
Terms containing on net | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.annual return on net fixed asset固定资产年净收益
econ.balance of payment on net liquidity basis按净清偿能力计算的国际收支
interntl.trade.balance on net liquidity basis按净清偿能力计算的国际收支差额
fisherygill-net on stakes定置刺网
econ.Gross and net weight have been marked on package包上已标岀毛重和净重
commer.Gross and net weights are to be marked on each package每一包件上必须标出毛重与净重
badm.hang on the net球挂在网上
econ.It is imperative for the seller to clearly state on the invoice the net, tare and gross weights卖方必须在发货票上写清楚净重、皮重和毛重
baseb.knock-on net球门网
tech.look on net侦察鱼群的网
textilenet gain on exchange汇兑纯益
busin.net gain on exchange汇兑纯收益
busin.net income retaining percentage on base year net income按年基数净收益计算的留成率
busin.net income retaining percentage on net income increment按增长净收益计算的留成率
busin.net loss on pilot run failure试制失败净损失
busin.net loss on sale销货纯损
econ.net loss on sales销货净损失
busin.net loss on sales销货损失净额
busin.net mark-on percentage净加息率
busin.net mark-on percentage净增价百分率
busin.net mark-on percentage净增百分比
textilenet profit on net sale ratio净销售净利润比
busin.net profit on net working capital ratio净流动资本净利润比率
textilenet profit on sale销售净利润
textilenet profit on sale销货纯利
interntl.trade.net profit on sales销售净利
interntl.trade.net profit on sales销货纯利
fin.net profit on sales销售净利 (net trading profit)
tech.net profit on sales销货净利
busin.net profit on tangible net worth ratio有形净值净利润比
busin.net profit rate on investment投资纯利率
textilenet profit rate on sale销售纯利率
econ.net profits on net sales净利与净销售额
econ.net profits on net working capital净利与流动资本净额
securit.net profits on net working capital净经营资本的纯利润率
securit.net profits on tangible net worth有形资产净值的纯利润率
dril.net time on bottom纯钻井时间
fin.official figures on net new loans官方净新增贷款数据
commer.on a net delivered weight按目的港交货净重计算
UN, econ.On a net present value basis按净现值计算
econ.on net净计
interntl.trade.on net按净计算 (on)
textileon net按净价
textileon net按净值
busin.on net按净计算
securit.on net按净价计
busin.O/n on net按净计算
busin.O/n on net净计
telecom.on-net call在网呼叫
telecom.on-net call网内呼叫
commer.operating ratio based on net sales按销售净额计算的营业比率
interntl.trade.payment net cash against shipping documents on arrival of goods货到凭运单付现款
el.Petri net test generation on systems皮特里网系统测试生成
el.processor pipeline on problem net面向问题网络的处理机流水线
securit.profit on net worth ratio净资本收益率
hockey.puck on the net落到球门网上的球
fin.rate of return on net worth净值报酬率
busin.ratio of margin on sales to net sales销货毛利与销货净值比率
busin.ratio of margin on sales to net sales销货毛利与销货实值比率
tech.ratio of margin on sales to net sales销货毛利与销货比率
IMF.recurrent taxes on net wealth对净财富征收的经常性税收
busin.retained income incentive based on increased net income增收留成奖
fin.return on net assets净资产回报率
securit.return on net assets净资产回报
oilreturn on net worth资产净值利润率
econ.return on net worth净值报酬率
fin.return on net worth净资产收益率
busin.return on net worth净值收益率即股东产权收益率
interntl.trade.return on net worth净值收益率
commer.return on net worth净值收益率 (指股东产权收益率 (rate of return on stockholder equity))
tech.return on net worth净值收益 (率)
tech.rockwool mat with wire net on one side岩棉钢丝网缝毡
telecom.see you on the net!网上见网上告别用语
met.symposium on near-net-shape casting in minimills小钢厂近终形连铸研讨会
met.symposium on near-net-shape casting of steel strip带钢近终形连铸研讨会
tech.tax on net investment income投资净收入税
securit.tax on net investment income投资净收人税
busin.tax on net profit basis纯利税
IMF.taxes on corporate net wealth公司财产净值税
IMF.taxes on personal net wealth个人净财产税
proj.manag.The semantic web aims to allow computers to extract useful information from data on the net语义万维网的目标是让计算机从网络中的数据中获取有用的信息
proj.manag.The sharp drop in interest rates caused ICBC to suffer a 76 basis-point fall in its net interest margi year on year, to 2. 25 per cent利率的大幅下降、导致工行净利差减少76个基点、缩减至2.25%
telecom.voice on the net网上视听在因特网上进行实时声音和视频传输的技术
ITvoice on the net网上语音
avia.voice on the net语音网络
securit.weighted average return on net assets加权平均净资产收益率