
Terms for subject Business containing on net | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
annual return on net fixed asset固定资产年净收益
net gain on exchange汇兑纯收益
net income retaining percentage on base year net income按年基数净收益计算的留成率
net income retaining percentage on net income increment按增长净收益计算的留成率
net loss on pilot run failure试制失败净损失
net loss on sale销货纯损
net loss on sales销货损失净额
net mark-on percentage净增价百分率
net mark-on percentage净加息率
net mark-on percentage净增百分比
net profit on net working capital ratio净流动资本净利润比率
net profit on tangible net worth ratio有形净值净利润比
net profit rate on investment投资纯利率
on net按净计算
O/n on net按净计算
O/n on net净计
ratio of margin on sales to net sales销货毛利与销货净值比率
ratio of margin on sales to net sales销货毛利与销货实值比率
retained income incentive based on increased net income增收留成奖
return on net worth净值收益率即股东产权收益率
tax on net profit basis纯利税