
Terms for subject Librarianship containing on | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Board on Scientific and Technical Information【加拿大】科技情报咨询委员
Advisory Board on Scientific and Technical Information
Advisory Board on Scientific and Technical Information【加拿大】科技情报咨询委员会
advisory committee on library图书馆顾问委员会
annotation based on character shape, pronunciation, or meaning转注
bibliography of works on forgery detection辨伪目录
bibliography on bronze and stone inscriptions金石文献
black mark from uncut space on block墨盖子
Board on Geographic Names美国地名委员会
books on reserve限时使用资料
books on reserve指定读物
Buddhist sutra written on pattera leaves贝叶经
CA on CD【美国】《化学文摘》光盘数据库
characters in intaglio on black space阴文
characters on folding line
characters on folding line
characters on pottery陶文
Chemical Abstracts on CD【美国】《化学文摘》光盘数据库
collated and annotated edition based on various other editions of the same title校本
collation based on citations from various sources活校
collation based on the same book本校法
collations based on external resources旁证
commentary on previous annotations or commentaries
comprehensive gazetteer on all places in the country总志一统志
Council on East Asian Libraries【美国】东亚图书馆协会
dark ink on heavy paper乌金拓
document on bamboo and silk竹帛
documents on bamboo and silk简册帛书
drawing on experience借鉴经验
handbook on bamboo竹谱
hands-on practice实际操作
hands-on practice动手操作实践
hands-on practice动手操作练习
hands-on practice session动手操作实践课
hands-on practice session动手操作练习课
IFLA Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression国际图联咨询自由委员会
IFLA Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression国际图联信息存取和言论自由委员会
imprint based on fire-damaged books焦尾本
inscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks石鼓文 (Spring-Autumn Warring States Period)
International Council on Archives国际档案理事会
item on hold预约图书
light ink on thin sized paper sprinkled with mica蝉翼拓
linings on four edges of a book or a painting衬边
log on注册登录
log on进人系统
manual on seals印谱
MEDLARS on Line【美国国家医学图书馆】网上医学文献分析与检索系统
monograph on administrative geography地理志
monograph on administrative geography地形志
monograph on administrative geography州郡志
monograph on administrative geography郡国志
monograph on carriages and dress舆服志
monograph on financial administration in dynastic histories食货志
monograph on law刑法志
monograph on official posts职官志
monograph on official posts百官志
monograph on omens and anomalies五行志
monograph on the examination system选举志
not on shelf架上无书
not on shelf不在架上
old book on white paper白本
on*demand software按需软件
on expiration还期
on expiration到期
on expiration截止期
on expiration到期日期
on expiration归还日期
on-going funding年度固定拨款
on-going publication连续性出版物
on loan借书
on loan外借
on loan已借出
on order正在订购
on order订购中
on shelf在架
on-site hosting solution本地主机解决方案
on-the-fly record临时书目流通记录
on-the-job training业务学习
on-the-spot book acquisition现场采购会
one-on-one instruction一对一指导
Protection Regulations on Information Transmission Through Network信息网络传播权保护条例
publishing on Internet网络出版
purchase on demand按需采买
put a book on hold图书外借预约
restriction on access访问限制
restriction on use限制查阅
restriction on use有限开架
restriction on use有限査阅
restriction on use有限查阅
restriction on use有限使用
running commentary on upper margin眉批
running title appearing on book ear耳题
scan on demand按需扫描
signature on books or paintings款识
studies on library posts图书馆帖子研究
title on case函套题名
treatise on agriculture农书
United Nation Group of Experts on Geographical Names联合国地名专家组
United States Board on Geographic Names, Board on Geographic Names美国地名委员会
white lining on yellow paper金镶玉
works on cultural relics文物专论