemistry"化学进展年报,A 辑:"无机化学"
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: "Organic Chemistry"化学进展年报,B 辑:"有机化学"
gen.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: "Physical Chemistry"化学进展年报,C 辑:"物理化学"
gen.appear on the scene登场
gen.appear on the scene出现在舞台上
gen.appear on the stage出台
gen.Are the gifts sent anonymously on Valentine's Day?情人节送出的礼物都是匿名的吗?
gen.At last we were on the London-ward leg of our journey我们终于踏上了去伦敦的旅途
gen.At least the weather seemed unlikely to cause any significant delays on Wednesday至少,天气看起来不可能造成星期三任何明显的延误
bowl.bowling on the green草地保龄球运动
gen.city on the sea靠海的城市
gen.come die on the gallows上绞架被绞死
gen.come down on the right side of fence附和胜方
gen.come on the line投人运行
gen.come on the scene登场
gen.come on the scene出现在舞台上
gen.Could you put your hand baggage on the counter, please? Do you have any gifts, plants, or food in here?请把手提行李放在柜台上好吗?你有没有带什么礼物、植物或食品来这里?
gen.Couldn't be worse. I spent almost the same time in the airport as I spent on the plane糟透了,在机场待的时间都跟在飞机上待的差不多了
gen.count on the fingers屈指计算
gen.Criminals were kept in the cages on the Alcatraz Island刑事犯曾被关在恶魔岛上的牢房里
gen.cut on the bias斜切〔裁〕
gen.David stood on the deck of the huge cruise ship at dawn, looking out over the ocean as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun大卫站在巨大游轮的甲板上迎接着黎明到来,他眺望着大海,尽量避免目光与耀眼的太阳直接接触
gen.declare war on the old world向旧世界宣战
gen.descend on the right side of fence附和胜方
gen.Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?我得付烟酒税吗?
gen.Do not stand on the forbidden area请远离站立禁区
gen.draw on the International Monetary Fund向国际货币基金组织提款
gen.draw the curtain onM 掩盖M
gen.draw the curtain onM 结束M
gen.Excuse me, sir. I noticed that the astray on the table was broken. Do you know how it happened?打扰一下,先生。我发现桌上的烟灰缸摔碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?
gen.explain the sentiments of M on解释 M 对〔关于〕N 的意见 (N)
gen.Frankfurt on the Main美因河畔法兰克福西德
gen.Frankfurt on the Oder奥德河畔法兰克福东德
gen.get one's foot on the ladder跨出成功的第一步
gen.get on the stick精神饱满地工作
gen.get on to the ropes熟悉适当手续
gen.get the grab onM 占据比M有利的地位
gen.get the grab onM 强〔胜〕过M
gen.get the low-down on得知…的真相〔内幕〕
gen.Hello, sir. I booked my flight on the Internet. How can I confirm the information?先生,您好!我在网上订了机票,要怎么确认信息呢?
gen.history is silent on the subject历史上没有记载这件事
gen.hit the nail on the head说〔猜〕对了
gen.hit the right nail on the head说得〔解释,理解〕正确
gen.hit the right nail on the head做得恰到好处
gen.hit the right nail on the head中肯
gen.hit the nail on the head完全做对了
gen.hit the nail on the head正中
gen.Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies. Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot好莱坞的电影制片人认为美国人大多喜欢看动作片,于是许多电影便充斥着演员开车、开飞机或徒步追逐的场面
gen.How long will the cast be on?石膏要打多久?
gen.if the job is of small dimensions, whether to use planer or shaper will depend mainly on the quantity required如果工件是小尺寸的,那么是用龙门刨还是用牛头刨就主要取决于所需的数量
gen.If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
gen.If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
gen.If you need to clean your room, put the clean card on the door如果您需要清理房间,请把“清洁牌”挂在门外
gen.If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
gen.Imagine you were being informed by finance that the traveler's check you had accepted yesterday is not valid because the guest had signed on the wrong position. How would you feel?想象一下,财务部通知你,昨天你收到的一张旅行支票客人签字签错了地方,所以无效,你会怎么办?
gen.information on the mechanical properties关于机械性能的资料
gen.It depends on your weight. Come on to the scale, please!收费是按体重来算的。上这个秤,看看吧!
gen.It feels like there are more cars on the road every single day好像每天街上的车都越来越多
gen.It runs every hour on the hour. So the next train leaves in 20 minutes每小时一列,整点发车,所以下趟车在20分钟后出发
gen.It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry一个机翼上的几个螺母松了。这样的事常发生,不必担心
gen.It's so tempting to order everything on the menu. It all looks so appetizing!菜单上的菜很吸引人,看起来都很有食欲
gen.jam the bracks on紧急刹车
gen.Keep a close eye to your carry-on when you are in the departure lounge在候机室时要看管好自己的随身行李
gen.keep one's finger on the pulse of充分了解…
gen.keep one's finger on the pulse of掌握…的脉搏
gen.keep on the course尽自己的职责
gen.keep on the course笔直走
gen.keep on the course循正确道路前进
gen.keep on the course循跑道前进指马
gen.keep M on the move使 M 继续运〔流〕动
gen.keep on the rails使循规蹈矩
gen.keep on the rails使安分守己
gen.lay on the colours夸大 (too thickly)
gen.lay on the colours过分渲染 (too thickly)
gen.lay on the shelf废弃不用
gen.lay on the shelf束之高阁
gen.lay on the shelf搁在架子上
gen.lay...on the table把…搁置下来调査等
gen.lay the blame on M for使M负N 之责 (N)
gen.lay the blame on M for把N的责任归咎于M (N)
gen.lay the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
gen.lay the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
gen.Let me see what s available... Yes, Air China has a flight on March 28 th at 7:30 pm, besides, the United also has a flight at 9:00 am让我查一查余票。中国国航有一班3月28日晚上7点30分起飞的飞机。美联航也有一班,早上九点起飞
gen.lift the curtain onM 揭露M
gen.lift the curtain onM 揭开M的序幕
gen.Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤、工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭舌帽
checkers.move on the diagonal沿对角线走
gen.No burr, scratch, flow mark, shrinkage defects, etc. on the surface of product外观表面不可有毛边、刮痕、流痕、缩水等不良现象
gen.on an the same footingwith…和…以同样的资格
gen.On New Year's Day, people in certain countries gather on beaches and run into the water, which is known as polar bear plunges新年当天,人们有习俗聚集到海边,跳入水中集体冬泳。他们管这叫“北极熊跳”
gen.On Sunday I always stroll along the Hamoa Beach星期天我常在哈默阿海滩散步
gen.on the凌空地
gen.on the顺便地
gen.on the不经意地
gen.on the air lamp表示"正在广播"的红灯
gen.be on the alert提防
gen.be on the alert处于戒备状态
gen.be on the alert随时警惕着
gen.be on the alert警戒
gen.be on the alert注意
gen.on the analogy ofM 照M来推论
gen.on the analogy ofM 从〔根据〕M类推
gen.on the anvil在准备中
gen.on the anvil在讨论中
gen.on the assumption that以…的设想为根据
gen.on the assumption that假定…的情况下
gen.on the authority of根据
gen.on the average平均来说
gen.on the back of加之
gen.on the back of紧靠…的后面
gen.on the back of在…背后
gen.on the basis of以…为度
gen.on the basis of以…为基础
gen.on the basis of依据
gen.on the beach失业
gen.on the beach离船
gen.on the beach上岸
gen.on the beach担任陆上职务
gen.on the beach处于困境
gen.on the beach在海滩上
gen.on the beam-ends几乎倾覆
gen.on the beam-ends十分拮据
gen.on the beam-ends山穷水尽
gen.on the beam-ends计穷智尽
gen.on the beam-ends船身侧倾
gen.on the behoof of为了…的利益
gen.on the bend鬼鬼祟祟的
gen.on the bend阴险的
gen.on the boil在沸腾〔沸点,兴奋中〕
gen.on the border of将 〔正〕要
gen.on the borders近交界处
gen.on the borders在边界上
gen.on the bottle用奶瓶喂养
gen.on the bottle好酒贪杯
gen.on the bottle吮奶瓶
gen.on the bounce在节骨眼上
gen.on the bounce劲头十足
gen.on the bounce在弹起时
gen.On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles他的鹰钩鼻上架着一副金色无框眼镜
gen.on the buy买势很旺
gen.on the cards有可能实现的
gen.on the cards可能的
gen.on the chance of指望
gen.on the chance of希望能够
gen.on the chance that指望
gen.on the chance that希望能够
gen.on the charge of因…的嫌疑
gen.on the charge of因…罪
gen.on the climb有迁升的希望
gen."On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People"《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》
gen.on the cross斜对角
gen.on the cry据说
gen.on the cry传闻
gen.on the decline在下坡路上
gen.on the decline在低落 〔衰退〕中
gen.be on the decrease减下去
gen.be on the decrease在减少中
gen.on the dot准时
gen.on the drink嗜酒的
gen.on the east…的东面 (of)
gen.on the edge坐立不安
gen.on the edge of快要
gen.on the edge of将要
gen.on the edge of在…边
gen.on the face脸上
gen.on the face of字面上
gen.on the face of从…的外表判断起来
gen.on the face of it从表面现象来看
gen.on the face of it乍看起来
gen.on the face of it可贝
gen.on the face of it明明
gen.on the face of it从外表判断
gen.on the faith of由…的保证
gen.on the faith of凭…的信用
gen.on the farther bank of the river在河的彼岸
gen.on the flat平面图的
gen.on the flat在纸上
polo.on the flat没有让步条件的
gen.on the fly狡猾地
gen.on the fly游荡作乐
gen.on the fly在飞行中
gen.on the fly匆忙地
gen.on the fly在空中
gen.on the fly飞着
gen.on the forward stroke在前推动作〔冲程〕中
gen.on the ground地上
gen.on the ground surface地面
gen.on the ground that...以…为根据
gen.on the ground that...以…为理由
gen.on the ground that...由于…
gen.on the grounds that...以…为根据
gen.on the grounds that...以…为理由
gen.on the grounds that...由于…
gen.on the hands of由…负责〔担〕
gen.on the hands of交托给
gen.on the hands of在…掌握中
gen.on the heels of接踵而来
gen.on the heels of紧跟着…
gen.on the high side偏高〔低〕
gen.on the high side稍高〔低〕
gen.on the horizon在地平线上
gen.on the horizon刚冒出地平线
gen.on the hour在某一钟点
gen.on the hour准点地
gen.on the hour在某一整点
gen.on the house白给〔拿〕的
gen.on the inside在〔从〕里面
gen.on the instant马上
gen.on the instant立即 (刻)
gen.on the intake stroke在吸人冲程
gen.on the internet网上
gen.on the job参与工作
gen.on the job在现场
gen.on the job工作时
gen.on the latch碰锁,弹簧锁锁着
gen.on the latch插销闩着
gen.On the left side of this hallway s end. Go downstairs and you'll find the room on your right在这个走廊尽头左边,走下楼梯,你就会在你的右手边找到洗手间
gen.on the level老实
gen.on the level坦率
gen.on the level公平
gen.on the line立即
gen.on the line马上
gen.on the line处于危险状态
gen.on the line在界线〔线路,轨道〕上
gen.on the line在和眼睛一般高的地方
gen.on the line在工作〔发电〕中
gen.on the line在最显著的地方
gen.on the line正在通话中
gen.on the lips of出自…之口
gen.on the lips of挂在…嘴上
gen.on the lips of在…流传
gen.on the listen在注意地听着
gen.on the lookout for警戒
gen.on the lookout for注意
gen.on the map屈指可数的
gen.on the map重要的
gen.on the merits of the case按事件的是非曲直
gen.on the model of仿照
gen.on the moment马上
gen.on the moment立刻
gen.on the move在移〔流,活〕动中
gen.on the neck ofM 紧跟在M后面
gen.on the night of某日晚上
gen.On the night of the prom the seniors were on a cloud举行学生舞会的晚上,高年级学生都兴高采烈
gen.on the north在 M 以北〔北面〕
gen.on the north of the city在城的北郊
gen.on the north of the city临城北
gen.and on the other hand另一方面…
gen.on the other hand但是又
gen.on the other hand另一方面
gen.and on the other hand一方面…
gen.on the other side在对面
gen.on the outskirts在M的外边〔郊区〕
gen.on the part ofM 就M方面〔角度〕来讲
gen.on the part ofM 在M方面
gen.on the port beam在左〔右〕舷正横方向
gen.on the prescribed form以规定的形式〔表格〕
gen.on the pretence of托词
gen.on the pretence of假托
gen.on the pretence of以…为借口
gen.on the pretence that托词
gen.on the pretence that假托
gen.on the pretence that以…为借口
gen.on under, upon the pretext以 M 为借口
gen.on the qui vive警戒着
gen.on the quiet私下地
gen.on the quiet偷偷地
gen.on the quiet秘密地
gen.on the ramble在散步
gen.on the rearward of在… 的后方〔面〕
gen.on the reverse汽车倒开着
gen.be on the right lines以同样〔正确,错误〕的方针〔路线,方法〕
gen.on the right side of fifty50 岁以下
gen.on the rise在涨〔增加〕
gen.on the roadside在路旁
gen.go, run, strike, be driven, be thrown on the rocks毁坏
gen.go, run, strike, be driven, be thrown on the rocks破产
gen.go, run, strike, be driven, be thrown on the rocks遭难
gen.go, run, strike, be driven, be thrown on the rocks触礁
gen.on the rope爬山者用绳相互系在一起
gen.on the same score用同样理由
gen.on the same terms以同样条件
gen.on the scale of M to按 M 比 N的比例 (N)
gen.on the score ofM 为了 M
gen.on the score ofM 鉴于M
gen.on the score ofM 由于M
gen.on the score ofM 因为M
gen.on the sea临海
gen.on the sea在海边
gen.on the sea坐着船
gen.on the sea在海上
gen.on the shelf闲置的
gen.on the shelf退役的
gen.on the shelf搁置一旁的
gen.on the shop floor在工人中间
gen.on the shop floor下车间 (工厂)
gen.on the side另外
gen.on the side加之
gen.on the slant倾斜着〔地〕
gen.on the small side较小
gen.on the small side比较小
gen.on the small side略小
gen.on the sneak秘密地
gen.on the sneak偷偷地
gen.on the spur飞快地
gen.on the spur全速地
gen.on the spur of the moment当场
gen.on the spur of the moment马上
gen.on the spur of the moment即席
gen.on the spur of the moment不加思索地
gen.on the square公平正直
gen.on the 1st of May在五月一日
gen.on the straight老实地
gen.on the straight笔直
gen.on upon the stretch处于紧张状态
gen.on the subject of论述〔及〕
gen.on the substitution of M in把 M 代人 N 之后 (N)
gen.on the sudden出乎意外地
gen.on the sudden忽然
gen.on the sudden突然
gen.be on the telephone装有电话
gen.be on the telephone正在打电话
gen.on the 5th proxmo下月五日
gen.be on the threshold ofM 在M的开头〔起点〕
gen.be on the threshold ofM 就要
gen.be on the threshold ofM 处于M的初级阶段
gen.be on the threshold ofM 刚开始M
gen.on the tilt倾斜着
gen.on the turn正在转变中
gen.on the turn正在变化
gen.on the understanding that...条件是…
gen.on the understanding that...如果…
gen.on the understanding that...以…为条件
gen.on the up grade兴盛
gen.on the up grade上升〔坡〕
gen.be, stand on the verge of接近于
gen.be, stand on the verge of濒于
gen.be, stand on the verge of即将
gen.be, stand on the verge of快要
gen.be, stand on the verge of差一点就要
gen.be, stand on the verge of将近
gen.on the voyage home在归航途中
gen.on the voyage homeward在归航途中
gen.on the voyage out在岀航途中
gen.on the voyage outward在岀航途中
gen.on the water在水〔船〕上
gen.be on the way out快要不用了
gen.on the way out将变为过时〔陈旧〕
gen.be on the way out将要过时〔淘汰〕
gen.on the way to路上
gen.on the whole总之
gen.on the whole总的来说
gen.on the whole整个地
gen.on the whole基本上
gen.on the whole大致
gen.on the wing旅行中
gen.on the wing飞行中
gen.Once the discharge formalities completed, the cashier will issue a list which be presented to the nurse on your unit一旦出院手续办好后,收费处会出具一张出院清单,这张清单要交给您所在病房的护士
gen.parasite on the community社会的寄生虫
gen.Passengers can download flight schedules on the Internet旅客可以在网上下载航班时刻表
gen.play a searchlight on the along the road用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
gen.play a searchlight on the clouds用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
gen.play a searchlight on the over the sea用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
gen.Please hold on. The subscriber you dialed is busy now请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中
gen.Please leave the dirty plates on the table. We will soon take them away就放在桌子上吧,我们马上就拿走
gen.Please put me on the earliest possible connecting flight to San Francisco请帮我订一张最早的飞往旧金山的联运航班
gen.Please sign them again on the back. May I see your passport, please? Thank you. That's 50 dollars. Please count it to make sure it's correct请您在支票后面再签个字。我能看一下您的护照吗?谢谢。一共是50美元,请您点清钱数
gen.Please sign your name on the bottom line and put down your address here请在支票底端的线上签名,并在这儿写下您的地址
gen.Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名
gen.Please tell him I would like to buy the car on the TV commercial请转告他我想要买电视广告上的汽车
gen.Please write your account number on the back of the check请在支票背面写上你的账号
gen.plot out on the chart在航海图上标明船的位置
gen.print on the memory记在心上
gen.print on the mind记在心上
gen.puck tied up on the boards挤球至界墙
gen.raise the embargo on...允许…出口
gen.raise the embargo on...对…解禁
gen.range oneself on the side ofM 站在 M 的立场上
gen.range oneself on the side ofM 拥护 M
gen.Remember to cover yourself with a blanket when you sleep on the plane在飞机上睡觉的时候,记得盖毯子
gen.set the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
gen.set the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
gen.set the seal on批淮
gen.set the seal on盖印于
gen.sit on the fence踌躇
gen.sit on the fence犹豫未决
gen.sit on the fence孢骑墙态度
gen.sit on the fence观望形势
gen.sit on the hedge耍两面派
gen.sit on the hedge骑墙
gen.sit on the safety-valve采取压制手段
gen.sit on the safety-valve竭力压制激昂情绪不使发泄出来
gen.Some of us got giddy on the dance floor我们有些人在舞池中转晕了
gen.Something is wrong with my wife. She's lying on the floor. She's unconscious!我妻子生病了。她瘫倒在地,不省人事!
gen.Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee有时候,我们在过于关注杯子的同时却忘记了去品味咖啡
gen.Sorry, there is not complete product information on the warranty card. We can't fix it for you抱歉,您保修卡上的产品信息不完整,我们不能为您维修
gen.switch on the electric light开电灯
gen.take it on the chin忍受痛苦
gen.take it on the chin失败
gen.take off the embargo on...允许…出口
gen.take off the embargo on...对…解禁
gen.take sb. on the rebound利用某人情绪的波动说服其改变做法
gen.Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November in the USA and on the second Monday of October in Canada在美国,每年十一月的第四个星期四便是感恩节,而在加拿大,感恩节则是在十月份的第二个星期一
gen.The bank adds on a 5 % handling charge for changing the traveler's cheque换旅行支票,银行要收取5%的手续费
gen.be the best authority onM M 方面的最高权威
gen.The big napkin goes on my lap大餐巾就摊放在大腿
gen.the boot is on the other leg事实恰恰相反
gen.the boot is on the other leg应由其他方面负责
gen.the boot is on the other leg事实恰相反
gen.the bottle has a label on瓶子上贴了标签
gen.the brakes on no two cars are alike没有两辆车上的闸是一样的
gen.have the bulge on sb.占…的上风
gen.have the bulge on sb.对…占优势
gen.The cloche looks very becoming on you你戴这顶钟形帽特别合适
gen.The coffee cup is placed on an antique occasional table咖啡杯放在一张古色古香的备用小桌上
gen.The company, with rooms designed in France ahead of product development strengths, keeps on leisure, fashion, elegant women's style该公司凭借在法国的设计室超前的开发优势,不断推出休闲、时尚、优雅的女装款式
gen.The current National Christmas Tree was planted on the Ellipse in现在的这棵国家圣诞树是1978年在椭圆广场栽种的
gen.the cutter is supplied with a tolerance on width of plus 0. 005 in. and minus 0. 001 in.这铣刀的宽度公差为 +0,005 英寸和-0,001英寸
gen.the dependence of M onM对N的依赖关系〔关系曲线〕 (N)
gen.The detailed information is on the board. Please go and see it详细情况在那块利率牌上。请去那里看看吧
gen.the effect of heat on metals热对金属的影响
gen.The figures and the words on the check do not agree这个数字和您支票上写的不相符
gen.The flight is running on the runway, Max and his tour group is coming飞机降落跑道了,麦克斯及他的旅游团马上就来了
gen.The fresh-baked multigrain bread is on sale. Would you like to have a try?新出炉的五谷面包现在特价。来一个,要吗?
gen.the greatest ...on record前所未闻的
gen.the greatest ...on record有史以来最大的
gen.The guests had cocktail on the terrace before dinner晚饭前,客人在阳台上喝鸡尾酒
gen.the handbrake is on手闸煞住
gen.the handwriting on the wall预〔凶〕兆
gen.the handwriting on the wall不祥之兆
gen.The high price has brought about great effect on the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining industry in the downstream高油价对石油化工业及下游的石油炼制工业产生了深刻的影响
gen.The hotel is on fire now. Please evacuate immediately酒店发生火警,请立即离开房间
gen.the influence of temperature on pressure温度对压力的影响
gen.the last word onM 有关 M 的最新消息〔观点〕
gen.the last word onM 关于 M 问题的定论
gen.the lights were all full on电灯全亮着
gen.The musk ox steak on my plate is succulent摆在我盘子里的麝牛牛排鲜嫩多汁
gen.the new play is on新戏正在上演
gen.The new style in cowboy shirt did not take on, despite all attempts to popularize it尽管尽力推广牛仔衫的新式样,但其销量依然不佳
gen.the only thing we have to go on is...我们唯一所依据的是…
gen.The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall on us after a week on the beach我们在沙滩上待了一周之后,对日光浴已经兴致大减
gen.the radio is on无线电正开着〔正在广播〕
gen.The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I could not get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside房间的隔音设备太差了。我和我先生昨晚都没睡好觉。外面整晚都在施工
gen.the second paragraph on page5第五页第二段
gen.The ship is about to start. Let's go on board船就要开了,我们上船吧
gen.the ship is still on the slips这艘船仍在修造中
gen.the tap is on龙头开着
gen.the tide is on the flow潮水正在上涨
gen.the tools go on the bottom shelf工具放在架子的底层
gen.the turbine works on rising or falling tides水轮机靠潮水涨落来运转
gen.the water is on the point of boiling水马上就要开了
gen.the window looks on the street窗户朝着街道
gen.the writing on the wall危机〔灾祸〕降临的预兆
gen.The young man bought a hat with a decorative clasp on the downside那个年轻人买了一顶下侧有饰扣的帽子
gen.throw on the screen放映
gen.to be on the safe side为可靠起见
gen.to be on the trail of紧追
gen.to be on the trail of跟踪追赶
gen.Traditionally, spring begins on St. Valentine's Day February 14th , the day on which birds chose their mates. In parts of Sussex, Valentine's Day was called “the Birds,Wedding Day”按照传统,情人节这一天也预示着春天的来临,小鸟们会在这个时候选择它们的伴侣。在英国的苏塞克斯郡,人们称情人节为“百鸟成婚节”
gen.try it on the other leg试用所剩的最后方法去做
gen.Two Australians, Mack and Jill, are camping on the Kangaroo Island两名澳洲人,梅克和吉儿,正在袋鼠岛上露营
gen.We all had a good time on the Siesta Beach我们在午休海滩上玩得很开心
gen.We can get there on time if the lights are with us如一路绿灯,我们能准时到达
gen.We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换
gen.We have all the latest apparatus, such as bicycles, bar & dumb bells and so on我们有最新的运动器械,例如自行车、杠铃、哑铃等
gen.We lay on the Kahanamoku Beach, saturated in sunshine我们躺在卡哈纳莫沙滩上,沐浴在阳光里
gen.We're paying on the one card我们用一张信用卡付账
gen.Whether one looks at films, videos or books, the genre is clearly on the rise无论是电影、视频还是书籍,这类题材的作品无疑是在增长中
gen.wither on the vine流产
gen.wither on the vine夭折
gen.without reflecting on the consequences不顾后果
gen.Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the rocks?您要鸡尾酒还是要威士忌加冰?
gen.Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?
gen.Would you please put them on the scale?把它们放在秤上好吗?
gen.Would you please put your suitcases and bags on the scale?您能把箱子和包放到秤上吗?
gen.Would you please seal your bag properly ? I'll place a fragile sticker on the bag ?您能妥善封好您的包吗?我会在行李上贴上易碎标签
gen.Would you put your baggage on the machine, please?请您把行李放在机器上好吗?
gen.You may get the electricity by inserting the room card into the switch on the wall进入客房,只需将门卡插入墙上的控制开关,客房内的电源就会接通
gen.You must turn right into the Strand. Go straight on and Trafalgar Square is at end of the road. You can't miss it!你应该向右转进入到河岸街。向前直行,特拉法尔广场就在路尽头。你不会走错的
gen.You saw the bus accident? Tell me about it. You know Li Ming was on that bus你看到那场交通事故了吗?给我讲讲。你知道李明也在那辆车上
gen.You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light你需走一会儿,直到你遇到第一个红绿灯
gen.You would be sunburnt quickly on the beach在海滨你很快就会晒黑
gen.You'd better go to our Customer Service Counter on the mezzanine and check on it您最好到我们中层楼的顾客服务台查询一下
gen.You'd better try on the shoes before you buy them在买鞋之前你最好试穿一下
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